NURQUTL1 ;HIRMFO/RM-QI SUMMARY UTILITIES ;1/22/97 15:26 ;;4.0;NURSING SERVICE;;Apr 25, 1997 NLDEM() ; This function returns the IEN of the Demographic Reference (748.2) ; file for the NURS Location (file) entry, or "" if it is not in ; the file. ; Function Value = IEN in 748.2 file, or "". ; N FXN K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) D FIND^DIC(748.2,"","","X","NURS LOCATION",1,"B") S FXN=$G(^TMP("DILIST",$J,2,1)) K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) Q FXN SURLOC(NURQSURV) ; This function will determine if this survey tracks ; response data by NURS Location. ; Input Parameter: NURQSURV=ptr to 748 (survey) file ; Function Value = IEN in demographic multiple for NURS Location ; demographic, if responses tracked by NURS Loc. ; 0 Responses not tracked by NURS Location ; N NURQDEM,NURQFXN,NURQX S NURQDEM=$$NLDEM,NURQFXN=0 K ^TMP($J,"NURQDEM") D GETS^DIQ(748,NURQSURV_",","3*","","^TMP($J,""NURQDEM"")") S NURQX="" F S NURQX=$O(^TMP($J,"NURQDEM",748.03,NURQX)) Q:NURQX="" I $P($G(^TMP($J,"NURQDEM",748.03,NURQX,2)),U)="NURS LOCATION" S NURQFXN=1 K ^TMP($J,"NURQDEM") Q NURQFXN RESLOC(NURQRESP,NURQDEM) ; This function returns the NURS Location ; demographic for a particular set of Response Data. ; Input Parameter: NURQRESP=Ptr to 748.3 (Response Data) file ; NURQDEM=Ien in Demographic Data Item sub-file ; of Survey (748) file for the NURS Location ; demographic. ; Function Value = Ptr to Hospital Location (44) or 0 if this ; entry was not filled in. ; N NURQFXN K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) D FIND^DIC(748.36,","_NURQRESP_",",1,"X",NURQDEM,1) S NURQFXN=$G(^TMP("DILIST",$J,"ID",1,1)) K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) Q NURQFXN ; SURGENVR(VRCHK,OPT) ; THIS EXTRINSIC FUNCTION WILL DETERMINE IF THE VERSION ; OF THE SURVEY GENERATOR DETERMINED BY VRCHK IS INSTALLED. IF THE ; IT IS NOT INSTALLED, THE FUNCTION RETURNS FALSE (0) AND PRINTS ; AN ERROR MESSAGE. IF IT IS, IT RETURNS TRUE (1). OPT IS AN OPTIONAL ; INPUT THAT WILL HAVE THE ERROR MESSAGE CALL ^DIR TO STOP SCREEN FROM ; SCROLLING MESSAGE OFF. N FXN,VER S FXN=1,VER=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("SURVEY GENERATOR") I VRCHK=1,VER'=1 S FXN=0 I VRCHK=2,VER<2 S FXN=0 I 'FXN W !!,"SURVEY GENERATOR V. "_VRCHK_".0 "_$S(VRCHK=2:"OR GREATER ",1:"")_"IS REQUIRED - CANNOT CONTINUE:" I $G(OPT) S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR Q FXN