ONCOHELP ;Hines OIFO/GWB - Misellaneous HELP ;5/2/92 ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**29**;Mar 07, 1995 DPD ;DRINKS PER DAY W !?5,"Enter the amount of alcohol consumed per day in whiskey equivalents" W !?10,"Note-> One whiskey is equivalent to 10.24 grams of alcohol",!!?15,"- 12 ounces of beer is equivalent to one whiskey" W !?15,"- 4 ounces of wine is equivalent to one whiskey",!?15,"- 1 ounce of vodka, scotch, etc. is equivalent to one whiskey" Q RAD ;RADIATION Conversion W !?10,"Enter the TOTAL amount of Radiation given",! W !?10,"1 cGy = 1 RAD 1Gy = 100 RADs",! Q CLK ;CONTACT LOOKUP ;ENTER with ONCOX=1,2,3,4,5,6 I X="?" S X="" Q ;Q:X="?" S X="??",DIC="^ONCO(165,",D="B"_ONCOX,DIC(0)="EZ" D IX^DIC Q ; BP ;BIOPSY PROCEDURE (165.5,141) D BPGUCHK^ONCOTNE I BPSITE="" Q W !?3,"Select from the following list:",! F XBP=0:0 S XBP=$O(^ONCO(164,BPSITE,"BP5",XBP)) Q:XBP'>0 W !?6,$P($G(^ONCO(164,BPSITE,"BP5",XBP,0)),U,2),?12,$P($G(^ONCO(164,BPSITE,"BP5",XBP,0)),U,1) K XBP Q