ONCP2P0 ;HINES CIOFO/GWB - PROSTATE PCE 1998 ;6/1/98 ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**18**;Mar 07, 1995 CHECK ;Check PCE eligibility ;Check if ACCESSION YEAR = 1998 I $P(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,0),U,7)'=1998 S MSG="The Accession Year is not 1998." D ERRMSG G EXIT ;Check if histologically confirmed S DC=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,2)),U,6) I DC'=1 S MSG="The Diagnostic Confirmation code is not 1 (Positive histology)." D ERRMSG G EXIT ;Check if Class of Case is either 1, 2 or 6. S COC=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,0)),U,4) I (COC'=1)&(COC'=2)&(COC'=6) S MSG="The Class of Case code is not 1, 2 or 6." D ERRMSG G EXIT MENU ;Prostate PCE menu S $P(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,7),U,15)="PRO2" S ^ONCO(165.5,"APCE","PRO2",ONCONUM)="" K DIR D HEAD S DIR(0)="SO^1:General Information;2:Initial Diagnosis;3:Extent and Stage of Disease;4:First Course of Treatment;5:First Recurrence;6:Status at Last Contact;7:All;8:Print Prostate PCE" S DIR("A")="Select Table" D ^DIR G:$D(DIRUT)!($D(DIROUT)) EXIT I Y=7 S OUT="" D G MENU .D ^ONCP2P1 Q:$G(OUT)="Y" .D ^ONCP2P2 Q:$G(OUT)="Y" .D ^ONCP2P3 Q:$G(OUT)="Y" .D ^ONCP2P4 Q:$G(OUT)="Y" .D ^ONCP2P5 Q:$G(OUT)="Y" .D ^ONCP2P6 Q:$G(OUT)="Y" S SUB="^ONCP2P"_Y D @SUB G MENU ERRMSG ;Error message I ONCOANS=5 W !!,?10,"This primary does not satisfy the PCE eligibility criteria:",!,?10,MSG R Z:10 K MSG Q HEAD ;PCE HEADER W @IOF,!,?1,PATNAM,?SITTAB,SITEGP,!,?1,SSN,?TOPTAB,TOPNAM," ",TOPCOD,!,DASHES S HDL=$L(" 1998 Patient Care Evaluation Study of Prostate Cancer"),TAB=(80-HDL)\2,TAB=TAB-1 W !,?TAB,"1998 Patient Care Evaluation Study of Prostate Cancer",!,DASHES Q EXIT ;Kill Variables and Exit. K HDL,ONCONUM,ONCOPA,OUT,SUB,TAB K DIC,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DLAYGO,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y Q