FSCLMPNN ;SLC/STAFF NOIS List Manager Protocol Notification Notify ;2/16/96 15:56 ;;1.1;NOIS;;Sep 06, 1998 ; NOTIFY ; from FSCLMPN N DIR,LENGTH,NOTIFY,SUBJECT,Y K DIR S DIR(0)="SAMO^MAIL:MAIL;ALERT:ALERT",DIR("A")="Notify by (M)ail or (A)lert: ",DIR("B")="ALERT" S DIR("?",1)="You can send notification to others (including mail groups)" S DIR("?",2)="using email or menu alerts." S DIR("?",3)="Enter MAIL to send by mail, ALERT to send using alerts." S DIR("?",4)="Enter '^' to exit without sending notification or '??' for more help." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S NOTIFY=Y,LENGTH=$S(NOTIFY="MAIL":65,1:30) N DIR,Y K DIR S DIR(0)="FAO^3:"_LENGTH,DIR("A")="Enter a brief reason for the notification: " S DIR("?",1)="Enter a brief (3-"_LENGTH_" character) message to be sent with the notification." S DIR("?",2)="Enter '^' to exit without sending notification or '??' for more help." S DIR("?")="^D HELP^FSCU(.DIR)" S DIR("??")="FSC U1 NOIS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!'$L(Y) Q S SUBJECT=Y,SUBJECT=$$SUBCHK^XMGAPI0(SUBJECT,0) I $P(SUBJECT,U) W !,"This entry is invalid." H 2 Q S SUBJECT=$P(SUBJECT,U,2) I NOTIFY="MAIL" D MAIL^FSCNMS(SUBJECT) I NOTIFY="ALERT" D ALERT^FSCNAS(SUBJECT) Q