YTCLERK1 ;SLC/DJP-CONTINUATION OF ^YTCLERK; ;5/30/02 15:06 ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**10,19,76**;Dec 30, 1994 A31 ; S YSQ=0,YSOK=1 R !!?3,"Queue to print when test(s)/interview(s) completed? Y// ",A:DTIME S YSTOUT='$T,YSUOUT=A["^" I YSTOUT!YSUOUT S YSOK=-1 Q S A=$TR($E(A_"Y"),"yn","YN") I A="Y" S YSQ=1 G QUE Q:A="N" W !!?3,"Queing will send tests results to the selected printer as soon as it",!?3,"is available." G A31 QUE ; W ! K ION S IOP="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP S YSOK=-1 Q I '$D(ION) W !,"IMPROPERLY DEFINED DEVICE!",$C(7) G QUE I IO=IO(0),IOST'?1"P".E W !,"YOU MUST QUEUE TO A PRINTER!",$C(7) G QUE Q ZAP ; W !!,"Do you want to delete ",YSTESTN," now" S %=2 D YN^DICN G:%=0 ZAP1 G:%'=1 KAR^YTS D ENKIL^YTFILE W !!,YSTESTN," DELETED!" D 1^YTCLERK Q ZAP1 W !!,"By entering ""Y"", the test will be deleted from the patient's file.",! G ZAP Q REMMPR ; R !,"SHORT FORM" S %=1 D YN^DICN ; ; Yes... Administer the MMRP-Short. I %=1 K % Q ; ; No... Administer the MMPR-Long. I %=2 D G REN ;-> . W !! F YSI=0:1:5 W !,$P($T(YSM+YSI),";;",2,99) . W !! . H 2 ; ; Must've up-arrowed out... I %=-1 S YSTIN=1 K % Q ; ; User asked for help... I %=0 W !!,"If the short form (MMPR) is not used, the long form (MMPI) will be substituted.",! K % G REMMPR ; ; YSM ;clerk entered long form message ;;Please clerk-enter all items in MMPR order. After the ;;test has been completely clerk entered, the computer will ;;re-order the items and save them in MMPI order. On the ;;test results printout, the items will appear in MMPI order. ; REN ; ; Administering the MMPI... ien#60 S YSTEST=60,YSNQ=566,YSTF=1 Q RESTART ; ; Called from RESTART and from YTCLERK ; 3/11/94 LJA S YSTESTN=$P(^YTT(601,YSTEST,0),U) I +YSTEST=60 D ;MMPI OR MMPR-LONG? . I $G(^YTD(601.4,+YSDFN,1,14,99))="MMPIR" S YSTESTN="MMPIR" W !,"Restart ",YSTESTN," now" S %=1 D YN^DICN G GOT:%=1,KAR^YTS:%<0 I %=0 W !,"Test will restart at question interrupted." G RESTART W !!,YSTESTN," must be completed or deleted prior to administering another test." G ZAP GOT ; D A31 G KAR^YTS:YSOK<1 S YSXTP=1,YSXT=YSTEST,J=+$P(^YTD(601.4,YSDFN,1,YSENT,0),U,4),C=$P(^(0),U,5),YSDTA=$P(^(0),U,3),YSORD=$P(^(0),U,7) S:J<1 J=1 S B=$G(^YTD(601.4,YSDFN,1,YSENT,"B")),YSRP=$S(J#200=1:"",1:^(J+199\200)),B1=$S(B?1"W ".PN1"ANSWER".E:0,1:1) I YSTESTN?1"MCMI"1N S YSNQ=$P(^YTT(601,YSTEST,"Q",0),U,3) ;ASF 5/30/02 E S YSNQ=$P(^YTT(601,YSTEST,0),U,11) S YSCL=YSTEST,YSCLN=YSTESTN,R1=1 W !! G ENX^YTCLERK