YTNEOPI1 ;ALB/ASF-NEO PI-R TEST PROFILE ;7/28/95 12:56 ; ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**10**;Dec 30, 1994 A ;setup K YSAST S YSTV=75,YSBV=25,YSINC=1,YSLE=5 F J=31,32,33,34,35,1:1:30 S A(J)=$P(S,U,J) S:A(J)>YSTV A(J)=YSTV S:A(J)74",YSLV=25:"<26",YSLV#10=0:YSLV,1:" ") W ; S YSWS=(H(YSHS)>(YSLV-YSIN2))&(H(YSHS)<(YSLV+YSIN2)) I YSWS D WS G:YSLFT END S YSHS=$O(H(YSHS)) I 'YSWS D WL G:YSLFT END S YSLC1=YSLC1+1 S:YSLC1>YSLE YSLC1=1 I YSLV>YSBV S YSLV=YSLV-YSINC GOTO L D BOTTOM END ; K A,B,YSA,YSTV,YSTVL,YSBV,YSINC,YSIN2,YSLE,YSVS,YSHS,V,H,YSLL,YSLC1,YSWS Q WL ; D:IOST?1"C-".E SCR^YTREPT:$Y>(IOSL-4) Q:YSUOUT!YSTOUT W !,$J($E(Z2,(76-YSLV))_YSLL,4),"|" F I=31:1:35,1:1:30 W $S(B(I):$E(Z1,I)_" ",1:" ") W:I=35 "|" W "|",YSLL Q WS ; D:IOST?1"C-".E SCR^YTREPT:$Y>(IOSL-4) Q:YSUOUT!YSTOUT W !,$J(YSLL,4),"|" F I=31:1:35,1:1:30 W $S(B(I):$E(Z1,I)_"-",1:"--") W:I=35 "|" W "|",YSLL Q Q BOTTOM ; Q:YSUOUT!YSTOUT W !?5,"N E O A C",?16,Z3,!?16,Z4 W !!,"Copyright (c) 1985, 1988, 1992, 1994 by Psychological Assessment Resources Inc.",!,"Reproduced by permission." Q IR ;responses D RD^YTNEOPI W !?30,"NEO PI-R Item Responses",! F K=1:1:30 Q:YSLFT D:IOST?1"C-".E SCR^YTREPT:$Y+4>IOSL W ! F J=0,30,60,90,120,150,180,210 S I=J+K D IR1 W !," Validity A. " S I=241 D IR2 S X=$E(X,1,240) W !!?30,"Summary of Responses",!?3 F J=1,2,3,4,5,"X" S J1=$L(X,J)-1/240*100 W $S(J=1:"SD",J=2:"D",J=3:"N",J=4:"A",J=5:"SA",1:"X"),": ",$J(J1,5,2),"% " Q IR1 W $J(I,4),". " IR2 W $S($E(X,I)=1:"SD",$E(X,I)=2:" D",$E(X,I)=3:" N",$E(X,I)=4:" A",$E(X,I)=5:"SA",1:" X")," " Q VALD ;validity index D DTA^YTREPT W !!?30,"Validity Indices",! D RD^YTNEOPI I $L($E(X,1,240),"X")>42 W !,"Profile not scored as respondant has skipped more",!,"than 41 items.",! Q S YSVFLAG=0 D SS,241,YN,RAND,VTXT Q VTXT I YSVFLAG=0 W !,"Validity indices are within normal limits and the obtained",!,"test data appear to be valid.",! Q Q:YSVFLAG=1 W !,"TEST RESULTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED VALID. The profile will",!,"be printed but it should only be used if the administrator has reason to" W !,"believe that the profile is valid despite these indications of inaccurate",!,"or random responding." Q 241 S Y=$E(X,241) I (Y<3)!(Y="X") S YSVFLAG=2 W !,"The respondant has denied answering the questions honestly and accurately." Q RAND ;randon resp S Y=$E(X,1,240) I (Y?.E7"1".E)!(Y?.E10"2".E)!(Y?.E11"3".E)!(Y?.E15"4".E)!(Y?.E10"5".E) S YSVFLAG=2 W !,"The rater has used the same response option repeatedly in a manner",!,"that suggests random responding." Q YN ;yea_nea S Y=$E(X,1,240),Y=($L(Y,5)-1)+($L(Y,4)-1) I Y>149 S YSVFLAG=1 W !,"This profile should be interpreted with CAUTION because a strong acquiescence",!,"bias may have influnced the results." I Y<51 S YSVFLAG=1 W !,"This profile should be interpreted with CAUTION because a strong nay-saying",!,"bias may have influnced the results." Q SS ;scale skips F I=1:1:30 D SS1:$P(YSXK,U,I)>3 Q SS1 I 'YSVFLAG S YSVFLAG=1 W !,"The following facet scale(s) have more than 3 skipped items:" W !?3,$P(^YTT(601,YSTEST,"S",I,0),U,2) Q