A1B2PST ;ALB/MJK - ODS Post Init ; 14 JAN 1991 ;;Version 1.55 (local for MAS v5 sites);; ; EN ; -- entry point to run post-init D DEL Q ; MG ; -- add confirmation mail group S DIC="^XMB(3.8,",DIC(0)="L",DIC("DR")="4////PU;5////"_DUZ,X="ODS CONFIRMATION" D ^DIC K DIC G MGQ:'$P(Y,U,3) S ^XMB(3.8,+Y,2,0)="^^2^2^2900625^" S ^XMB(3.8,+Y,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive confirmation messages from ODS National Rollup" S ^XMB(3.8,+Y,2,2,0)="Database System." W !!,">>> New 'ODS CONFIRMATION' confirmation mail group added..." MGQ Q ; ; DIEZ ; -- compile input templates ; W !!,">>> Will now compile three DG and SD input templates affected" W !," by this package (3 templates)..." K A1B2LINE S U="^",$P(A1B2LINE,"=",81)="",A1B2MAX=^DD("ROU") F A1B2X="DGADM","DGADMASIH","SDM1" S Y=+$O(^DIE("B",A1B2X,0)) I $D(^DIE(Y,"ROUOLD")),^("ROUOLD")]"",$D(^(0)) S X=$P(^("ROUOLD"),"^"),DMAX=A1B2MAX D EN^DIEZ W !!,A1B2LINE W !!,*7,">>> Also, please use the 'Recompile HINQ templates' option" W !," to recompile the 'DVBHINQ UPDATE' input template." ; K A1B20,A1B2X,A1B2MAX,A1B2EMP,DGI,A1B2LINE Q ; POS ; -- add ODS period of service S X="OPERATION DESERT SHIELD",DIC="^DIC(21,",DIC(0)="ML" S DIC("DR")=".02////ODS;.03////6;.04////2910115;.06////W;.07///1973;20////ACTIVE DUTY FROM ODS;10///OTHER FEDERAL AGENCY;15///ODS;.08////1" D ^DIC K DIC I Y<1 W !,*7,">>> Could not add 'OPERATION DESERT SHIELD' Period of Service." Q I $P(Y,U,3) W !,">>> 'OPERATION DESERT SHIELD (Code: 6)' Period of Service has been added." Q ; PAR ; -- set up parameter file entry Q:$D(^A1B2(11500.5,1,0)) S Y=$O(^DIC(4.2,"B","ISC-ALBANY.VA.GOV",0)) S DIC(0)="L",X=1,DIC="^A1B2(11500.5,",DIC("DR")=".02////0;.06////"_Y D ^DIC K DIC I $P(Y,U,3) W !!,">>> ODS PARAMETER file entry added." Q ; DEL ; -- call to remove delete routines I '$D(^%ZOSF("DEL")) W !,"^%ZOSF(""DEL"") does not exist" G QD ASK W !!,">>> This routine will permanantly remove the routines:" W !," A1B2NAT" W !," A1B2P1",! W !," WARNING: If either of the listed routines are mapped, they" W !," must first be removed from the mapped set to avoid" W !," further complications!",! W !,"Are you sure you want to continue" S %=2 D YN^DICN G QD:%=-1!(%=2) I '% W !?5,"Respond 'Y'es or 'N'o" G ASK W !,"Routine deletion starting..." F A1B2X="A1B2NAT","A1B2P1" S X=A1B2X X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I $T W !?5,"...removing ",X X ^%ZOSF("DEL") W !,"Routine deletion completed." QD K A1B2X,X,% Q ; BOS ; -- check Branch of Service entries ; W !!,">>> Will now check entries in your 'Branch of Service' file..." S E=0,DOTS=". . . . . . . . . . ." F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(NAMES+I),";",3) Q:X="$END" W !?10,X,$E(DOTS,1,25-$L(X)) S Y=$O(^DIC(23,"B",X,0)) W $S($D(^DIC(23,+Y,0)):"",1:"not "),"present" I 'E,'$D(^DIC(23,+Y,0)) S E=1 I E W !!," You should use VA FileMan to enter/edit missing branches." K I,E,X,Y,DOTS Q ; NAMES ; -- BOS names ;;AIR FORCE ;;ARMY ;;COAST GUARD ;;MARINE CORPS ;;NAVY ;;NOAA ;;USPHS ;;$END