ONCOENV ;WASH ISC/SRR,MLH-PACKAGE ENVIRONMENT CHECK VERSION 2.11 ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;;Mar 07, 1995 ; ; Just a reminder - if variables are defined here for the post init, ; don't NEW them in this routine or they'll be clobbered. I '$D(IOF) S IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS ; set up environment ; PRE ; PRE INIT - Check user and device I $G(DUZ)<1 W !!!?15,"YOU ARE NOT IDENTIFIED AS A USER!!",!!?17,"TERMINATING this Installation!",!!! K DIFQ E D CK D EX ; clean up QUIT ; CK ;Check if installed ; 7/14/94 MLH added NEW to next line to cause version to be ; correctly identified NN N VR,V S VR=$P($T(ONCOENV+1),";",3),V=$G(^ONCO(169.99,0,"NVR")) ; version number IF V=VR D ; already installed - bail out? . N I,Y . S I=$P(^ONCO(169.99,0),U,3) ; site number . S Y=$P(^ONCO(169.99,I,0),U,4) ; installation date . D DD^%DT . W !!,*7,*7,?10,"INSTALLATION "_V_" Completed: "_Y_"." . I '$$GOAHEAD K DIFQ ; let user bail out . Q ;END IF ; I $D(DIFQ) D START ; didn't bail out I $D(DIFQ),'OFST D RSTSET ; set up for restaging ; ; 7/12/94 MLH REMOVED logic to check proceeding w/o restaging ; to entry point ONCOENA ; I $D(DIFQ),$G(ONCOI1ST)'>0 D QNORSTG^ONCOENA ; they don't want to restage - do they want to quit? Q ; START S XIU="T",OFST=0,NM="ONCOLOGY TUMOR REGISTRY" S %H=$H D YX^%DTC S (ONCOBEG,ONCOST)=Y D DD^%DT D LOGO^ONCODIS,V W !! IF '$O(^ONCO(160,0)) D ; virgin install . S OFST=1 . D CV . Q ELSE D ; non-virgin . D CI . Q ;END IF ; EX ;Exit conversion K DIK,DIR,DIU,ER,RR,I,J,K,L,LTD,MC,N,N1,NAC,NF,NFM,NXT,REM,S,T,TC,XDD,XIU F I="T","N","M" K ^UTILITY($J,I) Q ; CI ;CHECK INSTALLATION VERSION S INS=$G(^ONCO(169.99,0,"INS")) IF INS'="",'$D(^DD(160)) D ; previously aborted in the middle? . W !!?10,"Appears installation was started, not completed" . W !?10,"- no other information available, will continue..." . S V=$G(^ONCO(169.99,0,"OVR")) . Q ELSE D . IF INS'="" D ; previously aborted in the middle? .. S VX=$P(INS,U),ST=$P(INS,U,2),Y=ST D DD^%DT .. W !!?10,"Appears installation of V"_VX_" on "_Y .. W !?10,"began, but did not complete - will continue installation..." .. Q . ;END IF . ; . D CV ; get version number . Q ;END IF ; CN W !!,"I am going to clean out DD's (national fields only)." W !,"I will also purge the static files, except for FOLLOW-UP FORM LETTER." D AB ; do they want to abort? I Y'=1 ; yes, user bailed out E I V=""!(V>1.79) ; no, and no need to do ICDO conv E W !!,"Please convert to Version 2.0 before proceeding.",!! K DIFQ ; no, but version too old - must do ICDO conv ;END IF ; Q ; V W !!!?25,"INSTALLATION: VERSION ",VR,!?25,Y Q ; AB K DIR S DIR("A")=" CONTINUE with Installation: ",DIR("B")="Yes",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR Q:Y=1 D ABORT Q ABORT W !!?7,"Installation aborted - you may DO ^ONCOINIT at any time." K DIFQ Q ; GOAHEAD() ; does user want to go ahead with installation? N DIR S DIR("A")="Do you want to proceed",DIR("B")="No",DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("?",1)="It appears that you have already installed this version successfully." S DIR("?",2)="Unless your ISC has requested that you reinstall, you can stop here" S DIR("?",2.5)="and no changes will have been made to the package." IF $T(+2)["2.1;" D ; following message applies only to released version . S DIR("?",2.9)="" . S DIR("?",3)="Remember that if you proceed with installation, you must re-apply" . S DIR("?",4)="all patches to this package before allowing users to log back in" . S DIR("?",5)="to the system." . S DIR("?",5.9)="" . S DIR("?",6)="If you need further help, answer No here and contact your ISC." . Q ;END IF ; D ^DIR Q Y ; CV S VRN=$G(^ONCO(169.99,0,"NVR")),V=$P(VRN,U),VND=$P(VRN,U,3),V=$S('V:"NONE",1:V),VX=$S(V["T":"Alpha Test",V["V":"Beta Test/Verification",1:"Released")_" Version",^ONCO(169.99,0,"OVR")=V I 'OFST W !?20,"VERSION "_V_" currently installed",!?32,VX E I '$D(^ONCO(160)) W !,?20,"This is a VIRGIN Installation",!! Q ; RSTSET ;JAH 01FEB95; Set up for restaging - called by CK W !!,"The post-initialization can automatically recompute" W !,"the AJCC staging of entries on your primary file with" W !,"a DIAGNOSIS DATE on or after a date you specify." W !!,"Answer YES to restage." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Do you want to RESTAGE" S DIR("?")="Answer Yes or No to the restaging question." S DIR("?",1)="The Oncology Registrar may be best suited to help answer the restaging questions" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!(Y=0) S ONCOI1ST=-1 E S ONCOI1ST=$$RSTGASK^ONCOU55A ; get the date Q