YSD4DSM ;DALISC/LJA - Master DSM-IV Conversion Routine ;[ 07/13/94 2:37 PM ] ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;;Dec 30, 1994 ; QUIT ;-> ; ---------------------- DSM Patient Data Conversion ------------------- ; Call CONVERT to start the DSM-IV Conversion process... ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERT ; D CHECKENV^YSD4C000 QUIT:'YSD4OK ;-> Call examines environment, and ; establishes var's needed for ; control of following process ; ; Give user overall process instructions IF restarting I '$O(^YSD(627.99,0)) D INSTR^YSD4C001("OVERALL",0,2,2) ; S YSD4RS=0 ; restart switch ; ; Let user stop process now IF restarting... I $O(^YSD(627.99,0)) D . S YSD4RS=1 . D OUT^YSD4PRE0 ; Place out order message on all DSM options . S YSD4DIRA="OK to restart conversion now" . D OKCONT^YSD4C000(2) . I 'YSD4OK D Q . . D OUT^YSD4POST . . K YSD4RS ; CTRL1 ; YSD4POST calls here... Independent calls allowed to CONVERT, above. ; Tell them ^MR conversion is starting... Ask for OK I $$DO^YSD4C010("MRCONV") D . D INSTR^YSD4C001("STARTMR",0,2,1) . D CTRL^YSD40030 ; Convert ^MR data here ; ; Tell user ^GMR(121 conversion is starting... Ask for OK I $$DO^YSD4C010("GPNCONV") D . D INSTR^YSD4C001("STARTGPN",0,1,1) . D CTRL^YSD40050 ; Convert ^GMR(121 data here ; ; Tell user ^YSD(627.8, conversion is starting... Ask for OK I $$DO^YSD4C010("DRCONV") D . D INSTR^YSD4C001("STARTDR",0,1,1) . D CTRL^YSD40040 ; Convert ^GMR(121 data here ; ; Tell user that Conversion is completed... D INSTR^YSD4C001("PROCDONE",0,2) ; D ERRORS D:YSD4RS OUT^YSD4POST ; take out of order message off all DSM options K YSD4RS QUIT ; ERRORS ; Give user error information D REP^YSD4E010 QUIT ; REPORT ; Give user statistics from conversion D STATS^YSD4E020 QUIT ; EOR ;YSD4DSM - Master DSM-IV Conversion Routine ;3/24/94 16:02