NURACUIT ;HIRMFO/MD-ROUTINE TO REPAIR FUTURE ACUITY DATA FROM ERRONEOUS BATCH RUN ;;4.0;NURSING SERVICE;;Apr 25, 1997 ; This routine should be run in the event the Nursing AMIS Acuity ; Separation/Activation batch job erroneously creates future data ; entries in the NURS AMIS Daily Exception Report (#213.5), NURS AMIS ; 1106 Manhours (#213.4) and NURS Parameters (#213.9) files. ; D EN1,EN2,EN3 W !,"Done" KILL ; K DA,DIK,NURSX,RUNDATE,X,Y Q EN1 ; Remove future date entries from the unclassified report (#213.5) file. ; There should be no unclassified report file entries later than T-1. ; W !,"Removing future date entries from the NURS AMIS Daily Exception Report",!,"(#213.5) file" S X="T-1" D ^%DT S RUNDATE=Y I +$G(RUNDATE) S NURSX=0,DIK="^NURSA(213.5," F S NURSX=$O(^NURSA(213.5,"B",NURSX)) Q:NURSX'>0 I NURSX>RUNDATE S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^NURSA(213.5,"B",NURSX,DA)) Q:'DA D ^DIK W "." G KILL EN2 ; Remove acuity data from future date entries in manhours file (#213.4). ; W !,"Removing acuity data from future date entries in the NURS AMIS 1106 Manhours",!,"file (#213.4)" S NURSX=DT_"A" I $G(NURSX)'="" F S NURSX=$O(^NURSA(213.4,"B",NURSX)) Q:NURSX="" S DA(1)=0 F S DA(1)=$O(^NURSA(213.4,"B",NURSX,DA(1))) Q:DA(1)'>0 D .S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^NURSA(213.4,DA(1),1,DA)) Q:DA'>0 D ..S DIK="^NURSA(213.4,DA(1),1," ..D ^DIK W "." ..Q .Q G KILL EN3 ; Reset Date node in site parameter file to current date if date is ; in the future. ; W !,"Resetting ^DIC(213.9,1,""DATE"") to today's date if it is a future date." I +$G(^DIC(213.9,1,"DATE"))>DT S $P(^DIC(213.9,1,"DATE"),"^")=DT G KILL