ONCSNACR ;Hines OIFO/SG - NACCR TOOLS ; 3/9/07 10:40am ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**47**;Mar 07, 1995;Build 19 ; ; ONC8DST ------------- DESCRIPTOR OF THE DESTINATION BUFFER ; (a parameter of BEGIN, END, FLUSH, and ; WRITE). See also the ^ONCSAPIR. ; ; ONC8DST( Closed root of the destination buffer ; "BUF") Output buffer ; "LBA") Available space in the output buffer ; "PTR") Pointer in the destination buffer ; "PTRC") Continuation pointer (optional) ; Q ; ;***** STARTS THE NAACCR RECORD OUTPUT ; ; [.ONC8DST] Reference to a descriptor of the destination buffer ; BEGIN(ONC8DST) ; Q:$G(ONC8DST)="" K ONC8DST("BUF"),ONC8DST("LBA") S:'$D(ONC8DST("PTR")) ONC8DST("PTR")=+$O(@ONC8DST@(""),-1) ;--- Open tag for the NAACCR record D PUT^ONCSAPIR(.ONC8DST,"NAACCR-RECORD",,1) D FLUSH(.ONC8DST) Q ; ;***** RETURNS CRC32 VALUE FOR THE NAACCR RECORD ; ; [.ONC8DST] Reference to a descriptor of the destination buffer ; ; Return values: ; 0 NAACCR record data has not been found ; ... CRC32 value ; CRC32(ONC8DST) ; N BUF,CRC,FLT,FLTL,PI S FLTL=$L(ONC8DST)-1,FLT=$E(ONC8DST,1,FLTL) ;--- Search for beginning of the record data S PI=ONC8DST F S PI=$Q(@PI) Q:$E(PI,1,FLTL)'=FLT Q:$E(@PI,1,14)="",1) K ONC8DST("BUF"),ONC8DST("LBA") Q ; ;***** FLUSHES THE OUTPUT BUFFER ; ; [.ONC8DST] Reference to a descriptor of the destination buffer ; FLUSH(ONC8DST) ; Q:$G(ONC8DST)="" D:$G(ONC8DST("BUF"))'="" APPEND^ONCSAPIR(.ONC8DST,ONC8DST("BUF"),1) S ONC8DST("BUF")="",ONC8DST("LBA")=250 Q ; ;***** OUTPUTS THE PIECE OF THE NAACCR RECORD ; ; [.ONC8DST] Reference to a descriptor of the destination buffer ; ; VAL A piece of the NAACCR record ; WRITE(ONC8DST,VAL) ; I $G(ONC8DST)="" W VAL Q N ENCTXT,LT S ENCTXT=$$SYMENC^MXMLUTL(VAL),LT=$L(ENCTXT) F Q:LT'>0 D . I LT>ONC8DST("LBA") D . . S ONC8DST("BUF")=ONC8DST("BUF")_$E(ENCTXT,1,ONC8DST("LBA")) . . S $E(ENCTXT,1,ONC8DST("LBA"))="" . . S LT=LT-ONC8DST("LBA"),ONC8DST("LBA")=0 . E D . . S ONC8DST("BUF")=ONC8DST("BUF")_ENCTXT . . S ONC8DST("LBA")=ONC8DST("LBA")-LT,LT=0 . D:ONC8DST("LBA")'>0 FLUSH(.ONC8DST) Q