QAOSPSM3 ;HISC/DAD-SUMMARY OF OCCURRENCE SCREENING - PART II ;5/6/93 09:08 ;;3.0;Occurrence Screen;;09/14/1993 W !!!,"3. Results of the Reliability Assessments (Complete only for second report" W !," of fiscal year.)" W !!," a. Clinical Review" W !!," (1) Date reliability assessment completed ____________________" W !!," (2) Percentage agreement found ____________________" W !!," b. Peer Review" W !!," (1) Date reliability assessment completed ____________________" W !!," (2) Percentage agreement found ____________________" D PAUSE G:QAOSQUIT EXIT D FF W !!!,"4. Service-Specific Occurrences" W !!,DASH W !,"| | Medicine | Surgery | Psychiatry | Other* | Total** |" W !,"| (Including Neurology) | | | | |" W !,DASH W !,"| Criterion 1 | ",$$SRV("N",1,1)," | ",$$SRV("N",1,2)," | ",$$SRV("N",1,3)," | ",$$SRV("N",1,4)," | ",$$SRV("N",1,5)," |" W !,DASH W !,"| Criterion 2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ",$$SRV("N",2,5)," |" W !,DASH W !,"| Criterion 3 | N/A | ",$$SRV("N",3,2)," | N/A | N/A | ",$$SRV("N",3,2)," |" W !,DASH W !,"| Criterion 4 | ",$$SRV("N",4,1)," | ",$$SRV("N",4,2)," | ",$$SRV("N",4,3)," | ",$$SRV("N",4,4)," | ",$$SRV("N",4,5)," |" W !,DASH D PAUSE G:QAOSQUIT EXIT W !!,"Include only occurrences in this table, i.e., cases requiring clinical review" W !,"to determine if further review is necessary. Cases meeting exceptions, are" W !,"not included." W !!,"Use the following rules in determining the service to which an" W !,"occurrence belongs:" W !," Criterion 1 - Service at time of discharge from first hospitalization" W !," Criterion 2 - No rule necessary since only total figure needed" W !," Criterion 3 - No rule necessary since all occurrences are in surgery" W !," Criterion 4 - Service providing care at time of death" W !!,"* The ""Other"" column should be used for occurrences belonging to Intermediate" W !,"Medicine, Nursing Home Care Unit, Rehabilitation Medicine, SCI, and Domiciliary." W !!,"** The numbers in the ""Total"" columns should be the same as those in column 1" W !,"of Part I if all occurrences were clinically reviewed." D PAUSE G:QAOSQUIT EXIT D FF W !!,"5. Facility Workload Data (Should be readily available from Medical" W !," Administration Service)" W !!," a. Number of Admissions to Acute Care during Reporting Period:" W !!,"Reference : RCS 10-0021 (8ZD1) VA Inpatient Care" W !," Under the ""Gains"" Section; Line ""Total - Adm & Trans""" W !," List for each Bed Section:" W !!," Medicine (Include Neurology, exclude Intermediate Med.)",?71,"________" W !!," Surgery",?71,"________" W !!," Psychiatry",?71,"________" W !!," b. Number of ""Unscheduled"" and ""10-10"" Ambulatory Care" W !," Visits During Reporting Period",?71,"________" G ^QAOSPSM4 SRV(STATUS,SEQUENCE,PIECE) ; Q $S(QAOBLANK:" ",1:$J($P($G(QAOSRV(STATUS,SEQUENCE)),"^",PIECE),4,0)) EXIT K DASH,UNDL Q PAUSE Q:$E(IOST)'="C" K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR S QAOSQUIT=$S(Y'>0:1,1:0) Q FF W @IOF Q