FSCEL ;SLC/STAFF-NOIS Edit Log ;3/16/98 19:24 ;;1.1;NOIS;;Sep 06, 1998 ; NEW ; from FSCLMP, FSCOPT N ACTION,CALLID,CALLNUM,OK,RDATE,SITE D ID^FSCELID(.SITE,.RDATE,.CALLID,.CALLNUM,.OK) I 'OK Q W !?5,"Call ID: ",CALLID I '$$ACCESS^FSCU(DUZ,"SPEC") D NEW^FSCELSNS(CALLID,CALLNUM) Q D NEW^FSCELS(SITE,CALLNUM) N CONALERT,CONTACT,CONTNAME S CONALERT=$$CONALERT^FSCUP S CONTACT=+$P(^FSCD("CALL",CALLNUM,0),U,6),CONTNAME="" I CONTACT S CONTNAME=$$VALUE^FSCGET(CONTACT,7100,2.1) I CONALERT="F" D .I 'CONTACT W !,"Contact person not filled in.",$C(7) H 2 D RECON^FSCELS(SITE,CALLNUM) Q .D ALERT(CONTACT,CALLNUM) I CONALERT="P" D .I 'CONTACT W !,"Contact person not filled in.",$C(7) H 2 D RECON^FSCELS(SITE,CALLNUM) Q .N DIR,X,Y K DIR .S DIR(0)="YAO",DIR("A")="Would "_CONTNAME_" like to automatically be alerted to edits? ",DIR("B")="NO" .S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES to have this contact person alerted whenever this call is edited." .S DIR("?",2)="Enter NO to not schedule this person for automatic alerts." .S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" .S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" .D ^DIR K DIR .I Y'=1 D ALERT(CONTACT,CALLNUM) I $D(DTOUT) D OPEN(CALLID,CALLNUM) Q N DIR,X,Y K DIR S DIR(0)="SAMO^MAKE A NOTE:MAKE A NOTE;REFER:REFER;CLOSE:CLOSE;OPEN:OPEN",DIR("A")="Further action - (M)ake a Note, (R)efer, (C)lose, (O)pen: " S DIR("B")=$S($$CLOSE(DUZ):"CLOSE",1:"OPEN") S DIR("?",1)="Enter M to make a note. The call will remain open." S DIR("?",2)="Enter R to change the status to Referred." S DIR("?",3)="Enter C to close this call." S DIR("?",4)="Enter O or '^' to leave this call open without making a note." S DIR("?",5)="Enter '??' for additional help." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR S ACTION=Y I ACTION="OPEN"!$D(DIRUT) D OPEN(CALLID,CALLNUM) I ACTION="CLOSE" D .;D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,"",1) .D NOTES("Make a Note (in addition to resolution summary)? ") .D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) .D CLOSE^FSCEC(CALLNUM,.OK) I 'OK Q .D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,1,2) .D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) I ACTION="REFER" D .;D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,"",1) .D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) .D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,1,3) .D NOTES("Include a note with this status change? ") .D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) I ACTION="MAKE A NOTE" D .D NOTES("") .D OPEN(CALLID,CALLNUM) D WKLD^FSCEWKLD(CALLNUM,1) D LIST^FSCELL(CALLNUM) Q ; CLOSE(USER) ; $$(user) -> 1 or 0 for default of prompt to close call I $P(^FSC("SPEC",USER,0),U,13) Q 1 Q 0 ; NOTES(ASK) ; get notes N DIR,OK,OPER,X,Y K DIR I $L($G(ASK)) S OK=1 D Q:'OK .S DIR(0)="YAO",DIR("A")=ASK,DIR("B")="NO" .S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES to make a note on this call." .S DIR("?",2)="Enter NO change the status without making a note." .S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" .S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" .D ^DIR K DIR .I Y'=1 S OK=0 Q D DATA^FSCEN("ACTION",.OPER) I OPER="ACCEPT" D NOTE^FSCEF(CALLNUM,"ACTION") Q ; ALERT(USER,CALL) ; schedule user for alert on call D SETUP^FSCNOT(CALL,,,USER_U_1,"ALERT","EDITED") Q ; OPEN(CALLID,CALLNUM) ; from FSCELSNS ; msg if call is not closed or referred, status updated to open W !,"This call ("_CALLID_") will remain open." ;D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,"",1) D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) H 1 Q