ORB3MGR2 ; SLC/AEB - Utilities for Manager Options - Notifications Parameters ;4/23/96 16:53 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,74,85,105**;Dec 17, 1997 ; USERDEL ; Purge undesired alerts/notifications for a user N ORBDUZ,XQ1 W !!,"This option purges an existing alert/notification for a recipient/user.",!?5,"*** USE WITH CAUTION ***" UDEL2 D USERDEL^XQALERT Q RECIPURG ; Purge existing alerts/notifications for a user N ORBDUZ,XQ1 W !!,"This option purges all existing alerts/notifications for a recipient/user.",!?5,"*** USE WITH CAUTION ***" ; Get user DUZ number K DIC,Y S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="AEQ",DIC("A")="Enter user's name: ",DIC("B")=DUZ D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S ^TMP("ORB",$J,"ORBDUZ")=$S(Y'<1:$P(Y,"^"),1:DUZ) K DIC,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT S ORBDUZ=^TMP("ORB",$J,"ORBDUZ") S XQ1=$S($D(^TMP("ORB",$J,"ORBDUZ")):^TMP("ORB",$J,"ORBDUZ"),1:DUZ) W !!,$C(7),"Do you want to purge all alerts/notifications for ",$P(^VA(200,XQ1,0),"^") S %=2 D YN^DICN D .I %=0 W !,"Enter 'YES' if you want to purge all existing alerts for this person.",!,"Do you want to purge all notifications for this recipient" S %=2 D YN^DICN Q:%'=1 W !!,"Purging alerts/notifications...",! K % D RECIPURG^XQALBUTL(XQ1) K ^TMP("ORB",$J) Q PTPURG ; Purge existing alerts/notifications for a patient W !!,"This option purges all existing alerts/notifications for a patient.",!?5,"*** USE WITH CAUTION ***" K DIC S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AENQM",DIC("A")="Enter alert/notification patient's name: " D ^DIC Q:Y<1 K DIC,DUOUT,DTOUT W !!,$C(7),"Do you want to purge all alerts/notifications for patient ",$P(Y,"^",2),"?" S %=2 D YN^DICN Q:%'=1 W !!,"Purging alerts/notifications...",! K % D PTPURG^XQALBUTL(+Y) K Y Q NOTIPURG ; Purge all instances of a notification W !!,"This option purges all existing instances of a notification.",!?5,"*** USE WITH CAUTION ***" K DIC S DIC="^ORD(100.9,",DIC(0)="AENQ",DIC("A")="Enter notification name: " D ^DIC Q:Y<1 K DIC,DUOUT,DTOUT W !!,$C(7),"Do you want to purge all instances of notification ",$P(Y,"^",2),"?" S %=2 D YN^DICN Q:%'=1 W !!,"Purging all instances of this notification...",! K % D NOTIPURG^XQALBUTL(+Y) K Y Q ERASEALL ; Edit ORB ERASE ALL parameter for a User N PIEN S PIEN=0,PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORB ERASE ALL",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" D TITLE^ORB3MGR1("Set User's Ability to Erase All His Notifications/Alerts") D PROC^ORB3MGR1(PIEN) Q USRNOTS ; List notifications a user could receive N ORBUSR ; Get user DUZ number K DIC,Y S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="AEQ",DIC("A")="Enter user's name: ",DIC("B")=DUZ D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S ORBUSR=$S(Y'<1:$P(Y,"^"),1:DUZ) K DIC,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT D USRNOTS^ORB3U2(ORBUSR) Q LABTHRES ; set lab threshold parameter for user N ORBT,ORBLAB,ORBSP,ORBTHRES,ORBERR,DIC,DIR,Y N ORBUSR,ORBGL,ORBLABN,ORBSPN ; W !,$C(7),"Do you want to add, modify or remove lab thresholds" S %=1 D YN^DICN D .I %=0 W !,"Enter 'YES' if you want to add, modify or remove lab thresholds for alerts.",!,"(Enter '0' (zero) at the THRESHOLD prompt to remove a threshold.)",!,"Do you want to add, modify or remove lab thresholds" S %=1 D YN^DICN Q:%'=1 K % ; F D Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DIRUT)) .W ! .S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="AEQ",DIC("A")="Enter user's name (""^"" to exit): " .S DIC("B")=$S($G(ORBUSR):ORBUSR,1:DUZ) D ^DIC Q:Y<1 .S ORBUSR=$S(Y'<1:$P(Y,"^"),1:DUZ) K DIC,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT .; .D DISPTHR(ORBUSR,">") .D DISPTHR(ORBUSR,"<") .W ! .; .;get Lab test: .S DIC=60,DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")="Select LAB TEST: " D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y<1 .S ORBLAB=+Y,ORBLABN=$P(Y,U,2) .; .;get test Specimen: .S DIC=61,DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")="Select SPECIMEN: " D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y<1 .S ORBSP=+Y,ORBSPN=$P(Y,U,2) .; .S ORBLABSP=ORBLAB_";"_ORBSP .; .;get greater than or less than: .K DIR S DIR(0)="SO^>:Greater Than;<:Less Than",DIR("A")="Operator on Lab Value: " .S DIR("?")="Enter '>' to be alerted for results GREATER than the lab value or '<' to be alerted for results LESS than the lab value." .D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) .S ORBGL=Y .; .;get threshold value: .K DIR S DIR(0)="NA^::4",DIR("A")="Enter THRESHOLD: ",DIR("?")="Enter numeric threshold value. Results above/below this value will send alert. Enter '0' (zero) to remove a threshold." .D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) .S ORBTHRES=Y .; .I $G(ORBTHRES)=0 D ..W !,"Removing "_ORBGL_" threshold for "_ORBLABN_" "_ORBSPN_"..." ..D DEL^XPAR(ORBUSR_";VA(200,","ORB LAB "_ORBGL_" THRESHOLD",ORBLABSP,.ORBERR) ..I ORBERR W !,"Error removing lab threshold: ",$P(ORBERR,U,2) .I $G(ORBTHRES)>0 D ..D EN^XPAR(ORBUSR_";VA(200,","ORB LAB "_ORBGL_" THRESHOLD",ORBLABSP,ORBTHRES,.ORBERR) ..I ORBERR W !,"Error adding lab threshold: ",$P(ORBERR,U,2) .; .D DISPTHR(ORBUSR,ORBGL) ;I $L($G(ORBGL)),('$D(DIRUT)) D DISPTHR(ORBUSR,ORBGL) Q DISPTHR(ORBUSR,ORBGL) ;display uer's ORB LAB THRESHOLD parameter values N ORBT,ORBA,ORBLAB,ORBLABN,ORBSP,ORBSPN D GETLST^XPAR(.ORBT,"USR.`"_ORBUSR,"ORB LAB "_ORBGL_" THRESHOLD","I") Q:+$G(ORBT)<1 W !!,"Current "_ORBGL_" lab thresholds for ",$$GET1^DIQ(200,ORBUSR_",",.01),":" S ORBLAB="" F S ORBLAB=$O(ORBT(ORBLAB)) Q:ORBLAB="" D .S ORBSP=$P(ORBLAB,";",2) .S ORBLABN=$P(^LAB(60,+ORBLAB,0),U) .S ORBSPN=$P(^LAB(61,ORBSP,0),U) .S ORBA(ORBLABN,ORBSPN)=ORBT(ORBLAB) S ORBLABN="" F S ORBLABN=$O(ORBA(ORBLABN)) Q:ORBLABN="" D .S ORBSPN="" F S ORBSPN=$O(ORBA(ORBLABN,ORBSPN)) Q:ORBSPN="" D ..W !?2,ORBLABN ..W ?40,ORBSPN ..W ?65,ORBA(ORBLABN,ORBSPN) Q