| 2 | ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**6,7,11,13,16,18,19,22,26,29**;Mar 07, 1995
| 6 | K PCEITC
| 7 | S PCEITC("C16.0")="" ;Cardia, NOS
| 8 | S PCEITC("C16.1")="" ;Fundus of stomach
| 9 | S PCEITC("C16.2")="" ;Body of stomach
| 10 | S PCEITC("C16.3")="" ;Gastric antrum
| 11 | S PCEITC("C16.4")="" ;Pylorus
| 12 | S PCEITC("C16.5")="" ;Lesser curvature of stomach, NOS
| 13 | S PCEITC("C16.6")="" ;Greater curvature of stomach, NOS
| 14 | S PCEITC("C16.8")="" ;Overlapping lesion of stomach
| 15 | S PCEITC("C16.9")="" ;Stomach, NOS
| 16 | S PCEITC("C18.0")="" ;Cecum
| 17 | S PCEITC("C18.1")="" ;Appendix
| 18 | S PCEITC("C18.2")="" ;Ascending
| 19 | S PCEITC("C18.3")="" ;Hepatic flexure
| 20 | S PCEITC("C18.4")="" ;Transverse
| 21 | S PCEITC("C18.5")="" ;Splenic flexure
| 22 | S PCEITC("C18.6")="" ;Descending
| 23 | S PCEITC("C18.7")="" ;Sigmoid
| 24 | S PCEITC("C18.8")="" ;Overlapping lesion
| 25 | S PCEITC("C18.9")="" ;Colon, NOS
| 26 | S PCEITC("C19.9")="" ;Rectosigmoid junction
| 27 | S PCEITC("C20.9")="" ;Rectum
| 28 | S PCEITC("C22.0")="" ;Liver
| 29 | S PCEITC("C34.0")="" ;Main Bronchus
| 30 | S PCEITC("C34.1")="" ;Upper lobe lung
| 31 | S PCEITC("C34.2")="" ;Middle lobe lung
| 32 | S PCEITC("C34.3")="" ;Lower lobe lung
| 33 | S PCEITC("C34.8")="" ;Overlapping lesion of lung
| 34 | S PCEITC("C34.9")="" ;Lung, NOS
| 35 | S PCEITC("C38.0")="" ;Heart
| 36 | S PCEITC("C38.1")="" ;Mediastinum, anterior
| 37 | S PCEITC("C38.2")="" ;Mediastinum, posterior
| 38 | S PCEITC("C38.3")="" ;Mediastinum, NOS
| 39 | S PCEITC("C38.4")="" ;Pleura, NOS
| 40 | S PCEITC("C38.8")="" ;Heart/Medias/Pleura, overlap
| 41 | S PCEITC("C44.0")="" ;Skin of lip, NOS
| 42 | S PCEITC("C44.2")="" ;External ear
| 43 | S PCEITC("C44.3")="" ;Skin of other and unspecified parts of face
| 44 | S PCEITC("C44.4")="" ;Skin of scalp and neck
| 45 | S PCEITC("C44.5")="" ;Skin of trunk
| 46 | S PCEITC("C44.6")="" ;Skin of upper limb and shoulder
| 47 | S PCEITC("C44.7")="" ;Skin of lower limb and hip
| 48 | S PCEITC("C44.8")="" ;Overlapping lesion
| 49 | S PCEITC("C44.9")="" ;Skin, NOS
| 50 | S PCEITC("C47.0")="" ;Nerves, head & neck
| 51 | S PCEITC("C47.1")="" ;Nerves, upper limb
| 52 | S PCEITC("C47.2")="" ;Nerves, lower limb
| 53 | S PCEITC("C47.3")="" ;Nerves, thorax
| 54 | S PCEITC("C47.4")="" ;Nerves, abdomen
| 55 | S PCEITC("C47.5")="" ;Nerves, pelvis
| 56 | S PCEITC("C47.6")="" ;Nerves, trunk
| 57 | S PCEITC("C47.8")="" ;Nerves, overlap
| 58 | S PCEITC("C47.9")="" ;Autonomic nervous system, NOS
| 59 | S PCEITC("C48.0")="" ;Retroperitoneum
| 60 | S PCEITC("C48.1")="" ;Peritoneum, specified
| 61 | S PCEITC("C48.2")="" ;Peritoneum, NOS
| 62 | S PCEITC("C48.8")="" ;Retroperitoneum overlap
| 63 | S PCEITC("C49.0")="" ;Soft tissues, head & neck
| 64 | S PCEITC("C49.1")="" ;Soft tissues, upper limb
| 65 | S PCEITC("C49.2")="" ;Soft tissues, lower limb
| 66 | S PCEITC("C49.3")="" ;Soft tissues, thorax
| 67 | S PCEITC("C49.4")="" ;Soft tissues, abdomen
| 68 | S PCEITC("C49.5")="" ;Soft tissues, pelvis
| 69 | S PCEITC("C49.6")="" ;Soft tissues, trunk
| 70 | S PCEITC("C49.8")="" ;Soft tissues overlap
| 71 | S PCEITC("C49.9")="" ;Soft tissues NOS
| 72 | S PCEITC("C50.0")="" ;Nipple
| 73 | S PCEITC("C50.1")="" ;Central portion breast
| 74 | S PCEITC("C50.2")="" ;Upper-inner quadrant breast
| 75 | S PCEITC("C50.3")="" ;Lower-inner quadrant breast
| 76 | S PCEITC("C50.4")="" ;Upper-outer quadrant breast
| 77 | S PCEITC("C50.5")="" ;Lower-outer quadrant breast
| 78 | S PCEITC("C50.6")="" ;Axillary tail breast
| 79 | S PCEITC("C50.8")="" ;Overlapping lesion breast
| 80 | S PCEITC("C50.9")="" ;Breast, NOS
| 81 | S PCEITC("C61.9")="" ;Prostate
| 82 | S PCEITC("C67.0")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 83 | S PCEITC("C67.1")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 84 | S PCEITC("C67.2")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 85 | S PCEITC("C67.3")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 86 | S PCEITC("C67.4")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 87 | S PCEITC("C67.5")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 88 | S PCEITC("C67.6")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 89 | S PCEITC("C67.7")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 90 | S PCEITC("C67.8")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 91 | S PCEITC("C67.9")="" ;Urinary Bladder
| 92 | S PCEITC("C68.0")="" ;Urinary Bladder (Urethra)
| 93 | S PCEITC("C70.0")="" ;Cerebral meninges
| 94 | S PCEITC("C70.1")="" ;Spinal meninges
| 95 | S PCEITC("C70.9")="" ;Meninges, NOS
| 96 | S PCEITC("C71.0")="" ;Cerebrum
| 97 | S PCEITC("C71.1")="" ;Fontal lobe
| 98 | S PCEITC("C71.2")="" ;Temporal lobe
| 99 | S PCEITC("C71.3")="" ;Parietal lobe
| 100 | S PCEITC("C71.4")="" ;Occipital lobe
| 101 | S PCEITC("C71.5")="" ;Ventricle, NOS
| 102 | S PCEITC("C71.6")="" ;Cerebellum, NOS
| 103 | S PCEITC("C71.7")="" ;Brain stem
| 104 | S PCEITC("C71.8")="" ;Overlapping lesion on brain
| 105 | S PCEITC("C71.9")="" ;Brain, NOS
| 106 | S PCEITC("C72.0")="" ;Spinal cord
| 107 | S PCEITC("C72.1")="" ;Cauda equina
| 108 | S PCEITC("C72.2")="" ;Olfactory nerve
| 109 | S PCEITC("C72.3")="" ;Optic nerve
| 110 | S PCEITC("C72.4")="" ;Acoustic nerve
| 111 | S PCEITC("C72.5")="" ;Cranial nerve
| 112 | S PCEITC("C72.8")="" ;Overlapping lesion of brain and cns
| 113 | S PCEITC("C72.9")="" ;Nervous system, NOS
| 114 | S PCEITC("C73.9")="" ;Thyroid gland
| 115 | S PCEITC("C75.1")="" ;Pituitary gland
| 116 | S PCEITC("C75.2")="" ;Craniopharyngeal duct
| 117 | S PCEITC("C75.3")="" ;Pineal gland
| 118 | S ICDO=0,NODE2=$G(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,2)),ICDOTOP=$P(NODE2,U,1)
| 120 | ;
| 121 | ;Check if HISTOLOGY is relevant to NON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMA and if
| 122 | ;ACCESSION YEAR = 1997
| 123 | S HIST1234=$E(HIST,1,4),BEH=$E(HIST,5)
| 124 | I ((HIST1234>9589)&(HIST1234<9596))!((HIST1234>9669)&(HIST1234<9718)),$P(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,0),U,7)=1997 D ^ONCNPC0 G EXIT
| 125 | ;
| 126 | ;Check if HISTOLOGY is relevant to MELANOMA and if ACCESSION YEAR = 1999
| 127 | S HIST123=$E(HIST,1,3),BEH=$E(HIST,5)
| 128 | I ((HIST123>871)&(HIST123<880))!((HIST=90443)&($E(ICDOTOP,1,4)=6749)),$P(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,0),U,7)=1999 D ^ONCMPC0 G EXIT
| 129 | ;
| 130 | ;Check for pediatric cases of rhabdomyosarcoma (Soft Tissue Sarcoma)
| 132 | I AGE<21,((HIST=89003)!(HIST=89013)!(HIST=89023)!(HIST=89103)!(HIST=89203)) D ^ONCSPC0 G EXIT
| 133 | ;
| 134 | ;Check Primary Site
| 135 | I ICDOTOP'="" S ICDO=$P(^ONCO(164,ICDOTOP,0),U,2)
| 136 | I ICDO=0 G:ONCOANS'=5 EXIT W !!,?10,"There is no ICDO-TOPOGRAPHY for this primary." R Z:10 G EXIT
| 137 | I '$D(PCEITC(ICDO)) G:ONCOANS'=5 EXIT W !!,?10,"There is currently no PCE for this primary site",!,?10,"nor is it a 1997 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma or 1999",!,?10,"Melanoma." R Z:10 G EXIT
| 138 | I ($E(ICDO,2,3)=67)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=68) D ^ONCBPC0 G EXIT
| 139 | I ($E(ICDO,2,3)=38)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=47)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=48)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=49)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=44) D ^ONCSPC0 G EXIT
| 140 | I ICDO="C73.9" D ^ONCTPC0 G EXIT
| 141 | I ICDO="C61.9" D ^ONCP2P0 G EXIT
| 142 | I ($E(ICDO,2,3)=18)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=19)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=20) D ^ONCCPC0 G EXIT
| 143 | I $E(ICDO,2,3)=50 D ^ONCBRP0 G EXIT
| 144 | I ICDO="C22.0" D ^ONCHPC0 G EXIT
| 145 | I ($E(ICDO,2,3)=70)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=71)!($E(ICDO,2,3)=72)!(ICDO="C75.1")!(ICDO="C75.2")!(ICDO="C75.3") D ^ONCIPC0 G EXIT
| 146 | I $E(ICDO,2,3)=16 D ^ONCGPC0 G EXIT
| 147 | I $E(ICDO,2,3)=34 D ^ONCLPC0 G EXIT
| 148 | Q
| 150 | Q
| 151 | DATEIT ;Date input transform
| 152 | I X="00/00/00" W *7,!!?5,"'00/00/00' is ambiguous, enter a 4 digit year.",!! S ITFLAG="YES" K X Q
| 153 | I X="00/00/0000" S X="0000000" S ITFLAG="YES" Q
| 154 | I X="00000000" S X="0000000" S ITFLAG="YES" W " 00/00/0000" Q
| 155 | I X="88/88/88" W *7,!!?5,"'88/88/88' is ambiguous, enter a 4 digit year.",!! S ITFLAG="YES" K X Q
| 156 | I X="88/88/8888" S X=8888888 S ITFLAG="YES" Q
| 157 | I X="88888888" S X=8888888 S ITFLAG="YES" W " 88/88/8888" Q
| 158 | I X="99/99/99" W *7,!!?5,"'99/99/99' is ambiguous, enter a 4 digit year.",!! S ITFLAG="YES" K X Q
| 159 | I X="99/99/9999" S X=9999999 S ITFLAG="YES" Q
| 160 | I X="99999999" S X=9999999 S ITFLAG="YES" W " 99/99/9999" Q
| 161 | Q
| 162 | DATEOT ;Date output transform in format MM/DD/YYYY
| 163 | Q:Y=""
| 164 | S Y=$S(Y="0000000":"00/00/0000",Y=9999999:"99/99/9999",Y=8888888:"88/88/8888",1:$E(Y,4,5)_"/"_$E(Y,6,7)_"/"_($E(Y,1,3)+1700))
| 165 | Q
| 166 | CHDTIT ;Date input transform for fields #1103 and #1105
| 167 | I X="00/00/00" W *7,!!?5,"'00/00/00' is ambiguous, enter a 4 digit year.",!! S ITFLAG="YES" K X Q
| 168 | I X="00/0000" S X="0000000" S ITFLAG="YES" Q
| 169 | I (X="00000000")!(X="00/00/0000") S X="0000000" S ITFLAG="YES" W " 00/0000" Q
| 170 | I X="99/99/99" W *7,!!?5,"'99/99/99' is ambiguous, enter a 4 digit year.",!! S ITFLAG="YES" K X Q
| 171 | I X="99/9999" S X=9999999 S ITFLAG="YES" Q
| 172 | I (X="99999999")!(X="99/99/9999") S X=9999999 S ITFLAG="YES" W " 99/9999" Q
| 173 | I X="88/88/88" W *7,!!?5,"'88/88/88' is ambiguous, enter a 4 digit year.",!! S ITFLAG="YES" K X Q
| 174 | I X="88/8888" S X="8888888" S ITFLAG="YES" Q
| 175 | I (X="88888888")!(X="88/88/8888") S X="8888888" S ITFLAG="YES" W " 88/8888" Q
| 176 | S %DT="EP",%DT(0)="-NOW" D ^%DT S X=Y I Y<1 K X W !!?5,"Future dates are not allowed.",! K %DT(0) Q
| 177 | Q
| 178 | CHDTOT ;Date output transform for fields #1103 and #1105
| 179 | Q:Y=""
| 180 | I Y="0000000" S Y="00/0000" Q
| 181 | I Y=9999999 S Y="99/9999" Q
| 182 | I Y=8888888 S Y="88/8888" Q
| 183 | S Y=$E(Y,4,5)_"/"_($E(Y,1,3)+1700)
| 184 | Q