ORCDLGH ; SLC/MKB - Help for Order Dialogs ;4/7/97 10:00 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**71,68**;Dec 17, 1997 P ; -- pointer N DIC,D,DZ S DIC(0)="EQS" S DIC=$S(+DOMAIN:$G(^DIC(+DOMAIN,0,"GL")),1:U_$P(DOMAIN,":")),DZ="??" S D=$S($D(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"D")):$P(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"D"),";"),1:"B") S:$D(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"S")) DIC("S")=ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"S") D DQ^DICQ Q ; S ; -- set of codes N X,I W !!,"Choose from:" F I=1:1:$L(DOMAIN,";") S X=$P(DOMAIN,";",I) Q:'$L(X) W !,?10,$P(X,":"),?20,$P(X,":",2) Q ; D ; -- date R ; -- free text date N %DT S %DT=$P(DOMAIN,":",3) S:$L($P(DOMAIN,":")) %DT(0)=$P(DOMAIN,":") D HELP^%DTC Q ; OLDR ; -- [old help for] free text date W !!,"Examples of Valid Dates:" W !," JAN 20 1957 or 20 JAN 57 or 1/20/57 or 012057" W !," T (for TODAY) T+1 (for TOMORROW) T+2 T+7 etc." W !," T-1 (for YESTERDAY) T-3W (for 3 WEEKS AGO) etc." ;W !," V (for the NEXT VISIT) V-1 (for DAY BEFORE NEXT VISIT) etc." W !,"If the year is omitted, the current year is assumed." I DOMAIN'["R",DOMAIN'["T" W !,"Time may not be entered." Q W !,"If only the time is entered, the current date is assumed." W !,"The date "_$S(DOMAIN["R":"must",1:"may")_" be followed by a time, such as JAN 20@10, T@10AM, etc." W !,"You may enter a time such as NOON, MIDNIGHT, or NOW." W !,"You may also enter NOW+3' (for current date and time plus 3 minutes)" Q ; F ; -- free text W !!,"This response can be free text" I '$L(DOMAIN) W "." Q W ", from "_+DOMAIN_"-"_+$P(DOMAIN,":",2)_" characters in length." Q ; N ; -- numeric W !!,"This response must be a number" I '$L(DOMAIN) W "." Q W " between "_+DOMAIN_" and "_+$P(DOMAIN,":",2) I $P(DOMAIN,":",3) W ", up to "_+$P(DOMAIN,":",3)_" decimal places" W "." Q ; Y ; -- yes/no N DOMAIN S DOMAIN="1:YES;2:NO" G S Q