ONCOU ;Hines OIFO/GWB - ONCOLOGY UTILITY CALLS ;06/06/00 ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**5,25,26,43**;Mar 07, 1995 ; ASKNUM(TXT,RNG,DFLT) ;ask for a number - expects RNG as NNN:NNN N DIR,Y S DIR(0)="N^"_RNG,DIR("A")=TXT S:$D(DFLT) DIR("B")=DFLT D ^DIR Q Y ASKY(TXT) ;ask a Y/N question, default YES, returns 1 for Y, 0 for N N DIR,Y S DIR("A")=TXT,DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Yes" D ^DIR S:Y=U Y=-1 Q Y LOOKUP(FL,NTR,UIO,Y) ;look up entry NTR in File FL with user options UIO, return Y array if parameter passed N DIC,Y S DIC=FL,DIC(0)=$G(UIO),X=NTR D ^DIC Q +Y GETVAL(FN,DA,DR,SE,SF) ;get value of field DR in entry DA in file FN - if DR is a multiple then get subfield SF in subentry SE N DI,DIC,DIQ,OQ,OX,D0 S DIC=FN,DIQ="OQ",OX=+$P(^DD(FN,DR,0),U,2) S:OX DA(OX)=SE,DR(OX)=SF D EN^DIQ1 Q $S(OX:OQ(OX,SE,SF),1:OQ(FN,DA,DR)) VERSION(PKG) ;get version # for pkg N PNU,Y S PNU=+$O(^DIC(9.4,"B",PKG,"")),Y=$G(^DIC(9.4,PNU,"VERSION")) Q Y VERCHK(PKG,VER,PATNO) ;verify version for a patch N INST,OK S OK=0 ; assume the worst W !!,"This routine will install ",PKG," Version ",VER," Patch ",PATNO,".",!! S INST=$$VERSION(PKG) I INST="" W *7,"But the ",PKG," package doesn't seem to be installed on this system!" E I INST'=VER W *7,"But Version ",VER," of the ",PKG," package doesn't seem to be installed!" W:INST !,"(Current installed version: ",INST,")" E S OK=1 Q OK SITEPAR(MSG) ;Are ONCOCOLOGY SITE PARAMETERS defined? N OK S OK=$O(^ONCO(160.1,"C",DUZ(2),0)) I OK="" S OK=$O(^ONCO(160.1,0)) I 'OK,$G(MSG)="ERRMSG" W !!,"The ONCOLOGY SITE PARAMETERS have not been set up.",!,"Use the ""Define Tumor Registry Parameters"" Option.",!! Q OK LTS(DA,NOTTHIS) ;Invoked by AC cross-reference of TUMOR STATUS CODE sub-field (#.02) of TUMOR STATUS field (#73) of ONCOLOGY PRIMARY file (#165.5), sets value into LAST TUMOR STATUS field (#95) ;NOTTHIS is defined in the KILL logic - we want to skip the current TUMOR STATUS N OX,DIE,DR,NTS,OTS S NTS="" ; new tumor status defaults to null S OX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,DA,"TS","AA","")) I OX,$D(NOTTHIS),$D(^ONCO(165.5,DA,"TS","AA",OX,NOTTHIS)) S OX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,DA,"TS","AA","")) ; get IEN of last status - skip the current node on the kill S:OX OX=$O(^(OX,"")) S:OX NTS=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,DA,"TS",OX,0)),U,2) S OTS=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,DA,7)),U,6),$P(^(7),U,6)=NTS ;get old data, set new data K:$L(OTS) ^ONCO(165.5,"ACS",OTS,DA) S:$L(NTS) ^ONCO(165.5,"ACS",NTS,DA)="" ;kill old xref, set new xref Q ; KILLNAT(FILE,SWS) ;Kill national fields only for a file ;Valid switches in SWS:/DOTS prints a dot every 10 N DOTS,DA,DIK,KT S DOTS=(SWS["/DOTS") ;print dots? S DA(1)=FILE I $D(^DD(FILE)) S DIK="^DD("_FILE_",",DA=0 F KT=1:1 S DA=$O(^DD(FILE,DA)) Q:'DA!(DA'<10000) D ^DIK I DOTS W:KT#10=0 "." ;if file exists, kill national fields only Q +$G(KT) ; CLNNOSUS ;Delete ONCOLOGY PATIENT (160) entries with no primaries/no suspense N TOTKT,CLNKT W @IOF W ! W !," This option will purge ONCOLOGY PATIENT records" W !," with no suspense records and no primaries." W ! L +^ONCO(160):5 I D .K ^TMP($J,"NOSUS") .D COUNT .I CLNKT=0 W " No records to purge" W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR .I CLNKT>0,$$CLNOK D PURGE .L -^ONCO(160) E W !!,"The ONCOLOGY PATIENT file is in use... try again later!",*7,!! Q ; COUNT ;Count the number of entries to delete N OI S OI=0 S (TOTKT,CLNKT)=0 F S OI=$O(^ONCO(160,OI)) Q:OI'=+OI D CHK W !," Total ONCOLOGY PATIENT records: ",TOTKT W !," Total records marked for deletion: ",CLNKT,! I CLNKT>0 W !," Patients to be deleted:" S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^TMP($J,"NOSUS",IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 D .W !,?3,$$GET1^DIQ(160,IEN,60,"E")," ",$$GET1^DIQ(160,IEN,.01,"E") W ! Q ; CHK S TOTKT=TOTKT+1 S SUSDT=$O(^ONCO(160,OI,"SUS","B","")) I SUSDT'="" Q I $D(^ONCO(165.5,"C",OI)) Q I '$D(^ONCO(160,OI,0)) K ^ONCO(160,OI) Q S CLNKT=CLNKT+1 S ^TMP($J,"NOSUS",OI)="" Q ; CLNOK() ;Confirm that it's OK to purge N DIR S DIR("A")=" Proceed with purge",DIR("B")="No",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR Q Y ; PURGE ;Delete entries N DIK S DIK="^ONCO(160," N DA S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^TMP($J,"NOSUS",DA)) Q:DA'=+DA D ^DIK W "." W " DONE" W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q ; LCASE(ONCOSTR) ;Convert string to upper/lowercase N ONCO F ONCO=2:1:$L(ONCOSTR) I $E(ONCOSTR,ONCO)?1U,$E(ONCOSTR,ONCO-1)?1A S ONCOSTR=$E(ONCOSTR,0,ONCO-1)_$C($A(ONCOSTR,ONCO)+32)_$E(ONCOSTR,ONCO+1,999) Q ONCOSTR UCASE ;Convert string to uppercase S X=$TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") Q