OCXDI00X ;SLC/RJS,CLA - OCX PACKAGE DIAGNOSTIC ROUTINES ;SEP 7,1999 at 10:29 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**32**;Dec 17,1997 ;; ;;ORDER CHECK EXPERT version 1.01 released OCT 29,1998 ; S ; ; D DOT^OCXDIAG ; ; K REMOTE,LOCAL,OPCODE,REF F LINE=1:1:500 S TEXT=$P($T(DATA+LINE),";",2,999) Q:TEXT I $L(TEXT) D Q:QUIT .S ^TMP("OCXDIAG",$J,$O(^TMP("OCXDIAG",$J,"A"),-1)+1)=TEXT ; G ^OCXDI00Y ; Q ; DATA ; ; ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:9",1,"E" ;;D^B^C ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^DATE SPECIAL MASK ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^DATE SPECIAL MASK ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^DATE MASK ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^Executable code using the date in internal FM format and returning a ;;R^"863.8:",1,2 ;;D^truth value which checks the validity of the date outside of %DT ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:3",.01,"E" ;;D^QUERY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:3",1,"E" ;;D^Date mask code ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",1,"E" ;;D^MUMPS CODE ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^FM MASK ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^FM MASK ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^FM MASK ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^Tag^routine where code is located to parse the FM DD and override the parameter value ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",.01,"E" ;;D^QUERY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",1,"E" ;;D^Enter tag^routine where the FM MASK parser is located ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",1,"E" ;;D^LINE TAG ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^REPEAT ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^REPEAT ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^REPEAT ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^Continue to repeat the dialogue untile the user enters a null string or ;;R^"863.8:",1,2 ;;D^he 'hats' out. 1='YES' and 0='NO' ;;R^"863.8:",2,"E" ;;D^NO ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:13",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:13",1,"E" ;;D^YES NO ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^CASE ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^CASE ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^CASE ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^Translate lowercase user input to uppercase. 1='YES',0="NO" ;;R^"863.8:",2,"E" ;;D^1 ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",.01,"E" ;;D^QUERY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",1,"E" ;;D^Translate lowercase to uppercase ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",1,"E" ;;D^YES NO ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^OUTPUT VARIABLE ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^OUTPUT VARIABLE ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^OUTVAR ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^The name of a variable which stores the output of a function. Can be ;;R^"863.8:",1,2 ;;D^a local or a global and may be the root of an array; e.g., 'Y(1)' ;;R^"863.8:",2,"E" ;;D^Y ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",.01,"E" ;;D^QUERY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",1,"E" ;;D^Enter the closed reference ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",1,"E" ;;D^CLOSED REFERENCE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",.01,"E" ;;D^HELP MESSAGE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",1,"E" ;;D^Must be the name of a local or global variable in closed reference format ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^DONT LIST ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^DONT LIST ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^DONT LIST ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^Don't list choices in user dialogue. 1=DON'T LIST,0=LIST ;;R^"863.8:",2,"E" ;;D^List ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",.01,"E" ;;D^QUERY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",1,"E" ;;D^Want to prevent the display ofthe list of choices ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:8",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:8",1,"E" ;;D^BINARY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:9",.01,"E" ;;D^SET CODES ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:9",1,"E" ;;D^1:DON'T LIST;0:LIST ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^PROMPT ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^PROMPT ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^PROMPT ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^Special user prompt in the I/O dialogue. ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",.01,"E" ;;D^QUERY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",1,"E" ;;D^Enter prompt ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",1,"E" ;;D^FREE TEXT ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",.01,"E" ;;D^FREE TEXT MAXIMUM LENGTH ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",1,"E" ;;D^30 ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^SET CODES ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^SET CODES ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^CODES ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^A set of codes string in FM format. ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:2",.01,"E" ;;D^FM MASK ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:2",1,"E" ;;D^SET^OCXF6 ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:3",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:3",1,"E" ;;D^CODE STRING ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^HELP FRAME ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^HELP FRAME ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^HELP FRAME ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^If, during the user dialogue, he enters a '??' a help frame will be displayed ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",.01,"E" ;;D^QUERY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:5",1,"E" ;;D^Enter help frame ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:6",1,"E" ;;D^POINTER TO A FILEMAN FILE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:7",.01,"E" ;;D^DIC ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:7",1,"E" ;;D^9.4 ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^ADD CALL ;;R^"863.8:",.01,"E" ;;D^ADD CALL ;;R^"863.8:",.02,"E" ;;D^ADD CALL ;;R^"863.8:",1,1 ;;D^tag^routine which adds a new record (instance) to a class file (i.e., a ;;R^"863.8:",1,2 ;;D^new object is created by this code). ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:3",.01,"E" ;;D^QUERY ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:3",1,"E" ;;D^Enter tag^routine for entering a new object ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",.01,"E" ;;D^DATA TYPE ;;R^"863.8:","863.84:4",1,"E" ;;D^LINE TAG ;;EOR^ ;;KEY^863.8:^DEL CALL ;1; ;