FSCELSNS ;SLC/STAFF-NOIS Edit Log Setup Non Specialist ;10/13/96 23:56 ;;1.1;NOIS;;Sep 06, 1998 ; NEW(CALLID,CALLNUM) ; from FSCEL N ACTION,DA,DIE,DONE,DR,PH,X,Y S ACTION="",DONE=0,PH=$$PH^FSCELS(DUZ) S DA=CALLNUM,DIE="^FSCD(""CALL""," S DR="2.1T///`"_DUZ_";3T;1T;30Request Description;2.2T"_$S($L(PH):"//"_PH,1:"")_";6T//ROUTINE" F D I DONE Q .L +^FSCD("CALL",CALLNUM):30 I '$T D SOMEONE^FSCLMPE1 S DONE=1 Q .D ^DIE .L -^FSCD("CALL",CALLNUM) .I $D(DTOUT) S ACTION="TIMEOUT",DONE=1 Q .N DIR,X,Y K DIR .S DIR(0)="SAMO^EDIT:EDIT;CANCEL:CANCEL;FILE:FILE" .S DIR("A",1)="" .S DIR("A")="Further action - (E)dit, (C)ancel, or (F)ile: " .S DIR("?",1)="Enter E to be re-edit this information." .S DIR("?",2)="Enter C to be cancel this call." .S DIR("?",3)="Enter F or '^' to file this information." .S DIR("?",4)="Enter '??' for additional help." .S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" .S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" .S DIR("B")=$$DEFAULT(CALLNUM) .I DIR("B")="EDIT" W !,"Warning - a Module\Version # should be entered.",$C(7) .D ^DIR .I Y="EDIT" S DR="3T;1T;30Request Description;2.2T;6T" Q .S ACTION=Y,DONE=1 .I $D(DTOUT) S ACTION="TIMEOUT" K DIR I ACTION="CANCEL" D Q .;D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,"",1) .D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) .D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,1,99) .D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) .W !,"This call ("_CALLID_") has been cancelled." D OPEN^FSCEL(CALLID,CALLNUM) N NSALERT S NSALERT=$$NSALERT^FSCUP I NSALERT="F" D .N CALLS K CALLS S CALLS(CALLNUM)="" .D BENOTIFY^FSCLMPNB(DUZ,.CALLS,"ALERT","EDITED") .W !,"You will be alerted whenever this call is edited." I ACTION="TIMEOUT" Q I NSALERT'="P" Q N DIR,X,Y K DIR S DIR(0)="SAMO^EDITED:EDITED;STATUS CHANGED:STATUS CHANGED;NONE:NONE" S DIR("A",1)="" S DIR("A",2)="You can be alerted whenever this request is acted on." S DIR("A")="Receive notification when (E)dited, (S)tatus changed, or (N)one: ",DIR("B")="EDITED" S DIR("?",1)="Enter E to be alerted when this request is edited." S DIR("?",2)="Enter S to be alerted when this requests status changes." S DIR("?",3)="Enter N to not receive alerts." S DIR("?",4)="Enter '??' for additional help." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I Y="EDITED"!(Y="STATUS CHANGED") D .N CALLS K CALLS S CALLS(CALLNUM)="" .D BENOTIFY^FSCLMPNB(DUZ,.CALLS,"ALERT",Y) Q ; *** remove this line to allow E3Rs N DIR,X,Y K DIR S DIR(0)="SAMO^PROBLEM:PROBLEM;ENHANCEMENT:ENHANCEMENT",DIR("A")="This request concerns a (P)roblem or (E)nhancement? ",DIR("B")="PROBLEM" S DIR("?",1)="Enter P to log a problem." S DIR("?",2)="Enter E to log an enhnacement request." S DIR("?",3)="Enter '??' for additional help." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I Y="PROBLEM"!$D(DIRUT) D OPEN^FSCEL(CALLID,CALLNUM) Q ;D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,"",1) D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,1,3) D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) D STATUS^FSCES(CALLNUM,3,5) D UPDATE^FSCTASK(CALLNUM) Q ; DEFAULT(CALL) ; I '$L($G(^FSCD("CALL",CALL,1))),'$P($G(^(0)),U,8),'$O(^(30,0)) Q "CANCEL" I '$P($G(^FSCD("CALL",CALL,0)),U,8) Q "EDIT" Q "FILE"