YSD4PRE ;DALISC/LJA - Mental Health 5.01 Pre-init ;[ 04/10/94 10:39 AM ] ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**6**;Dec 30, 1994 ; CTRL ; Master control module D END ; Clean up variables D STARTMSG D CKALL I 'YSD4OK D QUIT ;-> . K DIFQ . D END D CLNUP ; Conditional MH PN message D PCKGE ; Tell user about 'MH System' package file entry D OUT^YSD4PRE0 ; Place DSM options out of order D PCKCHG^YSD4PRE0 ; Check/Reset MH Package file entries D DELMHPN^YSD4PRE0 ; Delete MH PN files D ICD^YSD4PRE0 ; Conditional ICD9 message D GMRDEL ; Delete 'DD' of File 121 field 30 - DXLS D END ; Clean up variables QUIT ; STARTMSG ; W !!,"Starting the Mental Health 5.01 pre-init now...",!! H 2 QUIT ; CKALL ; Check all possibilities why this process should not continue. ; Tell users ALL reasons every time invoked... ; ; Set necessary variables... S YSD4OK=1 ; Assume all OK... K YSD4REA ; Clean area holding reasons for process stoppage S YSD4NREA=0 ; Number of reasons for process stoppage ; ; Now, call the various checks... D DUZCK,VA200,PIMS,GMR I 'YSD4OK D QUIT ;-> . K DIFQ . W !!,"The installation of Mental Health 5.01 cannot continue for the following" . W !,"reason(s)",$S(YSD4NREA>1:"s",1:""),":" . F YSD4I=1:1:YSD4NREA W !,YSD4REA(+YSD4I) QUIT ; DUZCK ; DUZ, DUZ(2) check... I $S('($D(DUZ)#2):1,'($D(DUZ(0))#2):1,'DUZ:1,1:0) D QUIT ;-> . S YSD4OK=0 . S YSD4NREA=YSD4NREA+1 . S YSD4REA(+YSD4NREA)=" "_YSD4NREA_". DUZ and DUZ(0) must be defined." ; I DUZ(0)'="@" D QUIT ;-> . S YSD4NREA=YSD4NREA+1 . S YSD4REA(+YSD4NREA)=" "_YSD4NREA_". Programmer access code must be set." QUIT ; VA200 ; New Person file check... I '($D(^VA(200,0))#2) D QUIT ;-> . S YSD4OK=0 . S YSD4NREA=YSD4NREA+1 . S YSD4REA(+YSD4NREA)=" "_YSD4NREA_". NEW PERSON file not installed." QUIT ; PIMS ; PIMS version check... I $S('$D(^DD(2,0,"VR")):1,^DD(2,0,"VR")<5.1:1,1:0) D QUIT ;-> . S YSD4OK=0 . S YSD4NREA=YSD4NREA+1 . S YSD4REA(+YSD4NREA)=" "_YSD4NREA_". PIMS 5.1 or higher required." QUIT ; GMR ; Gen Prog Notes check... I $S('$D(^DD(121,0,"VR")):1,^DD(121,0,"VR")<2.2:1,1:0) D QUIT ;-> . S YSD4OK=0 . S YSD4NREA=YSD4NREA+1 . S YSD4REA(+YSD4NREA)=" "_YSD4NREA_". Generic Progress Notes 2.5 required." QUIT ; CLNUP I $D(^YSP(606))!($P(^GMR(121.99,1,"CONV"),U,3)'=1) D . W !!!,?10,"*** MENTAL HEALTH - PROGRESS NOTE CLEAN-UP ***",!! . W !,?5,"As part of the Pre-Init process the old Mental Health" . W !,?5,"Progress Note functionality will be removed. The following" . W !,?5,"will be purged at this time: ",! . W !,?9,"1. Data and Data Dictionaries for File #606" . W !,?9,"2. Data and Data Dictionaries for File #606.5" . W !,?9,"3. All YSPN* options in the OPTION file #19" . W !!,?5,"Please reference the Progress Notes Package 'Installation" . W !,?5,"Guide' for instructions as to how to remove the Mental Health" . W !,?5,"Progress Note routines. Make sure you have followed the" . W !,?5,"Clean-Up instructions and have a backup of your Mental" . W !,?5,"Health package before continuing this INIT process!!",!! . D ASK QUIT ; ASK ; Are you sure you want to continue ... ? K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you ready to continue the Pre-Init " S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES if you are ready to do the clean-up;" S DIR("?")="Enter NO to exit this Pre-Init." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y=0) K DIFQ G END QUIT ; PCKGE ; ; Rename 'Mental Health System' package file entry, if exists... W !!,"If your package file contains an entry named 'Mental Health System' " W !,"it will be renamed 'Mental Health' ...",!! QUIT ; GMRDEL ; N DA,DIK S DIK="^DD(121,",DA=30,DA(1)=121 D ^DIK QUIT ; END ; K ^DIC(627,310.1) ; YS*5.01*6 - above line was added to delete this entry K %,DA,DIE,DIK,DIR,DIU,DR,X,Y K YSD451,YSD4COM,YSD4I,YSD4NREA,YSD4OK,YSD4REA,YSOPTION,YSPNOPT QUIT ; EOR ;YSD4PRE - Mental Health 5.01 Pre-init ; 4/10/94 9:20