ONCOU55A ;Hines OIFO/GWB,RTK-UTILITY ROUTINE 2 ;12/15/99 ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**6,25,28**;Mar 07, 1995 Q ;no direct invocations ; RSTG(ONCDDX) ;restage all primaries diagnosed from year YEAR1 forward - called by STAGEM ;ONCDDX:optional parameter - date from which to begin ;default = beginning of time W !!,"This option is no longer available." Q N DXDATE,WRTFLG,SYBIX,SYBIX1,COUNT,COUNTCHG D INIT ;initialize our variables D PROCESS ;process the primaries Q ; INIT ;initialize our variables - called by RSTG S (COUNT,COUNTCHG)=0 S WRTFLG=0 ; suppress interaction with the stager S SYBIX=$G(^ONCO("RESTAGE",0))+1,^(0)=SYBIX,^(SYBIX,0)=$H,SYBIX1=0 ; indices for use in saving old stage I '$D(ONCDDX) S ONCDDX=0 ; date dx index - will be used in PROC I ONCDDX S ONCDDX=ONCDDX-1E10 ; to catch the first one if we're not starting at the top Q ; PROCESS ;Process the primaries - called by RSTG F S ONCDDX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,"ADX",ONCDDX)) Q:ONCDDX="" D .N PRIMIX S PRIMIX=0 .F S PRIMIX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,"ADX",ONCDDX,PRIMIX)) Q:PRIMIX="" I $$DIV^ONCFUNC(PRIMIX)=DUZ(2) D PROC1(PRIMIX) ; W !,"Number of primaries processed : ",$J(COUNT,6) W !,"Number of primaries restaged : ",$J(COUNTCHG,6),!! S $P(^ONCO("RESTAGE",SYBIX,0),U,2)=COUNT Q ; PROC1(D0) ;process a single primary D0 - called by PROCESS ;save off the old value, calculate and store the new value ;(not user override of stage) AND (tumor not a Lymphoma) I '$$NOSTAGE^ONCOU55(D0),'$$LYMPHOMA^ONCFUNC(D0),'$$MYCOSIS^ONCOU55(D0) D .N OLDSTAGE S OLDSTAGE=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,D0,2)),U,20) ; get old stage .S SYBIX1=$G(SYBIX1)+1,^ONCO("RESTAGE",SYBIX,SYBIX1,0)=D0_U_OLDSTAGE ; save old stage .S DA=D0 D ES^ONCOTN ; do the staging - returns variable SG .S COUNT=$G(COUNT)+1 ; number processed .I $P($G(^ONCO(165.5,+D0,2)),U,20)'=OLDSTAGE S COUNTCHG=$G(COUNTCHG)+1 ; number changed .W:$R(50)=0 "." Q ; STAGEM ;Interact with user to restage primaries ;Called by routine ONCOPOS ;Called by option ONCO #SITE-RESTAGE PRIMARY N FIRST S FIRST=$$RSTGASK() I FIRST<0 W !!,*7,"Restaging aborted - no data changed - continuing...",!! E D RSTG(FIRST) ; start with date returned in Y Q ; RSTGASK() ;Function to determine initial restaging date/time N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y S DIR(0)="DO^2880101:"_DT_":EP",DIR("A")="Beginning date for restaging",DIR("B")="1/1/88",DIR("?")="Enter the date from which to restage all primaries (just the year is fine)" D ^DIR ; returns result in Y I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S Y=-1 ; they bailed out or fell asleep QUIT +Y