ORB3C1 ; slc/CLA - Routine to pre-convert OE/RR 2.5 to OE/RR 3 notifications ;7/3/96 15:16 [ 04/03/97 1:41 PM ] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9**;Dec 17, 1997 Q PREORB ;initiate pre-inits for converting OE/RR 2.5 notification fields to OE/RR 3.0 notification parameters ;called by ORCPRE (OE/RR 3 pre-init) N ORBC,ORBERR,ORBNOW I $L($T(GET^XPAR))>1,($D(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORBC CONVERSION"))>0) D .S ORBC=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","ORBC CONVERSION",1,"Q") I +$G(ORBC)>0 D BMES^XPDUTL("Notifications already PRE-converted.") Q D BMES^XPDUTL("PRE-conversion of notifications...") S ORBNOW=$$NOW^XLFDT S ^XTMP("ORBC",0)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(ORBNOW,30,"","","")_U_ORBNOW D PRESTUB,PREPKG,PRECONV,PRECLEAN,PRERU,PRERG,PREPF,PREEX I $L($T(EN^XPAR))>1,($D(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORBC CONVERSION"))>0) D .D EN^XPAR("SYS","ORBC CONVERSION",1,"1",.ORBERR) ;1:pre-convert done D BMES^XPDUTL("PRE-conversion of notifications completed.") Q POSTORB ;initiate post-inits for converting OE/RR 2.5 notification fields to OE/RR 3.0 notification parameters D POSTORB^ORB3C2 Q PRESTUB ;initiate stubbing of notifications 30-57 and renaming of some existing notifictions D BMES^XPDUTL("Stubbing notifications 30-49,51-58.") N ORBI,ORBA,ORBIEN,ORBERR S ORBA(100.9,"+30,",.01)="CONSULT/REQUEST CANCEL/HOLD",ORBIEN(30)=30 S ORBA(100.9,"+31,",.01)="NPO DIET MORE THAN 72 HRS",ORBIEN(31)=31 S ORBA(100.9,"+32,",.01)="SITE-FLAGGED RESULTS",ORBIEN(32)=32 S ORBA(100.9,"+33,",.01)="ORDERER-FLAGGED RESULTS",ORBIEN(33)=33 S ORBA(100.9,"+35,",.01)="DISCHARGE",ORBIEN(35)=35 S ORBA(100.9,"+36,",.01)="TRANSFER FROM PSYCHIATRY",ORBIEN(36)=36 S ORBA(100.9,"+37,",.01)="ORDER REQUIRES CO-SIGNATURE",ORBIEN(37)=37 S ORBA(100.9,"+41,",.01)="SITE-FLAGGED ORDER",ORBIEN(41)=41 S ORBA(100.9,"+42,",.01)="LAB ORDER CANCELED",ORBIEN(42)=42 S ORBA(100.9,"+43,",.01)="STAT ORDER",ORBIEN(43)=43 S ORBA(100.9,"+44,",.01)="STAT RESULTS",ORBIEN(44)=44 S ORBA(100.9,"+45,",.01)="DNR EXPIRING",ORBIEN(45)=45 S ORBA(100.9,"+46,",.01)="FREE TEXT",ORBIEN(46)=46 S ORBA(100.9,"+47,",.01)="MEDICATIONS EXPIRING",ORBIEN(47)=47 S ORBA(100.9,"+48,",.01)="UNVERIFIED MEDICATION ORDER",ORBIEN(48)=48 S ORBA(100.9,"+51,",.01)="STAT IMAGING REQUEST",ORBIEN(51)=51 S ORBA(100.9,"+52,",.01)="URGENT IMAGING REQUEST",ORBIEN(52)=52 S ORBA(100.9,"+53,",.01)="IMAGING RESULTS AMENDED",ORBIEN(53)=53 S ORBA(100.9,"+54,",.01)="ORDER CHECK",ORBIEN(54)=54 S ORBA(100.9,"+55,",.01)="FOOD/DRUG INTERACTION",ORBIEN(55)=55 S ORBA(100.9,"+56,",.01)="ERROR MESSAGE",ORBIEN(56)=56 S ORBA(100.9,"+57,",.01)="CRITICAL LAB RESULTS (ACTION)",ORBIEN(57)=57 S ORBA(100.9,"+58,",.01)="ABNORMAL LAB RESULT (INFO)",ORBIEN(58)=58 D CLEAN^DILF D UPDATE^DIE("","ORBA","ORBIEN","ORBERR") D BMES^XPDUTL("Notification stubbing completed.") D BMES^XPDUTL("Renaming notifications 14,21,22,24,25,26,50.") S $P(^ORD(100.9,14,0),U)="ABNORMAL LAB RESULTS (ACTION)" S $P(^ORD(100.9,21,0),U)="IMAGING PATIENT EXAMINED" S $P(^ORD(100.9,22,0),U)="IMAGING RESULTS" S $P(^ORD(100.9,24,0),U)="CRITICAL LAB RESULT (INFO)" S $P(^ORD(100.9,25,0),U)="ABNORMAL IMAGING RESULTS" S $P(^ORD(100.9,26,0),U)="IMAGING REQUEST CANCEL/HELD" S $P(^ORD(100.9,50,0),U)="NEW ORDER" ;kill then rebuild "B" x-ref: K ^ORD(100.9,"B") S DIK="^ORD(100.9,",DIK(1)=".01^B" D ENALL^DIK K DIK D BMES^XPDUTL("Notification renaming completed.") Q PREPKG ;pre-init to kill bad entries in the package file S DA=0,DIK="^DIC(9.4,",DA=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C","ORA",DA)) I $L($G(DA)) D ^DIK S DA=0,DIK="^DIC(9.4,",DA=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C","ORB",DA)) I $L($G(DA)) D ^DIK K DA,DIK Q PRECONV ;convert OE/RR 2.5 alerts that are deleted in the CPRS conversion into ;informational alerts and send them to the appropriate user N ORBUSR,ORBDT,ORBNOW,ORBNODE,ORBMSG,ORBN,ORBCNT,ORBAID S ORBNOW=$$NOW^XLFDT S ORBUSR=0,ORBCNT=0 D BMES^XPDUTL("Converting existing alerts...") F S ORBUSR=$O(^XTV(8992,ORBUSR)) Q:+$G(ORBUSR)<.5 D .S ORBDT=0 F S ORBDT=$O(^XTV(8992,ORBUSR,"XQA",ORBDT)) Q:ORBDT="" D ..S ORBNODE=^XTV(8992,ORBUSR,"XQA",ORBDT,0) ..S ORBAID=$P($P(ORBNODE,U,2),";") ..Q:$P(ORBAID,",")'="OR" ;quit if not an OE/RR alert ..S ORBN=$P(ORBAID,",",3) ;get notification ien ..;if notification is an alert to be deleted during conversion: ..I (ORBN=3)!(ORBN=6)!(ORBN=12)!(ORBN=14)!(ORBN=24)!(ORBN=50) D ...S ORBCNT=ORBCNT+1 ...S ORBMSG=$P(ORBNODE,U,3) ...S XQAMSG="[CONV] "_ORBMSG ...S XQAID="OR3CONV"_","_ORBCNT_","_ORBNOW ...S XQA(ORBUSR)="" ...S XQAFLG="I" ...D SETUP^XQALERT ...K XQAMSG,XQAID,XQA,XQAFLG Q PRECLEAN ;clean up old alerts and unused entries in Notification file ; 3 - Lab Results ; 6 - Flagged Orders ;10 - Unsigned Progress Notes ;12 - Orders Requiring Electronic Signature ;13 - Co-signature on Progress Notes ;14 - Abnormal Labs ;15 - Cytology Results ;16 - Anatomical Pathology Results ;17 - Autopsy Report ;24 - Critical Lab Results ;50 - Lab critical/abnormal/new rslt ;97 - Test Notification ; ;clean up old alerts with fup actions unprocessable or unused by CPRS: N ORBI,ORX S ORBI="" D BMES^XPDUTL("Cleaning up old alerts...") F ORBI=3,6,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,24,50,97 D .Q:'$D(^ORD(100.9,ORBI)) .D NOTIPURG^XQALBUTL(ORBI) .S ORX=" "_$P(^ORD(100.9,ORBI,0),U)_" cleaned up." .D BMES^XPDUTL(ORX) ; K XPDIDTOT ;clean up unused entries in the notification file: S ORBI="" F ORBI=10,13,15,16,17,97 D .Q:'$D(^ORD(100.9,ORBI)) .S DA=ORBI,DIK="^ORD(100.9," D ^DIK .K DA,DIK KILLC ;kill then rebuild "C" x-ref K ^ORD(100.9,"C") S DIK="^ORD(100.9,",DIK(1)=".02^C" D ENALL^DIK ;rebuild the "C" x-ref K DA,DIK Q PRERU ;pre-init conversion of OE/RR 2.5 RECIPIENT USERS N ORBN,ORBU,ORI,I S ORBN=0,ORI="",I=1 F S ORBN=$O(^ORD(100.9,ORBN)) Q:+ORBN<1 D .I $G(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,200,0))="" Q .S ORI=0 F S ORI=$O(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,200,ORI)) Q:'ORI D ..S ORBU=$G(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,200,ORI,0)) Q:ORBU="" ..Q:'$L($G(^VA(200,ORBU,0))) ..S ^XTMP("ORBC","USER PROCESSING FLAG",I)=ORBU_U_ORBN ..S ^XTMP("ORBC","USER PROCESSING FLAG",0)=I,I=I+1 Q PRERG ;pre-init conversion of OE/RR 2.5 RECIPIENT GROUPS N ORBN,ORBT,ORI,I S ORBN=0,ORI="",I=1 F S ORBN=$O(^ORD(100.9,ORBN)) Q:+ORBN<1 D .I $G(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,2,0))="" Q .S ORI=0 F S ORI=$O(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,2,ORI)) Q:'ORI D ..S ORBT=$G(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,2,ORI,0)) Q:ORBT="" ..Q:'$L($G(^OR(100.21,ORBT,0))) ..S ^XTMP("ORBC","DEFAULT RECIPIENTS",I)=ORBT_U_ORBN ..S ^XTMP("ORBC","DEFAULT RECIPIENTS",0)=I,I=I+1 Q PREPF ;pre-init conversion of OE/RR 2.5 PROCESSING FLAG N ORBN,ORBF,I S ORBN=0,I=1 F S ORBN=$O(^ORD(100.9,ORBN)) Q:+ORBN<1 D .S ORBF=$G(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,3)) Q:ORBF="" .S ORBF=$S(ORBF["^":$P(ORBF,U),1:ORBF) Q:ORBF="" .S ORBF=$S(ORBF="M":"Mandatory",ORBF="E":"Disabled",ORBF="N":"Disabled",ORBF="D":"Disabled",1:"Disabled") .S ^XTMP("ORBC","SITE PROCESSING FLAG",I)=ORBF_U_ORBN .S ^XTMP("ORBC","SITE PROCESSING FLAG",0)=I,I=I+1 Q PREEX ;pre-init conversion of OE/RR 2.5 EXCLUDE ATTENDING & EXCLUDE PRIMARY N ORBN,ORBXA,ORBXP,ORBNTOP,I S ORBN=0,I=1 ; ;check Order Param file for value of Notification to Physician field: S ORBNTOP=$P($G(^ORD(100.99,1,2)),U,11) ; F S ORBN=$O(^ORD(100.9,ORBN)) Q:+ORBN<1 D .Q:$G(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,0))="" .Q:$G(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,3))="" ;quit if a stubbed notif .S ORBXA=$P(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,0),U,9),ORBXP=$P(^ORD(100.9,ORBN,0),U,10) .I '$L(ORBNTOP),(+$G(ORBXA)<1),(+$G(ORBXP)<1) Q .I ($L(ORBXA))!($L(ORBXP)) D ..S ^XTMP("ORBC","PROVIDER RECIPIENTS",I)=ORBXA_U_ORBXP_U_ORBNTOP_U_ORBN ..S ^XTMP("ORBC","PROVIDER RECIPIENTS",0)=I,I=I+1 Q