NURCVPR1 ;HIRMFO/YH-PATIENT VITALS/MEASUREMENTS REPORT UTILITY ;2/9/99 ;;4.0;NURSING SERVICE;**23**;Apr 25, 1997 SELECT(J) ;TYPE OF GRAPH FOR REPORT N X,I W ! TRYAGN F I=1:1:5 W !,?2,I_" "_$P($T(GCHART+I),";;",2) W !!,?2,"Select a number between 1 and 5: 1 Vital Signs Record// " S X="" R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S J=0 Q I X="" S J=1 Q I '(X?1N&(X>0&(X<6)))!(X["?") W !!,"Enter the number for the graph you wish to print.",!,"The default is Vital Signs Record.",! G TRYAGN W " ",$P($T(GCHART+X),";;",2) S J=X Q Q WRT1 W !!,?5,$C(7),"This report must be queued to",!!,?8,"SF 511: 132 columns printer or Kyocera or HP Laser printer,",!,?8,"B/P Plotting, Weight chart or Pulse Oximetry/Respiration",!,?10,"Graph: Kyocera or HP Laser printer.",! W ?5,"Pain Chart must be queued to a HP Laser printer.",! Q WRT2 I NGRAPH>1 D ^%ZISC W !,$S(NGRAPH=2:"B/P Plotting Chart",NGRAPH=3:"Weight Chart",NGRAPH=4:"Pulse Oximetry/Respiration Graph",1:"")_" must be queued to a Kyocera or HP Laser printer.",!! S NURQUIT=1 I IOM'>130,NGRAPH=1 D ^%ZISC W !,"This report needs 132 columns",! S NURQUIT=1 Q GCHART ; ;;Vital Signs Record ;;B/P Plotting Chart ;;Weight Chart ;;Pulse Oximetry/Respiratory Graph ;;Pain Chart