A1B2SUP ;ALB/MJK - ODS Supervisor Options; JAN 13,1991 ;;Version 1.55 (local for MAS v5 sites);; ; ; EN D DT^DICRW S X=$T(+1),DIK="^DOPT(""A1B2SUP""," G A:$D(^DOPT("A1B2SUP",5)) S ^DOPT("A1B2SUP",0)="ODS Supervisor Options^1N^" F I=1:1 S Y=$T(@I) Q:Y="" S ^DOPT("A1B2SUP",I,0)=$P(Y,";",3,99) D IXALL^DIK ; A W !! S DIC="^DOPT(""A1B2SUP"",",DIC(0)="IQEAM" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 D @+Y G A ; 1 ;;Activate ODS Software D ASK G Q1:'Y D FAC^A1B2UTL S A1B2POS=+$O(^DIC(21,"D",6,0)) S:'$D(^DIC(21,A1B2POS,0)) A1B2POS=0 I 'A1B2POS!('A1B2FN) D MES G Q1 D BOS^A1B2PST W ! S DR="[A1B2 PARAMETERS]",DIE="^A1B2(11500.5,",DA=1 D ^DIE G Q1:'$P(^A1B2(11500.5,1,0),U,2) I $P(^DIC(21,A1B2POS,0),U,8) S DIE="^DIC(21,",DR=".08///@",DA=A1B2POS D ^DIE D OPT Q1 K A1B2POS,A1B2FN,A1B2FNE,DQ,DE,DR,DIE,DQ Q ; OPT ; -- ask questins to set-up background job to run nightly W !!,">>> Please enter date/time for the 'A1B2 BACKGROUND JOB' option to run:" S DA=$O(^DIC(19,"B","A1B2 BACKGROUND JOB",0)),DR="200//T+1@2AM;202///1D",DIE="^DIC(19," D ^DIE W !,">>> This job does NOT require an output device." Q ; 2 ;;Compile and Transmit ODS Data D QUEUE^A1B2BGJ Q ; 3 ;;ODS System Inquiry D ^A1B2STAT Q ; MES ;; -- can't swith on software W !!,*7,">>>> ODS software CANNOT be activated:" W:'A1B2FN !," o Medical Center Division file entry '",$O(^DG(40.8,0)),"' does not point" W:'A1B2FN !," to an Institution file entry that has a Facility number" W:'A1B2FN !," defined." W:'A1B2POS !!," o ODS Period of Service does NOT exist on your system." Q ; ASK ; -- ask are they sure ; -- don't show message if flag is already on I '$D(^A1B2(11500.5,1,0)) S Y=0 G ASKQ S Y=$P(^A1B2(11500.5,1,0),U,2) G ASKQ:Y W !!?20,"******* P L E A S E N O T E *******" W !!?5,"Do NOT activate this Operation Desert Shield (ODS) software" W !?5,"until directed to by Central Office in Washington D.C." W !?5,"This software will only be activated in the event that it becomes" W !?5,"necessary for the VA to track ODS casualties." W !!?5,"With the software deactivated, the MAS application will" W !?5,"operate normally. When activated, various ODS related" W !?5,"questions will appear during the registration, admit and" W !?5,"discharge processes.",! S DIR("A")="Are you sure you wish to continue",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR Q ASKQ Q