NURXENV ;HIRMFO/FT-Environment Check for Nursing v4.0 ;1/21/97 14:26 ;;4.0;NURSING SERVICE;;Apr 25, 1997 EN1 ; Check environment to see if Nursing v4.0 should be installed. S NURPKG=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("GMRG") I NURPKG<3 D BMES^XPDUTL("Text Generator v3.0 is required before you continue with this installation.") S NURSTOP=1 S NURPKG=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("REGISTRATION") I NURPKG<5.3 D BMES^XPDUTL("PIMS (MAS) v5.3 or greater is required before you continue with this installation.") S NURSTOP=1 S NURPKG=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("PRS") I NURPKG<3.5 D BMES^XPDUTL("PAID v3.5 or greater is required before you continue with this installation.") S NURSTOP=1 S NURVER=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("NUR") I NURVER>0,NURVER<3 D BMES^XPDUTL("You must have Nursing v3.0 loaded prior to the installation of v4.0") S NURSTOP=1 I NURVER=3 D .D FIND^DIC(9.7,"","","X","NUR*3.0*1","","B","","","NURIEN","NURERROR") .I $O(NURIEN("DILIST",2,0))'>0 D BMES^XPDUTL("You must install NUR*3.0*1 prior to the installation of v4.0") S NURSTOP=1 .D FIND^DIC(9.7,"","","X","NUR*3.0*3","","B","","","NURIEN","NURERROR") .I $O(NURIEN("DILIST",2,0))'>0 D BMES^XPDUTL("You must install NUR*3.0*3 prior to the installation of v4.0") S NURSTOP=1 .Q NMSP ; Q:+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("NUR")>3 ;quit if install already ran. Q:'$D(^NURSF(210,0)) ;quit if virgin install K NURIEN,NURERROR D FIND^DIC(9.4,"","","X","NUR","","C","","","NURIEN","NURERROR") ; quit if FileMan lookup errors out I +$G(NURERROR("DIERR")) D S NURSTOP=1 D KILL Q .K NURMSG .S NURMSG(1)="Error trying to lookup NURSING SERVICE in the PACKAGE (#9.4) file." .S NURMSG(2)="Halting." .D BMES^XPDUTL(.NURMSG) .Q ; S (NURCNT,NURSEQ)=0 F S NURSEQ=$O(NURIEN("DILIST",1,NURSEQ)) Q:NURSEQ'>0 D .S NURCNT=NURCNT+1 .Q ; quit if more than one entry with 3 lettered namespace of NUR I NURCNT>1 D S NURSTOP=1 D KILL Q .K NURMSG .S NURMSG(1)="There is more than one PACKAGE (#9.4) file entry with" .S NURMSG(2)="NUR as its PREFIX (field #1) value. The NUR namespace" .S NURMSG(3)="must be associated with the NURSING SERVICE entry in" .S NURMSG(4)="File #9.4. Delete the extra entries and re-point those" .S NURMSG(5)="entries to the NURSING SERVICE entry." .S NURMSG(6)="If the namespace for the NURSING SERVICE entry is not" .S NURMSG(7)="the three letter namespace of NUR, then you must edit" .S NURMSG(8)="it so that it is NUR." .D BMES^XPDUTL(.NURMSG) .Q I NURCNT=1 D .S NURDA=+(NURIEN("DILIST",2,1)) .I NURIEN("DILIST",1,1)'="NURSING SERVICE" D S NURSTOP=1 Q ..K NURMSG ..S NURMSG(1)="The name of the PACKAGE (#9.4) file entry for the NUR" ..S NURMSG(2)="namespace must be NURSING SERVICE. Please edit the" ..S NURMSG(3)="entry via FileMan to change the namespace of the NURSING" ..S NURMSG(4)="SERVICE entry to the 3 letter namespace of NUR before" ..S NURMSG(5)="continuing with this installation." ..S NURMSG(6)="Delete any other Package file entries that have a namespace" ..S NURMSG(7)="of NUR and re-point those entries to the NURSING SERVICE " ..S NURMSG(8)="entry." ..D BMES^XPDUTL(.NURMSG) ..Q .Q KILL ; S:$G(NURSTOP) XPDABORT=2 ;don't install transport global/leave in ^XTMP K DA,DIC,NURCNT,NURDA,NURERROR,NURIEN,NURMSG,NURPKG,NURSEQ,NURSTOP,NURVER,X,Y Q