ONCOFLF ;Hines OIFO/GWB - FOLLOWUP LETTER FUNCTIONS ;11/1/93 ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**5,6,11,36,37**;Mar 07, 1995 ; AED ;Edit followup letters - FOLLOW-UP FORM LETTER file (165.1) W !! S (DIC,DLAYGO)="^ONCO(165.1," S DIC("A")=" Select letter to Add/Edit: ",DIC(0)="AELQZ",D="B" D IX^DIC G EX:Y<0 S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC,DR="[ONCO FOLL ADD/EDIT LETTER]" K DC S DIA(1)=+Y,DIA=DIC,DIA("P")="165.1" D ^DIE G AED ; HP ;HELP on Patient's contacts K DIC,DXS,DIOT D ^ONCOXPC W ! Q ; UP ;Update Contact File (Maintain) W @IOF,!!?15,"*************** UPDATE CONTACT FILE ***************",!! K DIR S DIR("A")=" Select function",DIR(0)="SO^1:Add/Edit;2:Delete;3:Print;4:Cleanup;5:Exit" D ^DIR G EX:(Y=U)!(Y="") S OP=Y G @Y 1 ;Edit W !! S (DIC,DIE)="^ONCO(165,",DIC(0)="AELMQZ",DLAYGO=165 D ^DIC G UP:Y=-1 S DA=+Y W !! S DR="[ONCO UPDATE CONTACT]" D ^DIE G UP:$D(Y)'=0,1 ; 2 ;Delete W !!!?10,"You may only delete entries which are not 'pointed to'" W !?10,"by other files. If you need to delete these entries, either" W !?10,"edit them, or delete them from Oncology Patient/Primary first.",!! S DIC="^ONCO(165,",DIC(0)="AEZQ" D ^DIC G EX:Y<0 W !!?5,"Checking cross-references..." I $D(^ONCO(165,"ACP",+Y)) W ?40,"CANNOT DELETE!!" G 2 S DA=+Y,DIK=DIC W !!?14,"Deleting Contact..." D ^DIK G 2 3 ;Print K DIR S DIR("A")="Type of List",DIR(0)="SO^A:Alphabetic;T:By Type" D ^DIR G EX:(Y[U)!(Y="") G @Y G EX:(Y=U)!(Y="") W !! G @Y A W !!?10,"I will print an Alphabetic List of Contacts",!! S BY="[ONCO CONTACT LIST-A]",L=0 D PRT G EX T S BY="[ONCO CONTACT LIST-T]",L=0 D PRT G EX PRT S DIC="^ONCO(165,",L=0 D EN1^DIP Q ; 4 ;Cleanout unused contacts dead patients W @IOF,?15,"************ Cleanout Unused Contacts ***********",!! G DAC^ONCOFDP ; 5 ;Exit option EX ;EXIT ROUTINE K DIC,DIA,DIE,DIR,DA,DR,FIEN,LIEN,NEWIEN,TMP,%X,%Y,%ZISOS,J,OP,BY,L Q ; EEACOS ;Enter/Edit FACILITY file (160.19) W ! W !,?3,"E Edit an existing entry" W !,?3,"A Add a new entry" W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="FAO^1:1",DIR("A")="Select Enter/Edit Facility file Option: " S DIR("?")=" Enter 'E' to edit an existing FACILITY or 'A' to add a new FACILITY" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) G EX I "AE"'[Y G EEACOS I Y="A" S ADDED=0 D ADD G EX:ADDED=0 G EEACOS:ADDED=1 I Y="E" D EDIT G EX EDIT ; W ! S (DIC,DIE)="^ONCO(160.19,",DIC(0)="AELMQZ",DLAYGO=160.19 D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 S DA=+Y W ! S DR=".01;.02;.03;.04" D ^DIE G EDIT Q ADD ; S FIEN=$O(^ONCO(160.19,"B",6999000,"")) I FIEN="" S NEWIEN=6999000 I FIEN'="" S LIEN=6998999 F X=0:0 S LIEN=$O(^ONCO(160.19,"B",LIEN)) Q:LIEN=9999999 S TMP=LIEN I $G(TMP) S NEWIEN=TMP+1 W !!,"NEXT AVAILABLE LOCAL FIN NUMBER IS ",NEWIEN,"." W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to add a new entry",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y=0) Q K DD,DO S DIC="^ONCO(160.19,",DIC(0)="L",X=NEWIEN D FILE^DICN W ! K DIE S DIE="^ONCO(160.19,",DA=+Y,DR=".01;.02;.03;.04" D ^DIE S ADDED=1 Q ; HELP ;XECUTABLE help to display the next available local number to add a new ;entry to the FACILITY file (160.19) S FIEN=$O(^ONCO(160.19,"B",6999000,"")) I FIEN="" S NEWIEN=6999000 I FIEN'="" S LIEN=6998999 F X=0:0 S LIEN=$O(^ONCO(160.19,"B",LIEN)) Q:LIEN=9999999 S TMP=LIEN I $G(TMP) S NEWIEN=TMP+1 I $G(DI)=6 D .W !?3,"Identifies the facility that referred the patient to the" .W !?3,"reporting facility." I $G(DI)=7 D .W !?3,"Identifies the facility to which the patient was referred for" .W !?3,"care after discharge from the reporting facility." W ! W !?3,"If you wish to add a new facility, enter either the 7-digit" W !?3,"(6020009-6953290) or 8-digit (10000000+) assigned COC FIN" W !?3,"number." W ! W !?3,"If the new facility does not have an assigned COC FIN number," W !?3,"use the next available local FIN number.",! W !?3,"THE NEXT AVAILABLE LOCAL FIN NUMBER IS ",NEWIEN,".",! Q