ORCDFH ;SLC/MKB-Utility functions for FH dialogs ; 08 May 2002 2:12 PM ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**7,73,92,141,215**;Dec 17, 1997 ; EN ; -- entry action S ORCAT=$S($G(ORTYPE)="Z":"",$$INPT^ORCD:"I",1:"O") I ORCAT="O" D Q:$G(ORQUIT) . I $P($G(^ORD(100.98,+$G(ORDG),0)),U,3)="DO" W $C(7),!!,"This patient is not an inpatient!" H 2 S ORQUIT=1 Q . I '$L($T(EN2^FHWOR8)) W $C(7),!!,"Dietetics v5.5 must be installed to place outpatient diet orders!" H 2 S ORQUIT=1 Q . D EN2^FHWOR8(+$G(ORVP),"",.ORDT) I '$O(ORDT(0)) W $C(7),!!,"There are no existing recurring meals with which to associate this type of",!,"order!" H 2 S ORQUIT=1 Q N X S X=$S($G(OREVENT):$$LOC^OREVNTX(OREVENT),1:$G(ORL)) Q:X<1 D EN1^FHWOR8(X,.ORPARAM) S:'$L($G(ORPARAM(3))) ORPARAM(3)="TCD" ;for QO editor Q ; CKFUTURE ; -- Ck for future diet orders N DG,ORDT,ORSTRT,ORIFN,ORTX S DG=$O(^ORD(100.98,"B","DO",0)),ORDT=$$NOW^XLFDT F S ORDT=$O(^OR(100,"AW",ORVP,DG,ORDT)) Q:ORDT'>0 S ORIFN=0 D . F S ORIFN=$O(^OR(100,"AW",ORVP,DG,ORDT,ORIFN)) Q:ORIFN'>0 I $P($G(^OR(100,+ORIFN,3)),U,3)=8 S ORSTRT(ORDT)=ORIFN ;incl only if still sched Q:'$D(ORSTRT) W !,"Future Diet Orders: ",! S ORDT=0 F S ORDT=$O(ORSTRT(ORDT)) Q:ORDT'>0 D TEXT^ORQ12(.ORTX,+ORSTRT(ORDT)) W !,$$FMTE^XLFDT(ORDT,2)_" "_$G(ORTX(1)) W !!,"A new order with no expiration date will CANCEL these diets." Q:$$CONT S ORQUIT=1 W !!,"Diet Order for this Patient is UNCHANGED -- No order entered!" H 2 Q ; CONT() ; -- Ok to continue? N X,Y,DIR S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Do you wish to CONTINUE? ",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR Q +Y ; EN2 ; -- Reformat ORPARAM() into ORTIME(,,1-3)=ext^ext N X,M,T,I,CNT,OFFSET,TIMES,EARLY,LATE S TIMES=$G(ORPARAM(1)),OFFSET=0 Q:TIMES="" F I="EARLY","LATE" S @I=+$O(^ORD(101.43,"S.E/L T",I_" TRAY",0)) F M="B","N","E" F T=EARLY,LATE S CNT=0 D . F I=1:1:3 S X=$P(TIMES,U,I+OFFSET) S:X CNT=CNT+1,ORTIME(T,M,I)=X_U_X,ORTIME(T,M,"B",X)=X,ORTIME(T,M,"C",X)=I . S OFFSET=OFFSET+3 S:CNT ORTIME(T,M)=CNT_"^1" Q ; FMTIME(X) ; -- Returns FM format of time N Y,%DT S %DT="TX" D ^%DT Q "."_$P(Y,".",2) ; EX ; -- exit action K ORPARAM,ORTIME,ORNPO,ORTRAIL,ORCAT,ORDT Q ; DIET(DFN) ; -- Returns patient DFN's current diet order N ADM,X1,FHORD,FHLD,FHOR,X,Y,FHDU,%,A1,D3 S ADM=+$G(^DPT(DFN,.105)),Y="" I $G(DFN),ADM D CUR^FHORD7 Q Y ; VALID() ; -- Returns 1 or 0, if selected diet modification is valid N Y,NUM,I,TOTAL,OI S Y=1,TOTAL=+$G(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"TOT")) S OI=$P($G(^ORD(101.43,+ORDIALOG(PROMPT,ORI),0)),U) I (OI="REGULAR")!(OI="NPO") D Q Y . I '$D(ORESET),TOTAL=0 S ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"MAX")=1,MAX=1 Q ; add first . I $G(ORESET),TOTAL'>1 S ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"MAX")=1,MAX=1 Q ; edit first . S Y=0 W $C(7),!,OI_" may not be ordered with other diets!" S ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"MAX")=5,MAX=5 I $$DUP^ORCD(PROMPT,ORI) W $C(7),"This diet has already been selected!" Q 0 S NUM=$P($G(^ORD(101.43,+ORDIALOG(PROMPT,ORI),"FH")),U,2) ; precedence # S I=0 F S I=$O(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,I)) Q:I'>0 D Q:Y'>0 . Q:I=ORI Q:$P($G(^ORD(101.43,+ORDIALOG(PROMPT,I),"FH")),U,2)'=NUM ;ok . S Y=0 W $C(7),!,"This diet is not orderable with those already selected!",! Q Y ; CURRENT(DG) ; -- Returns order number of currently active DG order N TYPE,START,ORIFN S TYPE=$O(^ORD(100.98,"B",DG,0)),START=$$NOW^XLFDT F S START=$O(^OR(100,"AW",ORVP,TYPE,START),-1) Q:START'>0 S ORIFN=$O(^(START,0)) Q:$P($G(^OR(100,ORIFN,3)),U,3)=6 K ORIFN Q $G(ORIFN) ; FUTURE(FLD) ; -- Returns 1 or 0, if date from FLD is future N X,Y,Z,%DT S X=$$VAL^ORCD(FLD),%DT="TX" D ^%DT S Z=$S($P(Y,".")>DT:1,1:0) Q Z ; SCHEDOK(X) ; -- Validates days of the week N Y,I S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X),Y=1 F I=1:1:$L(X) I "^M^T^W^R^F^S^X^"'[(U_$E(X,I)_U) S Y=0 Q Q Y ; MEALS ; -- Sets meal times into ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST") K ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST") Q:'$L($G(ORMEAL)) Q:'$G(ORTRAY) M ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST")=ORTIME(ORTRAY,ORMEAL) Q ; NOTIMES(MEAL,TIME) ; -- If no tray times defined, write msg and reask N I,Y,PAST S Y=0 G:'$L($G(MEAL)) NTQ G:'$G(TIME) NTQ I '$D(ORTIME(TIME,MEAL)) K DONE W $C(7),!,"There are no "_$P($G(^ORD(101.43,TIME,0)),U)_" times defined for the "_$S(MEAL="B":"breakfast ",MEAL="N":"noon ",MEAL="E":"evening ",1:"")_"meal at this location!",! S Y=1 G NTQ G:$G(ORDATE)'=DT NTQ S PAST=1,NOW="."_$P($$NOW^XLFDT,".",2) F I=1:1:3 S X=$G(ORTIME(TIME,MEAL,I)) I X,$$FMTIME($P(X,U))>NOW S PAST=0 Q I PAST K DONE W $C(7),!,"All "_$P($G(^ORD(101.43,TIME,0)),U)_" times have passed for the "_$S(MEAL="B":"breakfast ",MEAL="N":"noon ",MEAL="E":"evening ",1:"")_"meal at this location!",! S Y=1 NTQ Q Y ; CKTIME ; -- Validate meal time Q:$G(ORDATE)'=DT N NOW,X S NOW="."_$P($$NOW^XLFDT,".",2) S X=ORDIALOG(PROMPT,ORI),X=$$FMTIME(X) I X'>NOW W $C(7),!,"This time has already passed!",! K DONE Q Q ; DELIVERY ; -- Set available delivery/service types by location I $G(ORNPO) K ORDIALOG(PROMPT,INST) Q Q:$D(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST")) N X,Y,Z,I S X=$G(ORPARAM(3)) S Z="" F I=1:1:$L(X) S Y=$E(X,I) S Z=Z_Y_":"_$S(Y="T":"TRAY",Y="C":"CAFETERIA",Y="D":"DINING ROOM",Y="B":"BAGGED",1:"")_";" S:$L(Z) $P(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,0),U,2)=Z S ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST")=$L(X) Q ; CANCEL(ORIFN) ; -- Return 1 or 0, if future trays should be cancelled N DA,Y S DA=$O(^OR(100,+ORIFN,4.5,"ID","CANCEL",0)),Y=0 S:DA Y=+$G(^OR(100,+ORIFN,4.5,+DA,1)) Q Y ; RESUME(ORDER) ; -- Returns 1 or 0, if tray service should be resumed N I,X S I=$O(^OR(100,+ORDER,4.5,"ID","RESUME",0)),X=0 I I S X=+$G(^OR(100,+ORDER,4.5,+I,1)) Q X ; LATETRAY ; -- Order a late tray with diet ORIFN? [from VALID^ORCSIGN] Q:'$G(ORIFN) Q:$E($$VALUE^ORX8(ORIFN,"ORDERABLE",1,"E"),1,3)="NPO" N X,Y,%DT,ORSTRT,ORDATE,ORNP S X=$O(^OR(100,ORIFN,4.5,"ID","START",0)),X=$G(^OR(100,ORIFN,4.5,+X,1)) Q:X="" S %DT="TX" D ^%DT Q:Y'>0 Q:$P(Y,".")>DT ;invalid or future S ORDATE=$P(Y,"."),ORSTRT=+$E($P(Y,".",2)_"0000",1,4) S ORNP=$P(^OR(100,ORIFN,0),U,4) LTRAY ; -- enter here w/ORDATE,ORSTRT,ORNP [reinstated diet after dc'ing NPO] N ORPARAM,ORTIME,I,ORMEAL,ORTRAY D EN^FHWOR8(+ORVP,.ORPARAM),EN2 Q:'$D(ORPARAM(2)) F I=1,3,5 I $P(ORPARAM(2),U,I)ORSTRT S OK=1 Q Q:'$G(OK) Q:'$$ORDTRAY(ORMEAL) ;Else, continue w/order for late tray LT1 N ORIFN,ORDIALOG,ORDG,ORTYPE,ORCHECK,ORQUIT,ORDUZ,ORLOG,SEQ,DA,FIRST S ORDIALOG=$O(^ORD(101.41,"AB","FHW2",0)) Q:'ORDIALOG S ORTYPE="D",FIRST=1,ORDUZ=DUZ,ORLOG=+$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12) D GETDLG^ORCD(ORDIALOG) S ORDIALOG($$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX MEAL"),1)=ORMEAL S ORDIALOG($$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX ORDERABLE ITEM"),1)=ORTRAY S ORDIALOG($$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX START DATE"),1)=ORDATE,ORDIALOG($$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX STOP DATE"),1)=ORDATE F SEQ=6,7 S DA=$O(^ORD(101.41,+ORDIALOG,10,"B",SEQ,0)) Q:'DA D EN^ORCDLG1(DA) Q:$G(ORQUIT) ; prompt for meal time, bagged meal I $G(ORQUIT) W $C(7),!!,"No late tray ordered!",! H 2 Q D EN^ORCSAVE Q:'$G(ORIFN) S ORES(ORIFN_";1")="" W !?10,"... order placed.",! Q ; ORDTRAY(M) ; -- Want to order tray for meal M? N X,Y,DIR S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A",1)="You have missed the "_$S(M="B":"breakfast",M="N":"noon",M="E":"evening",1:"")_" cut-off.",DIR("A")="Do you wish to order a late tray? ",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR Q +Y ; ASKSTOP() ; -- Ck OI's for parameter N I,OI,Y S OI=+$$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX ORDERABLE ITEM"),Y=0 S I=0 F S I=$O(ORDIALOG(OI,I)) Q:I'>0 I $P($G(^ORD(101.43,+ORDIALOG(OI,I),"FH")),U,3)="Y" S Y=1 Q Q Y