PSNHELP ;BIR/CCH&WRT-Help text routine ;08/21/98 14:25 ;;4.0; NATIONAL DRUG FILE;**60,84,93**; 30 Oct 98 ;IA 2352 - ^PSDRUG( ;IA 2613 - ^PS(59.7 ;IA 3621 - DRG^PSSHUIDG(DA) ;IA 4394 - DRG^PSSDGUPD(DA) V.2.4 dispensing machines ;IA 1976 - ^PS(59 TRD1 ; TRADE NAME W !!,"Enter number of one of the trade names displayed" W !,"Or press return to view more" D UPAR Q TR2 ; TRADE NAME W !!,"Enter number of one of the trade names displayed",!,"If none of them match, press return to proceed" W !,"to next step in matching process" D UPAR K ANS Q UPAR W !,"or enter ""^"" to exit",! Q NDC1 ; NDC CODE W !!,"Enter NDC Code for drug from your drug file",!,"Format should be MANUFACTURER'S CODE""-""PRODUCT CODE""-""PACKAGE CODE",!,"(i.e. 9999-999-99)" D UPAR K ANS Q NDC2 ; NDC CODE W !!,"Enter number of one of the drugs displayed or press",!,"return to view more.",!,"You may enter ""^NDC"" to skip this step and go directly to the",!,"""enter NDC Code :"" prompt" D UPAR K ANS Q NDC3 ; NDC CODE W !!,"Enter number of one of the drugs displayed",!,"If none of them match, press return to proceed" W !,"to next step in matching process" D UPAR Q HIT1 ; FOR MATCH PROMPT W !!,"The drugs displayed are ""matches"" found in the National",!,"Drug File" D NDC2 Q RES1 ; FOR RESP PROMPT W !!,"If the drug from the National Drug File matches the drug ",!," from your drug file enter ""Y""",!,"If an incorrect response was entered, respond ""N""" W !," or press return to proceed to next step in matching process" D UPAR Q TYP1 ; FOR PKG TYPE W !!,"Enter Package Type which matches the Package Type of the drug",!,"in your drug file" D UPAR Q SZ1 ; FOR PKG SIZE W !!,"Enter Package Size matches the Package Size",!,"of the drug in your drug file",!,"If none of them match, enter ""NONE""" D UPAR Q MRG1 ; FOR MERGE OPTION ; W !!,"This routine will merge the following data from the National Drug File",!,"into your local drug file: ",!,"(1) PTR TO NDF",!,"(2) VA PRODUCT NAME FROM NDF",!,"(3) PTR TO NDF VA PRODUCT NAME" ; W !,"(4) PTR TO PACKAGE SIZE IN NDF",!,"(5) PTR TO PACKAGE TYPE IN NDF AND",!,"(6) NEW VA DRUG CLASSIFICATION." K ANS G RESP^PSNMRG Q ASK1 ; FOR MATCH PROMPT W !!,"If drugs match, enter ""Y"" for YES",!,"If you would like to rematch drug, enter ""N"" for NO",!,"If no match is possible, press return and the drug will remain unmatched" W:'$D(Z9) !,"and next drug in your drug file will be displayed" D UPAR Q REMTCH ; REMATCH PROMPT W:$P(^PSDRUG(+Y,"ND"),"^",2)]"" !!,"This drug has already been matched and classified with the",!,"National Drug File." I $D(^PSDRUG(+Y,3)) W:$P(^PSDRUG(+Y,3),"^",1)=1 !,"This drug has also been marked to transmit to CMOP.",!,"If you choose to rematch it, the drug will be marked NOT TO TRANSMIT to CMOP.",! W:$P(^PSDRUG(+Y,"ND"),"^",2)']"" !!,"This drug has been manually classed but not matched (merged with NDF)." R !,"Do you wish to match/rematch it? N// ",ANS:DTIME S:'$T ANS="^" S:ANS']"" ANS="N" I ANS="^" S PSNFL=1 Q I ANS?.E1C.E G REMTCH I "?"[$E(ANS) W !!,"Answer ""Yy"" to rematch this drug.",!,"Answer ""Nn"" or ""^"" or press to quit." K ANS G REMTCH I "NnYy"'[$E(ANS)!(ANS="") W !,"ANSWER MUST BE YES OR NO" K ANS G REMTCH I "Yy"'[$E(ANS) K ANS G START^PSNDRUG K ANS S:$D(^PSDRUG(+Y,"ND")) PSNID=$P(^PSDRUG(+Y,"ND"),"^",10) D SETNULL^PSNHELP1 S:$D(^PSDRUG(+Y,3)) $P(^PSDRUG(+Y,3),"^",1)=0 K:$D(^PSDRUG("AQ",+Y)) ^PSDRUG("AQ",+Y) K:PSNID]"" ^PSDRUG("AQ1",PSNID,+Y) S DA=+Y K PSNID I $$PATCH^XPDUTL("PSS*1.0*57") D DRG^PSSHUIDG(DA) N XX,DNSNAM,DNSPORT,DVER,DMFU S XX="" F XX=0:0 S XX=$O(^PS(59,XX)) Q:'XX D .S DVER=$$GET1^DIQ(59,XX_",",105,"I"),DMFU=$$GET1^DIQ(59,XX_",",105.2) .I DVER="2.4" S DNSNAM=$$GET1^DIQ(59,XX_",",2006),DNSPORT=$$GET1^DIQ(59,XX_",",2007) I DNSNAM'=""&(DMFU="YES") D DRG^PSSDGUPD(DA,"",DNSNAM,DNSPORT) S X="PSXREF" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") D:$T ^PSXREF K DA G MATCH^PSNDRUG Q BLD1 ; WHERE TO BEGIN MATCHING W !!,"If you wish to begin matching process from beginning of your local drug file,",!,"enter ""B"". This will allow you to match drugs which may have been re-activated." W !,"Press return to continue with next drug following the one last matched" D UPAR K ANS Q ING ; INGREDIENTS R !!,"Display ingredients for this NDF drug? N//",ANS:DTIME S:'$T ANS="^" I ANS["^" S PSNFL=1 Q I ANS?.E1C.E G ING I ANS["?" D ING1 G ING I ANS']""!"nN"[ANS S ANS="N" Q ; S D0=PSNNDF,Y=$P(^PSNDF(D0,5,PSNFNM,1),"^",1) D INGRED^PSNOUT ; I $D(^PSNDF(D0,5,PSNFNM,3)) S Y=$P(^PSNDF(D0,5,PSNFNM,3),"^",1) D INGRED^PSNOUT ; I $D(^PSNDF(D0,5,PSNFNM,4)) S Y=$P(^PSNDF(D0,5,PSNFNM,4),"^",1) D INGRED^PSNOUT Q ING1 W !!,"Displays ingredients (including strengths and units)" D UPAR K ANS Q RES2 ; MATCH PROMPT W !!,"If the drug from the National Drug File matches the drug",!," from your local file, respond ""Y""",!,"If it is not a match, respond ""N""" W:'$D(Z9) !,"If you want to pass to next drug and leave this drug unverified, press return" D UPAR K ANS Q CR ; FORCES CONVERSION REMATCH OPTION I $P(^PS(59.7,1,10),"^",3)=0 W !!,"You must use the Conversion Rematch option first before using this option.",! Q