QAOSPSM2 ;HISC/DAD-SUMMARY OF OCCURRENCE SCREENING - PART II ;2/9/93 09:08 ;;3.0;Occurrence Screen;;09/14/1993 K UNDL,DASH S $P(UNDL,"_",81)="",$P(DASH,"-",81)="",QAOSQUIT=0 D FF W !!,"PART II. Information on Program Operation" W !!,"2. Improvement Actions" W !!,"Indicate the types of improvement actions resulting from data collected" W !,"through the Occurrence Screening Program during the reporting period." W !!," Type of Action Number of times taken" W !," ---------------- -----------------------" S X=$S(QAOSLIST["^N^":"National ",1:" ")_$S(QAOSLIST["^L^":"Local ",1:" ")_$S(QAOSLIST["^1^":"Inactive",1:"") S:QAOSLIST="^N^" X="" W !?57,X W:X]""&QAOBLANK ! W !,"Discussion of case at service staff meeting",?57,$$ACT(8) W !!,"Discussion of case at M&M conference",?57,$$ACT(9) W !!,"Service education program",?57,$$ACT(10) W !!,"Facility education program",?57,$$ACT(11) W !!,"Discussion of case with practitioner by supervisor",?57,$$ACT(12) W !!,"Formal counseling of practitioner by supervisor",?57,$$ACT(13) D PAUSE G:QAOSQUIT EXIT W !!,"Investigation or focused study of case",?57,$$ACT(14) W !!,"Investigation to review privileges",?57,$$ACT(15) W !!,"Other disciplinary action",?57,$$ACT(16) W !!,"Changes in policy or procedures",?57,$$ACT(17) W !!,"Repair of malfunctioning equipment",?57,$$ACT(18) W !!,"Change in ordering of medical supplies or equipment",?57,$$ACT(19) W !!,"Development of improved communication procedures",?57,$$ACT(20) W !!,"Further study of issues raised by occurrence screening",?57,$$ACT(21) W !!,"Other",?57,$$ACT(22) D PAUSE G:QAOSQUIT EXIT G ^QAOSPSM3 ACT(Y) N X I QAOSLIST="^N^" Q " "_$S(QAOBLANK:"________",1:$J(+$G(QAOSACTN("N",Y)),5,0)) S X=$S(QAOBLANK:"________",QAOSLIST["^N^":$J(+$G(QAOSACTN("N",Y)),5,0)_" ",1:" ")_" " S X=X_$S(QAOBLANK:"_____",QAOSLIST["^L^":$J(+$G(QAOSACTN("L",Y)),5,0),1:" ")_" " S X=X_$S(QAOBLANK:"________",QAOSLIST["^1^":" "_$J(+$G(QAOSACTN("1",Y)),5,0),1:" ") Q X EXIT K DASH,UNDL Q PAUSE Q:$E(IOST)'="C" K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR S QAOSQUIT=$S(Y'>0:1,1:0) Q FF W @IOF Q