ONCCSSTF ;Hines OIFO/GWB - COLLABORATIVE STAGING STUFFING; 01/07/04 ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**40,43,46**;Mar 07, 1995;Build 39 ; Q:$G(TOP)="" S MO=$$HIST^ONCFUNC(D0) S MM="NO" I $$MELANOMA^ONCOU55(D0) D .S:$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS")),U,5)="" $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,5)=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,D0,2)),U,9) E D .S:$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS1")),U,10)="" $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS1"),U,10)=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,D0,2)),U,9) ; ;Pharynx, NOS, Other Ill-Defined Oral Cavity Sites I (TOP=67140)!(TOP=67142)!(TOP=67148) D EVAL9 ;Other & Ill-defined Digestive Organs I ($E(TOP,3,4)=26) D EVAL9 ;Middle Ear I TOP=67301 D EVAL9 ;Accessory (Paranasal) Sinuses I (TOP=67312)!(TOP=67313)!(TOP=67318)!(TOP=67319) D EVAL9 ;Trachea I TOP=67339 D EVAL9 ;Other & Ill-Defined Respiratory Sites & Intrathoracic Organs I (TOP=67390)!(TOP=67398)!(TOP=67399) D EVAL9 ;Broad & Round Ligaments, Parametrium, Uterine Adnexa I (TOP=67571)!(TOP=67572)!(TOP=67573)!(TOP=67574) D EVAL9 ;Other & Unspecified Female Genital Organs I (TOP=67577)!(TOP=67578)!(TOP=67579) D EVAL9 ;Prostate I TOP=67619 D .S:$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,D0,2.2)),U,2)=99 $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,7)="097" .S GS=$$GET1^DIQ(165.5,D0,623) .I GS'="" S GS=$S(GS="02":"002",GS="03":"003",GS="04":"004",GS="05":"005",GS="06":"006",GS="07":"007",GS="08":"008",GS="09":"009",GS="10":"010",1:"") S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,10)=GS ;Other & Unspecified Male Genital Organs I ($E(TOP,3,4)=63) D EVAL9 ;Paraurethral Gland, Overlapping Lesion of Urinary Organs, & ;Unspecified Urinary Organs I (TOP=67681)!(TOP=67688)!(TOP=67689) D EVAL9 ;Cornea, Retina, Choroid, Ciliary Body, Eyeball, Overlapping & ;Other Eye I '$$MELANOMA^ONCOU55(D0),(TOP=67691)!(TOP=67692)!(TOP=67693)!(TOP=67694)!(TOP=67698)!(TOP=67699) D EVAL9 ;Brain & Cerebral Meninges I (TOP=67700)!($E(TOP,3,4)=71) D EVAL9,LN ;Other Parts of CNS I (TOP=67701)!(TOP=67709)!($E(TOP,3,4)=72) D EVAL9,LN ;Thymus, Adrenal (Suprarenal) Gland, & Other Endocrine Glands I (TOP=67379)!($E(TOP,3,4)=74)!($E(TOP,3,4)=75) D EVAL9 ; MM ;Malignant Melanoma of Skin, Vulva, Penis, Scrotum I $$MELANOMA^ONCOU55(D0),($E(TOP,3,4)=44)!($E(TOP,3,4)=51)!($E(TOP,3,4)=60)!(TOP=67632) D SSF56 Q ;Malignant Melanoma of Conjunctiva I $$MELANOMA^ONCOU55(D0),TOP=67690 S MM="YES" G SSF26 ;Malignant Melanoma of Iris & Ciliary Body I $$MELANOMA^ONCOU55(D0),TOP=67694 S MM="YES" G SSF26 ;Malignant Melanoma of Choroid I $$MELANOMA^ONCOU55(D0),TOP=67693 S MM="YES" G SSF26 ;Malignant Melanoma of Other Eye I $$MELANOMA^ONCOU55(D0),(TOP=67691)!(TOP=67692)!(TOP=67695)!(TOP=67698)!(TOP=67699) D SSF168 Q MFSD ;Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Disease of Skin, Vulva, Penis, Scrotum I (MO=97003)!(MO=97013),($E(TOP,3,4)=44)!($E(TOP,3,4)=51)!($E(TOP,3,4)=60)!(TOP=67632) D SSF26 Q RET ;Retinoblastoma I $E(MO,1,3)=951,($E(TOP,3,4)=69) S MM="YES" G SSF26 ;Kaposi Sarcoma of All Sites (9140) I MO=91403 D D EVAL9 S MM="YES" G SSF26 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS1"),U,10)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,3)=88 LYMPH ;Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas of All Sites ;(excl. Mycosis Fungoides & Sezary Disease) I $$LYMPHOMA^ONCFUNC(D0),MO'=97003,MO'=97013 D LN D Q .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS1"),U,10)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,2)=9 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,4)=9 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,3)=88 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,8)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,9)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,10)=888 HRIMN ;Hematopoietic, Reticuloendothelial, Immunoproliferative, & ;Myeloproliferative Neoplasms I (MO'<97310)&(MO'>99899) D EVAL9,LN,SSF168 D Q .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS1"),U,10)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,3)=88 .;EXTENSION (CS) (165.5,30.2) stuffing with 80 (Systemic disease) .I (MO'=97313)&($E(MO,1,4)'=9740)&($E(MO,1,4)'=9750)&($E(MO,1,4)'=9755)&($E(MO,1,4)'=9756)&($E(MO,1,4)'=9757)&($E(MO,1,4)'=9758)&($E(MO,1,4)'=9930) D ..S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,11)=80 ; SSF16 ;SITE-SPECIFIC FACTOR 1-6 = 888 (Not applicable for this site) ;Esophagus I ($E(TOP,3,4)=15) D SSF168 Q ;Stomach I ($E(TOP,3,4)=16) D SSF168 Q ;Small Intestine I ($E(TOP,3,4)=17) D SSF168 Q ;Anus I ($E(TOP,3,4)=21) D SSF168 Q ;Gallbladder I TOP=67239 D SSF168 Q ;Extrahepatic Bile Duct(s) I TOP=67240 D SSF168 Q ;Ampulla of Vater I TOP=67241 D SSF168 Q ;Other Biliary & Biliary, NOS I (TOP=67248)!(TOP=67249) D SSF168 Q ;Pancreas: Head I TOP=67250 D SSF168 Q ;Pancreas: Body & Tail I (TOP=67251)!(TOP=67252) D SSF168 Q ;Pancreas: Other & Unspecified I (TOP=67253)!(TOP=67254)!(TOP=67257)!(TOP=67258)!(TOP=67259) D SSF168 Q ;Other & Ill-defined Digestive Organs I (TOP=67260)!(TOP=6728)!(TOP=67269) D SSF168 Q ;Trachea I TOP=67339 D SSF168 Q ;Lung I ($E(TOP,3,4)=34) D SSF168 Q ;Heart, Mediastinum I (TOP=67380)!(TOP=67381)!(TOP=67382)!(TOP=67383)!(TOP=67388) D SSF168 Q ;Other & Ill-Defined Respiratory Sites & Intrathoracic Organs I (TOP=67390)!(TOP=67398)!(TOP=67399) D SSF168 Q ;Bone I ($E(TOP,3,4)=40)!($E(TOP,3,4)=41) D SSF168 Q ;Skin ;(excl. Mycosis Fungoides & Sezary Disease) I (TOP=67440)!(TOP=67442)!(TOP=67443)!(TOP=67444)!(TOP=67445)!(TOP=67446)!(TOP=67447)!(TOP=67448)!(TOP=67449),MO'=97003,MO'=97013 D SSF168 Q ;Skin of Eylid I TOP=67441 D SSF168 Q ;Peripheral Nerves & Autonomic Nervous System; ;Connective, Subcutaneous, & Other Soft Tissues I ($E(TOP,3,4)=47)!($E(TOP,3,4)=49) D SSF168 Q ;Retroperitoneum & Peritoneum I ($E(TOP,3,4)=48) D SSF168 Q ;Vulva I ($E(TOP,3,4)=51) D SSF168 Q ;Vagina I TOP=67529 D SSF168 Q ;Cervix Uteri I ($E(TOP,3,4)=53) D SSF168 Q ;Corpus Uteri; Uterus, NOS I ($E(TOP,3,4)=54)!(TOP=67559) D SSF168 Q ;Fallopian Tube I TOP=67570 D SSF168 Q ;Broad & Round Ligaments, Parametrium, Uterine Adnexa I (TOP=67571)!(TOP=67572)!(TOP=67573)!(TOP=67574) D SSF168 Q ;Other & Unspecified Female Genital Organs I (TOP=67577)!(TOP=67578)!(TOP=67579) D SSF168 Q ;Penis I ($E(TOP,3,4)=60) D SSF168 Q ;Other & Unspecified Male Genital Organs I ($E(TOP,3,4)=63) D SSF168 Q ;Scrotum I TOP=67632 D SSF168 Q ;Kidney (Renal Parenchyma) I TOP=67649 D SSF168 Q ;Renal Pelvis & Ureter I (TOP=67659)!(TOP=67669) D SSF168 Q ;Bladder I ($E(TOP,3,4)=67) D SSF168 Q ;Urethra I TOP=67680 D SSF168 Q ;Paraurethral Gland, Overlapping Lesion of Urinary Organs, & ;Unspecified Urinary Organs I (TOP=67681)!(TOP=67688)!(TOP=67689) D SSF168 Q ;Conjunctiva I TOP=67690 D SSF168 Q ;Cornea, Retina, Choroid, Ciliary Body, Eyeball, Overlapping & ;Other Eye I (TOP=67691)!(TOP=67692)!(TOP=67693)!(TOP=67694)!(TOP=67698)!(TOP=67699) D SSF168 Q ;Lacrimal Gland I TOP=67695 D SSF168 Q ;Orbit I TOP=67696 D SSF168 Q ;Other & Ill-Defined Sites, Unknown Primary Site I ($E(TOP,3,4)=42)!($E(TOP,3,4)=76)!($E(TOP,3,4)=77)!(TOP=67809) D EVAL9,LN,SSF168 D Q .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,11)=88 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,3)=88 ; SSF26 ;SITE-SPECIFIC FACTOR 2-6 = 888 (Not applicable for this site) ;Colon ;Rectosigmoid, Rectum ;Pleura ;Mycosis Fungoides & Sezary Disease (9700-9701) ;Ovary ;Placenta I TOP=67589 D LN S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,2)=9 ;Brain & Cerebral Meninges ;Other Parts of CNS ;Thyroid ;Thymus, Adrenal (Suprarenal) Gland, & Other Endocrine Glands I ($E(TOP,3,4)=18)!(TOP=67199)!(TOP=67209)!(TOP=67384)!(MO=97003)!(MO=97013)!(TOP=67569)!(TOP=67589)!(MM="YES")!(TOP=67700)!($E(TOP,3,4)=71)!(TOP=67701)!(TOP=67709)!($E(TOP,3,4)=72)!(TOP=67739)!(TOP=67379)!($E(TOP,3,4)=74)!($E(TOP,3,4)=75) D Q .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,6)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,7)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,8)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,9)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,10)=888 ; SSF36 ;SITE-SPECIFIC FACTOR 3-6 = 888 (Not applicable for this site) ;Liver & Intrahepatic Bile Ducts I ($E(TOP,3,4)=22) D Q .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,7)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,8)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,9)=888 .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,10)=888 ; SSF6 ;SITE-SPECIFIC FACTOR 6 = 888 (Not applicable for this site) ;Testis I ($E(TOP,3,4)=62) D Q .S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,10)=888 ; Q ; EVAL9 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,1)=9 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,2)=9 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,4)=9 Q ; SSF168 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,5)=888 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,6)=888 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,7)=888 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,8)=888 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,9)=888 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,10)=888 Q ; SSF56 ;SITE-SPECIFIC FACTOR 5-6 = 888 (Not applicable for this site) S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,9)=888 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,10)=888 Q ; LN S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,"CS"),U,12)=88 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,2),U,12)=99 S $P(^ONCO(165.5,D0,2),U,13)=99 Q