NURXPST ;HIRMFO/FT-Nursing Service v4.0 Post-Initialization Routine ;1/21/97 14:27 ;;4.0;NURSING SERVICE;;Apr 25, 1997 ; ; This routine contains the post-initialization code for Nursing ; Service package v4.0. ; D MAILGRP,POST1^NURSFILE,MASMSG Q MAILGRP ; Remind IRM to check for members in NURS-ADP mail group D BMES^XPDUTL("Reminder: Make certain the NURS-ADP mail group has at least one member.") Q ONLINE ; Set Nursing software switch back to On-Line S $P(^DIC(213.9,1,"OFF"),U,1)=0 D BMES^XPDUTL("Setting Nursing software switch back to ON-LINE") Q MAS ; post-init ward deactivation/activation to update mas movements S (NURSTUS)="I",(NURSBAD,NURSEND,OUTSW)=0 D DATACK^NURSCPLU D:'NURSDATA FIRSTIME^NURSCPLU I NURSEND K NURSEND D ONLINE Q F NURS1=0:0 S NURS1=$O(^NURSF(211.4,"D","A",NURS1)) Q:NURS1'>0 S NURSWRD(NURS1)=NURS1 D ACTINAC S (NURSTUS)="A" D ACTINAC D ONLINE K NURS,DA,DIC,X,Y,NURSTUS,SSTAT,NURS1,NURSBAD,NURSEND,OUTSW,NURSWRD Q ACTINAC D ACTWARD^NURSCPLU I $D(NURSWRD) D INIT214^NURSCPLU K NURSEND Q MASMSG ; K NURMSG S NURMSG(1)=" " S NURMSG(2)="Before setting the Nursing software back on-line, I need" S NURMSG(3)="to update the NURS Patient file (#214) with any MAS patient" S NURMSG(4)="movements that took place while this software was installed." S NURMSG(5)="At the programmers prompt please do the following:" S NURMSG(6)="" S NURMSG(7)=" D MAS^NURXPST" S NURMSG(8)=" " D BMES^XPDUTL(.NURMSG) K NURMSG Q