FSCLMPNB ;SLC/STAFF NOIS List Manager Protocol Notification Be Notified ;1/13/98 12:58 ;;1.1;NOIS;;Sep 06, 1998 ; NOTIFY ; from FSCLMPN N CALL,CALLS,CHOICE,DIR,EVENT,LISTNUM,METHOD,OK,Y K CALLS,DIR,^TMP("FSC SELECT",$J,"NVALUES") S DIR(0)="SAMO^EDITED:EDITED;STATUS CHANGED:STATUS CHANGED",DIR("A")="Notify when calls are (E)dited or (S)tatus changes: ",DIR("B")="EDITED" S DIR("?",1)="Enter the event that will trigger your notification." S DIR("?",2)="Enter EDITED to be notified whenever the calls are edited." S DIR("?",3)="Enter STATUS CHANGED to be notified when the calls have a status changed." S DIR("?",4)="Enter '^' to exit without scheduling notification or '??' for more help." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S EVENT=Y N DIR,Y K DIR S DIR(0)="SAMO^MAIL:MAIL;ALERT:ALERT",DIR("A")="Notify by (M)ail or (A)lert: ",DIR("B")="ALERT" S DIR("?",1)="Enter the method you wish to be notified." S DIR("?",2)="Enter MAIL to receive an email message." S DIR("?",3)="Enter ALERT to be notified by a menu alert." S DIR("?",4)="Note: scheduled notifications will appear as a single alert, as opposed" S DIR("?",5)="to alerts sent by others, which appear as separate alerts." S DIR("?",6)="Enter '^' to exit without scheduling notification, '??' for more help." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S METHOD=Y D .I $D(^TMP("FSC SELECT",$J,"EVALUES")) S CHOICE=FSCCNT_"-"_FSCCNT Q .I $D(^TMP("FSC SELECT",$J,"VVALUES")) S CHOICE=^("VVALUES") Q .S CHOICE="1-"_+@VALMAR D SELECT^FSCUL(CHOICE,"",CHOICE,"NVALUES",.OK) I OK D .S LISTNUM=0 F S LISTNUM=$O(^TMP("FSC SELECT",$J,"NVALUES",LISTNUM)) Q:LISTNUM<1 S CALL=$$CALL^FSCLMPE1(LISTNUM),CALLS(CALL)="" .D BENOTIFY(DUZ,.CALLS,METHOD,EVENT) Q ; BENOTIFY(USER,CALLS,METHOD,EVENT) ; from FSCELSNS N CALL,NUM S CALL=0 F S CALL=$O(CALLS(CALL)) Q:CALL<1 D .I $D(^FSCD("NOTIFY","ACUSER",CALL,USER)) S NUM=+^(USER) D Q ..S $P(^FSCD("NOTIFY",NUM,0),U,5,7)=METHOD_U_EVENT_U_1 .D SETUP^FSCNOT(CALL,,,USER_U_1,METHOD,EVENT) Q