YSPROB2 ;SLC/DKG-PROB LIST CONTINUED ;4/20/92 17:51 ; ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;;Dec 30, 1994 ; UN ; Called by routine YSPROB, YSPROB1 W $C(7),!!!,"Uncertain indicates insufficient information to make a decision" W !!?3,"Do you want ",X W !!?3,"With indicator '",Z,"'" R !!?3,"on the problem list? Y// ",YSA:DTIME S YSTOUT='$T,YSUOUT=YSA["^" S YSA=$TR($E(YSA_"Y"),"yn","YN") Q:YSTOUT!YSUOUT W ! I "YN"'[YSA W:YSA'["?" $C(7)," ?" G UN I "N"[YSA W " ?? " Q I '$D(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4)) D IN Q:Y'>0 S DIE="^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,",DA(1)=YSDFN,(DA,P5)=10 S S3="J" I '$D(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,DA,0)) S DR=".01///"_DA_";2///"_P5_";3;4///NOW;5///^S X=""`""_DUZ;6///"_S3 D IN1 E W $C(7),!!?3,"Problem '",X,"' is already on the problem list." S DR="3;4;" W ! L +^YS(615,YSDFN) D ^DIE S YSTOUT=$D(DTOUT) S:'$D(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,DA,1,0)) ^(0)="^615.02P^^" L -^YS(615,YSDFN) Q:YSTOUT S SCR=S3,DIC="^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,DA,1,",DIC(0)="LMZ",DLAYGO=615,X=Z D ^DIC W !!?3 W:'$P(Y,U,3) $C(7) W "Indicator '",Z,"'",!?3,$S($P(Y,U,3):"has been added to",1:"is already on")," the problem list.",! IS ; S DA(1)=YSDFN,DA=P5,DIE="^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,",DR="8///NOW",DR(2,615.03)=".01//NOW;1"_";4///^S X=""`""_DUZ" L +^YS(615,YSDFN) D ^DIE L -^YS(615,YSDFN) S YSTOUT=$D(DTOUT) Q ; EP ; Called by routine YSPROB, YSPROB1 I '$D(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4)) D IN Q:Y'>0 S DA(1)=YSDFN,DIC="^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,",DIC(0)="LMQZ",DLAYGO=615 D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 AP ; Called by routine YSPROB, YSPROB1, YSPROB3 I '$D(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4)) D IN Q:Y'>0 S DIE="^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,",DA(1)=YSDFN,(DA,P5)=+Y S S3=$P(^DIC(620,P5,0),U,2) I '$D(E2) W $C(7),!!?3,X," is already on the problem list",! S DR="2///"_P5_";3;4///"_DT_";5///^S X=""`""_DUZ;6///"_S3 D R1 I E3 K S4,E3 Q W ! S DIE("NO^")=1 L +^YS(615,YSDFN) D ^DIE I DA=27 S DR=1 D ^DIE L -^YS(615,YSDFN) S YSTOUT=$D(DTOUT) I YSTOUT D CLNUP Q AP1 ; S YSA="N" R !!,"Do you want to see the INDICATORS associated with this problem? N// ",YSA:DTIME S YSTOUT='$T,YSUOUT=YSA["^" G:YSTOUT!YSUOUT CLNUP G:"Nn"[YSA IND I "YyNn"'[YSA W:YSA'["?" $C(7)," ?" G AP1 S N7="",I3=0 W @IOF,!!,"INDICATORS for ",$P(^DIC(620,DA,0),U)," problem. ",! N7N ; S N7=$O(^DIC(625,"A",N7)) G:N7="" IND G:N7'[S3 N7N S I3=0 I3 ; S I3=$O(^DIC(625,"A",N7,I3)) G:'I3 N7N W !?3,$P(^DIC(625,I3,0),U) G I3 IND ; S DR=7,DR(2,615.02)=".01;I X'=217 S Y=2;1;2///`"_DUZ_";3///"_DT L +@(DIE_"DA)") D ^DIE L -@(DIE_"DA)") S YSTOUT=$D(DTOUT) Q:YSTOUT D ENDTM^YSUTL S DA(1)=YSDFN,DA=P5,DIE="^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,",DR="8//NOW",DR(2,615.03)=".01//NOW;1;S:X'=""RF"" Y=4;2;S R=X;4///^S X=""`""_DUZ" L +@(DIE_"DA)") D ^DIE L -@(DIE_"DA)") S YSTOUT=$D(DTOUT) Q:YSTOUT I $D(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,DA,2,D1,0)),$P(^(0),U)["." L +^YS(615,YSDFN) S ^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,DA,2,D1,0)=YSDTM_U_$P(^(0),U,2,6) L -^YS(615,YSDFN) K DIE("NO^") D:$D(R) ^YSPROB3 K R,DIC("A"),N1 Q ENH ; S H="PROBLEM LIST FOR "_YSNM_" "_YSSEX_" AGE "_YSAGE Q ; IN ; Called by routine YSPROB N DIC,DLAYGO,X S DIC="^YS(615,",DIC(0)="XL",X="`"_YSDFN,DLAYGO=615 D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 S:'$D(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,0)) ^(0)="^615.01PA^^" Q R1 ; S (S4,E3)=0 S4 ; S S4=$O(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,DA,2,S4)) Q:'S4 S R1=$P(^(S4,0),U,2) I R1="RF"!(R1="RS") S R2=$S(R1="RF":"reformulated!",R1="RS":"resolved!",1:"permanently changed!") W $C(7),!!?3,$P(^DIC(620,+Y,0),U)," has been ",R2 S41 ; I R1="RF"!(R1="RS") W !!?3,"Are you sure you want to edit ",$P(^DIC(620,+Y,0),U) R "? N// ",YSA:DTIME S YSTOUT='$T,YSUOUT=YSA["^" S:YSA="" YSA="N" S:YSUOUT!("Nn"[YSA) E3=1 Q:"YyNn^"[YSA W:YSA'["?" " ?",$C(7) G S41 G S4 IN1 ; S P1=$P(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,0),U,3),P2=$P(^(0),U,4) S:DA>P1 P1=DA L +^YS(615,YSDFN) S ^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,0)=$P(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,0),U,1,2)_U_P1_U_(P2+1) L -^YS(615,YSDFN) K P1,P2 Q CLNUP ; K ^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,DA) S YSNO=$P(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,0),U,4) S $P(^YS(615,YSDFN,P4,0),U,4)=YSNO-1 K YSNO Q HELP1 ; Called by routine YSPROB W !!?3,"""YES"" will display potential problem areas." Q HELP2 ; Called by routine YSPROB W !!?3,"""YES"" will display a list of problems presently recorded." Q HELP3 ; Called by routine YSPROB, YSPROB1 W !!?3,"""YES"" will permit change of presently recorded data." Q HELP4 ; Called by routine YSPROB, YSPROB1 W !!,"""YES"" will allow further refinement of this problem area.",!,"""NO"" will by pass this problem area.",!,"""U"" indicates insufficient information to make a decision.",! Q HELP5 ; Called by routine YSPROB, YSPROB1 W !!,"""D"" accesses the coding struture of the DSM.",!,"The alternate entry accesses the ""Problem List"" as defined by this system.",! Q HELP6 ; Called by routine YSPROB1 W !!,"""D"" access the coding structure of the ICD-9.",!,"The alternate entry accesses the ""Problem List"" as defined by this system.",! Q