ONCSAPI ;Hines OIFO/SG - ONCOLOGY WEB-SERVICE ; 12/7/06 10:37am ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**40,47**;Mar 07, 1995;Build 19 ; ; ONCSAPI ------------- API DESCRIPTOR ; ; ONCSAPI( ; ; "DEBUG") Debug mode ; 0 Disabled ; 1 Enabled ; ; "MSG", "" ; IEN, ; 0) Error Descriptor ; ^01: Error Code (see MSGLIST^ONCSAPIE) ; ^02: Error Message ; ^03: Label+Offset (optional) ; ^04: Routine (optional) ; 1,i) Error details (text) ; "E", ; Error Code, ; IEN) "" ; ; ^XTMP("ONCSAPI") ---- LOCAL CACHE FOR WEB-SERVICE DATA ; ; ^XTMP("ONCSAPI", ; ; 0) Node descriptor ; ^01: Purge date (FileMan) ; ^02: Create date (FileMan) ; ^03: Description ; ; "EDITS", Metafile Version ; IEN, ; 0) Edit Descriptor ; ^01: Index in the edit set ; ^02: Name ; "D",i) Description ; "H",i) Help ; "ES", ; EditSetName, ; EditIndex) IEN ; ; "SCHEMAS", ; Schema#, ; 0) Schema name ; ; "N", ; Name) Schema# ; ; "SH", ; Site,Hist) Schema# ; ; "TABLES", DLL Version ; ; IEN, ; 0) Table descriptor ; ^01: Number of rows ; ^02: Schema number ; ^03: Table number ; ^04: Table pattern ; ^05: Table title ; ^06: Table subtitle ; Row#, ; 1) Codes ; ^01: Row code ; ^02: Additional code #1 ; ^03: Additional code #2 ; ^04: ... ; 3,i) Description (text) ; ; "C", ; RowCode) Descriptor ; ^01: Row# ; ^02: Upper boundary (for intervals) ; ; "FN", ; Note#,i) Footnote (text) ; "TN", ; Note#,i) Note (text) ; ; "ST", ; Schema#, ; Table#) IEN ; ; CS TABLE NUMBER ----- TABLE DESCRIPTION ; ; 1 CS Tumor Size ; 2 CS Extension ; 3 CS Size/Ext Eval ; 4 CS Lymph Nodes ; 5 CS Reg Nodes Eval ; 6 Regional Nodes Positive ; 7 Regional Nodes Examined ; 8 CS Mets at DX ; 9 CS Mets Eval ; 10 CS Site-Specific Factor 1 ; 11 CS Site-Specific Factor 2 ; 12 CS Site-Specific Factor 3 ; 13 CS Site-Specific Factor 4 ; 14 CS Site-Specific Factor 5 ; 15 CS Site-Specific Factor 6 ; 16 Histologies ; ; CS ENTRY POINT ------ DESCRIPTION ; ; HELP^ONCSAPI1 Displays the field's valid codes ; INPUT^ONCSAPI1 Checks if the code is valid ; ; $$CALC^ONCSAPI3 Calculates the staging values ; ; $$SCHEMA^ONCSAPIS Returns schema number ; ; $$CODEDESC^ONCSAPIT Loads the CS code description ; $$GETCSTBL^ONCSAPIT Returns table IEN (loads table if necessary) ; ; EDITS ENTRY POINT --- DESCRIPTION ; ; $$RBQEXEC^ONCSED01 Executes the 'Run Batch' EDITS request ; $$RBQPREP^ONCSED01 Starts preparation of the 'Run Batch' request ; ; $$REPORT^ONCSED01 Prints EDITS report generated by the ; $$RBQEXEC^ONCSED01 ; ; $$GETEDESC^ONCSED04 Returns the edit description node ; $$GETEDHLP^ONCSED04 Returns the edit help text node ; ; UTILITY ------------- DESCRIPTION ; ; DEMO^ONCSAPI Demonstration entry point ; ; CLEAR^ONCSAPIE Initializes the error stack ; $$DBS^ONCSAPIE Cehcks for FileMan DBS errors ; $$ERROR^ONCSAPIE Generates an error message ; $$MSG^ONCSAPIE Returns the text and type of the message ; PRTERRS^ONCSAPIE Displays the error messages ; STORE^ONCSAPIE Stores the message into the error stack ; ; $$CHKERR^ONCSAPIR Checks for parsing and web-service errors ; HEADER^ONCSAPIR Generates the request header ; $$PARAMS^ONCSAPIR Converts input parameters into XML format ; PUT^ONCSAPIR Adds element/text to the destination buffer ; $$REQUEST^ONCSAPIR Sends the request and gets the response ; TRAILER^ONCSAPIR Generates the request trailer ; ; $$GETCSURL^ONCSAPIU Returns the Oncology web-service URL ; $$PAGE^ONCSAPIU Pauses the output at page end ; $$UPDCSURL^ONCSAPIU Updates the Oncology web-service URL ; WW^ONCSAPIU Wraps the string and prints it ; ZW^ONCSAPIU Emulates and extends the ZWRITE command ; ; $$CHKVER^ONCSAPIV Checks version of the local cache ; $$VERSION^ONCSAPIV Returns versions of web-service components ; ; BEGIN^ONCSNACR Starts the NAACCR record output ; END^ONCSNACR Finishes the NAACCR record output ; WRITE^ONCSNACR Outputs the piece of the NAACCR record ; ; INITIALS ------------ DEVELOPER ; ; SG Sergey Gavrilov ; Q ; ;***** DEMO ENTRY POINT DEMO ; N DA,DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,ONCSAPI,X,Y ; ;--- Debug mode? K DIR S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Run in debug mode" S DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) S:Y ONCSAPI("DEBUG")=1 ; ;--- Select and run a demo DEMOSEL K DIR S DIR(0)="SO^C:Collaborative Staging;E:EDITS" S DIR("A")="Select a demo" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) D G DEMOSEL . I Y="C" D DEMO^ONCSAPID(.ONCSAPI) Q ; Collaborative Staging . I Y="E" D DEMO^ONCSEDEM(.ONCSAPI) Q ; EDITS