FSCLIMIT ;SLC/STAFF-NOIS Limit Restrictions ;1/13/98 12:31 ;;1.1;NOIS;;Sep 06, 1998 ; RESTRICT(RESTRICT) ; from FSCULOOK N OK S OK=0 F D Q:OK .N DIR,X,Y K DIR S RESTRICT="" .S DIR(0)="SAMO^DATE RANGE:DATE RANGE;LAST N CALLS:LAST N CALLS;NO RESTRICTION:NO RESTRICTION" .S DIR("A",1)="-- restrictions that can be applied to this list --" .S DIR("A")="(D)ate range, (L)ast n calls, (N)o restriction: " .S DIR("B")="NO RESTRICTION" .S DIR("?",1)="Enter DATE RANGE to restrict calls to a date range (date openend)." .S DIR("?",2)="Enter LAST N CALLS to restrict to the last number of calls received." .S DIR("?",3)="Enter NO RESTRICTIONS or '^' to get the entire list." .S DIR("?",4)="Enter '??' for further help." .S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" .S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" .D ^DIR K DIR .S OK=1 .D ..I Y="NO RESTRICTION" S RESTRICT=0 Q ..I Y="DATE RANGE" D Q ...N FROM,TO ...D DATES(.FROM,.TO) ...I FROM,TO S RESTRICT="1^^"_FROM_U_TO Q ...S OK=0 W $C(7) ..I Y="LAST N CALLS" D Q ...N LASTN ...D LASTN(.LASTN) ...I LASTN S RESTRICT="1^"_LASTN Q ...S OK=0 W $C(7) Q ; DATES(FROM,TO) ; N DIR,X,Y K DIR S (FROM,TO)=0 S DIR(0)="DAO^2900101:DT:EX" S DIR("A")="From: " S DIR("?",1)="Enter the beginning date of a date range." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^%DTC,HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S FROM=Y ; N DIR,X,Y K DIR S DIR(0)="DAO^2900101:DT:EX" S DIR("A")="To: " S DIR("?",1)="Enter the ending date of a date range." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^%DTC,HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S FROM=0 Q S TO=Y I FROM>TO S X=FROM,FROM=TO,TO=X Q ; LASTN(LASTN) ; N DIR,X,Y K DIR S LASTN=0 S DIR(0)="NAO^1:100000:0" S DIR("A")="Enter the maximum number of the last calls received: " S DIR("?",1)="Enter the maximum number of calls you want from this list." S DIR("?",2)="The calls will be restricted to this number of calls, starting with" S DIR("?",3)="the most recently entered call, up to but not exceeding the number." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S LASTN=+Y Q ; ASK(LIST) ; $$(list#) -> 1 or 0, on whether to ask for restrictions N APPROX,LIMIT S LIMIT=$P($G(^FSC("LIST",+LIST,0)),U,8),APPROX=$P($G(^(0)),U,9) I 'LIMIT Q 0 I LIMIT=-1 Q 1 I APPROX,APPROX>LIMIT Q 1 Q 0