ONCOAS ;Hines OIFO/GWB - [SE Add/Edit/Delete 'Suspense' Case] ;05/30/00 ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**25,26,27,41**;Mar 07, 1995 ; PAT ;[SE Add/Edit/Delete 'Suspense' Case] W ! S DIC="^ONCO(160,",DIC(0)="AEZML",DLAYGO=160 D ^DIC G:Y<0 EX S (D0,ONCOD0)=+Y N Y K DIQ,ONC S DIC="^ONCO(160,",DR=".01;16;15;15.2",DA=ONCOD0,DIQ="ONC" D EN^DIQ1 W ! W !?1,"Patient Name.................: ",ONC(160,ONCOD0,.01) W !?1,"Date of Last Contact or Death: ",ONC(160,ONCOD0,16) W !?1,"Vital Status.................: ",ONC(160,ONCOD0,15) W !?1,"Follow-Up Status.............: ",ONC(160,ONCOD0,15.2) D SDD^ONCOCOM I $D(^ONCO(160,ONCOD0,"SUS","C",DUZ(2))) D D DEL G PAT .S SUSIEN=$O(^ONCO(160,ONCOD0,"SUS","C",DUZ(2),0)) .S DIE="^ONCO(160,"_ONCOD0_",""SUS"",",DA(1)=ONCOD0,DA=SUSIEN .S DR=".01;3" D ^DIE S DA(1)=ONCOD0,DIC="^ONCO(160,"_ONCOD0_",""SUS"",",DIC(0)="QEAL" S DIC("A")="SUSPENSE DATE: " S DIC("S")="I $P(^ONCO(160,DA(1),""SUS"",Y,0),U,4)=DUZ(2)" D ^DIC I Y=-1 K DIC,DA D DEL G PAT S DIE=DIC K DIC S DA=+Y,DR="1///^S X=DT;2///^S X=""SE"";3////^S X=DUZ(2)" S ONCOL=0 L +^ONCO(160,DA):0 I $T D ^DIE L -^ONCO(160,DA) S ONCOL=1 I 'ONCOL W !,"This patient is being edited by another user." G PAT K ONCOL,DIE,DR,DA,Y D DEL G PAT ; EX ;Exit K X,Y,D0,DA,DIC,DIE,DIK,DIQ,DLAYGO,DR K ONC,ONCOD0,ONCOL,SUSIEN Q ; DEL ;Delete patients who are not on suspense and have no primaries I $O(^ONCO(160,ONCOD0,"SUS",0))="",'$D(^ONCO(165.5,"C",ONCOD0)) D .N DIK,DA S DIK="^ONCO(160,",DA=ONCOD0 D ^DIK .W !!?3,*7,"This patient is not on suspense and has no primaries." .W !?3,"This patient's record has been deleted." Q ; PURGE ;PSR Purge Suspense Records [ONCO UTIL-PURGE SUSPENSE] W ! W !," This option will purge suspense records. The user may purge ALL suspense" W !," records or the suspense records for a selected SUSPENSE DATE range." W ! W !," NOTE: Only suspense records which belong to your division will be purged." W ! W !," If, after the suspense record purge, the patient has no suspense records" W !," and no primaries (for any division), the tumor registry patient record" W !," will also be purged." W ! K DIR S DIR("A")=" Select purge option" S DIR(0)="SO^1:ALL suspense records for your division;2:Range of suspense records by SUSPENSE DATE" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) I Y=1 S ANS="YES" G PSR I Y=2 S ANS="NO" K DIR W ! S DIR(0)="D" S DIR("A")=" Start Suspense Date" S DIR("?")=" " S DIR("?",1)=" Enter the SUSPENSE DATE of the first suspense record you would like to purge." D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S SDT=Y S DIR("A")=" End Suspense Date" S DIR("?",1)=" Enter the SUSPENSE DATE of the last suspense record you would like to purge." D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S EDT=Y PSR W ! K DIR,ONC S DIR("A")=" Are you sure you want to purge suspense records" S DIR("B")="No" S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR I Y=0 Q I ANS="YES" S X0=0,EDT=9999999 I ANS="NO" S X0=SDT-1 S CNT=0 F S X0=$O(^ONCO(160,"ADX",X0)) Q:('X0)!(X0>EDT) S X1=0 F S X1=$O(^ONCO(160,"ADX",X0,X1)) Q:'X1 S X2=0 F S X2=$O(^ONCO(160,"ADX",X0,X1,X2)) Q:'X2 I $$SUSDIV^ONCFUNC(X1,X2)=DUZ(2) D .S DA(1)=X1,DA=X2,DIK="^ONCO(160,"_DA(1)_",""SUS""," D ^DIK .S CNT=CNT+1 .S ONC(X1)="" .W "." S PATCNT=0,SUB=0 F S SUB=$O(ONC(SUB)) Q:'SUB D .I $O(^ONCO(160,SUB,"SUS",0))="",'$D(^ONCO(165.5,"C",SUB)) D ..N DIK,DA S DIK="^ONCO(160,",DA=SUB D ^DIK S PATCNT=PATCNT+1 W !!,?3,CNT," Suspense ",$S(CNT=1:"record",1:"records")," purged" W !,?3,PATCNT," Tumor Registry patient ",$S(CNT=1:"record",1:"records")," purged" K ANS,CNT,EDT,ONC,PATCNT,SDT,X0,X1,X2,Y,DA,DIK,DIR Q