FSCLD ;SLC/STAFF-NOIS List Definition ;1/17/98 17:06 ;;1.1;NOIS;;Sep 06, 1998 ; DEFINE ; from FSCLMP N DESC,EVENT,METHOD,NAME,NOTIFY,NUM,OK,OWNER,TYPE K DESC S NOTIFY="" W !!,"Please use the following conventions for personal lists:" W !,"Manual or Active update lists should begin with your LASTNAME and then" W !,"something descriptive (separate your name and description with a '-')" W !,"Storage-Only lists should be TEMP-LASTNAME" W !,"If the list is to be used by your office or site, use your NOIS location" W !,"abbreviation instead of your last name." W !,"Examples: SMITH-SUPPORT, SMITH-DEV, or TEMP-SMITH, ISL-OLD CALLS",! D NAME^FSCMU("",.NAME,.OK) I 'OK Q D OWNER^FSCMU(DUZ,.OWNER,.OK) I 'OK Q D DESC^FSCMU1(0,.DESC,.OK) I OK="" Q D TYPE^FSCMU("",.TYPE,.OK) I 'OK Q I TYPE="A"!(TYPE="M") D I 'OK Q .I TYPE="A" D METHOD^FSCMU1("",.METHOD,.OK) I 'OK Q .I TYPE="A",$L(METHOD) D EVENT^FSCMU1("",.EVENT,.OK) I 'OK Q .I TYPE="A",$L(METHOD),$L(EVENT) S NOTIFY=METHOD_U_EVENT .W ! D DEF(NAME,0,.OK) I 'OK Q W ! D ASK(.OK) I 'OK Q S NUM=0 D SAVE^FSCLDS(NAME,.NUM,OWNER,.DESC,TYPE,NOTIFY) S FSCLNAME=NAME,FSCLNUM=NUM Q ; DEF(FSCLNAME,FSCLNUM,OK) ; from FSCLDR N FSCQUERY S FSCLNUM=+$G(FSCLNUM),FSCQUERY=1,OK=1 K ^TMP("FSC DEFINE",$J) W !,"Query Definition:" D BROWSE^FSCQB("",FSCLNAME,0,.OK,"Add","^TMP(""FSC DEFINE"",$J)") I $D(DTOUT) S OK="" Q ; ASK(OK) ; from FSCLMPS N DIR,Y K DIR S OK=0 S DIR(0)="YAO",DIR("A")="Save this list definition: ",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES to save this list definition." S DIR("?",2)="Enter NO or '^' to exit without saving the list, '??' for more help." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q I Y'=1 W !,"List Definition was NOT Saved." H 2 Q S OK=1 Q