ORB3REC ; SLC/AEB - Notification Management Options for Recipients/Users ;4/30/01 09:52 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,85,105,173**;Dec 17, 1997 ; ERASE ; N ORBT S ORBT="Erase All of My Notifications" D TITLE(ORBT) I '$$GET^XPAR("ALL^USR.`"_DUZ,"ORB ERASE ALL",1,"Q") D Q .W !,"You are not authorized to perform this function." W !!,"This option purges all your existing notifications",!!?20,"*** USE WITH CAUTION ***" W !!,$C(7),"Do you want to purge all notifications for recipient ",$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),"^") S %=2 D YN^DICN D .I %=0 W !,"Enter 'YES' if you want to purge all existing notifications for this person.",!,"Do you want to purge all notifications for this recipient" S %=2 D YN^DICN Q:%'=1 W !!,"Purging notifications...",! K % D RECIPURG^XQALBUTL(DUZ) Q PFLAG ; N ORBT,ENT,PAR,PIEN S ORBT="Enable/Disable My Notifications",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORB PROCESSING FLAG",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORBT) D PROC Q ; FLGOB ; N ORBT,ENT,PAR,PIEN S ORBT="Set My Flagged Orders Bulletin",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORB FLAGGED ORDERS BULLETIN",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORBT) D PROC Q ; USRNOTS ; List notifications a user could receive D USRNOTS^ORB3U2(DUZ) Q ; TITLE(ORBT) ; ; Center and write title S IOP=0 D ^%ZIS K IOP W @IOF W !,?(80-$L(ORBT)-1/2),ORBT Q ; PROC ; Process Parameter Settings S ENT=DUZ_";VA(200," ; Entity is the recipient/user W !,$$DASH($S($D(IOM):IOM-1,1:78)) D EDIT^XPAREDIT(ENT,PAR) Q DASH(N) ;extrinsic function returns N dashes N X S $P(X,"-",N+1)="" Q X