ORCMEDT5 ;SLC/MKB-Misc menu utilities ;03:29 PM 12 Feb 1999 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**8,46**;Dec 17, 1997 SEARCH ; -- Search/replace menu items N ORDLG F S ORDLG=$$DIC Q:ORDLG'>0 D SR1(ORDLG) W !! Q ; SR1(ORX) ; -- list parents, get replacement N DA,DR,DIE,DIK,I,J,ORDAD,ORY,ORNMBR,NUM,ORI,ORDAD,ORNM I '$O(^ORD(101.41,"AD",+ORX,0)) W !,$P(ORX,U,2)_" has no ancestors." Q W @IOF,"Ancestors of "_$P(ORX,U,2),!?4,"Name",?69,"Type",!,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",79) S (I,ORDAD)=0 F S I=$O(^ORD(101.41,"AD",+ORX,I)) Q:I'>0 D . S J=0 F S J=$O(^ORD(101.41,"AD",+ORX,I,J)) Q:J'>0 D . . S ORDAD=ORDAD+1,ORDAD(ORDAD)=I_U_J . . W !,ORDAD,?4,$P(^ORD(101.41,I,0),U),?69,$$TYPE($P(^(0),U,4)) W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",79) S ORY=$$REPLWITH(ORX) Q:ORY="^" D SELECT(ORY,ORDAD,.ORNMBR) Q:ORNMBR="^" Q:'$$OK W !!,$S(ORY="@":"Removing",1:"Replacing "_$P(ORX,U,2)_" with "_$P(ORY,U,2))_" in:" F ORI=1:1:$L(ORNMBR,",") S NUM=$P(ORNMBR,",",ORI) I NUM D . S DA(1)=+ORDAD(NUM),DA=$P(ORDAD(NUM),U,2),DIE="^ORD(101.41,"_DA(1)_",10," . S ORDAD=DA(1),ORNM=$P(^ORD(101.41,ORDAD,0),U) W !?3,ORNM_" ..." . I '$$VALID(ORY,ORDAD,.ORERR) D Q . . W "not "_$S(ORY="@":"removed.",1:"changed."),!?3,">> "_$G(ORERR) . . S I=0 F S I=$O(ORERR(I)) Q:I'>0 W !?25,"=>"_ORERR(I) . I ORY="@" S DIK=DIE D ^DIK W "done." Q . S DR="2////"_+ORY D ^DIE W $S($P(^ORD(101.41,DA(1),10,DA,0),U,2)=+ORY:"done.",1:"error - not replaced.") Q ; TYPE(X) ; -- Returns name of dialog type N Y S Y=$S(X="P":"prompt",X="D":"dialog",X="Q":"quick order",X="O":"order set",X="M":"menu",X="A":"action",1:"") Q Y ; DIC() ; -- ^DIC on Order Dialog file N X,Y,DIC S DIC=101.41,DIC(0)="AEQM",DIC("A")="Search for: " S DIC("?")="Enter the name of the dialog component you wish to search for." D ^DIC Q Y ; SELECT(ORY,MAX,Y) ; -- Select which Dlgs to replace items N X,DIR S DIR(0)="LA^1:"_MAX,DIR("A")=$S(ORY="@":"Remove in: ",1:"Replace in: "),DIR("B")=$S(MAX>1:"1-"_MAX,1:"1") ; S DIR("?") D ^DIR S:$D(DTOUT)!(X["^") Y="^" Q ; OK() ; -- Are you ready? N X,Y,DIR S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Are you ready? ",DIR("B")="NO" W ! D ^DIR Q +Y ; REPLWITH(ORIT) ; -- Remove item, or select replacement N X,Y,DIR,DIC S DIR(0)="FAO^1:63",DIR("A")="Replace "_$P(ORIT,U,2)_" with: " S DIR("?")="Enter the name of the item you wish to replace this one with, or @ to remove this item; to quit without changing anything, press ." R1 D ^DIR I X="@" Q "@" I $D(DTOUT)!("^"[X) Q "^" S DIC=101.41,DIC(0)="EQM" D ^DIC I Y'>0 G R1 Q Y ; VALID(ITM,DAD,ERR) ; -- Ck if ITM may be placed on DAD N DTYPE,ITYPE,Y S Y=0 S DTYPE=$P(^ORD(101.41,DAD,0),U,4) I DTYPE="D",$$NMSP^ORCD($P(^(0),U,7))'="OR" S ERR="Only generic ordering dialogs are editable." G VQ I ITM="@" S Y=1 G VQ ; ok to delete S ITYPE=$P(^ORD(101.41,+ITM,0),U,4) I ITYPE="P",DTYPE'="D" S ERR="A prompt may not be added to a "_$$TYPE(DTYPE)_"." G VQ I ITYPE="A","DOM"'[DTYPE S ERR="An action may not be added to a "_$$TYPE(DTYPE)_"." G VQ I "DQOM"[ITYPE,"OM"'[DTYPE S ERR="A "_$$TYPE(ITYPE)_" may not be added to a "_$$TYPE(DTYPE)_"." G VQ D RECURSV(+ITM,DAD,.ERR) I $D(ERR) S Y=0 G VQ S Y=1 ; ok VQ Q Y ; RECURSV(ITEM,MENU,MSG) ; -- Return 1 or 0, if recursive reference to ITEM N STACK,CNT S STACK=0,CNT=0 K MSG D CHKPAR(MENU) Q CHKPAR(MENU) ; follow tree to check parents N PMENU,I S STACK=STACK+1,STACK(STACK)=MENU,STACK("B",MENU)=STACK,PMENU=0 F S PMENU=$O(^ORD(101.41,"AD",MENU,PMENU)) Q:'PMENU D Q:$D(MSG) . I PMENU=ITEM D Q . . S MSG="Recursive Reference: "_$P(^ORD(101.41,ITEM,0),U) . . F I=STACK:-1:1 S CNT=CNT+1,MSG(CNT)=$P(^ORD(101.41,STACK(I),0),U) . I $D(STACK("B",PMENU)) Q . D CHKPAR(PMENU) K STACK(STACK),STACK("B",MENU) S STACK=STACK-1 Q ; INUSE(MENU) ; -- Returns 1 or 0, if MENU is in use by parameter N PARAM,ENT,Y S PARAM=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","OR ADD ORDERS MENU",0)),Y=0 S ENT="" F S ENT=$O(^XTV(8989.5,"AC",PARAM,ENT)) Q:ENT="" I $G(^(ENT,1))=MENU S Y=1 Q Q Y ; ASSIGN ; -- Assign menu to user(s) D FULL^VALM1 D EDITPAR^XPAREDIT("OR ADD ORDERS MENU") S VALMBCK="R" Q ; INQ ; -- Inquire to Order Dialog file N X,Y,DIC,DA,DR,DIQ S DIC="^ORD(101.41,",DIC(0)="AEQM" F D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 S DA=+Y W ! D EN^DIQ W ! Q ; OUTPUT(ORY) ; -- Output Xform for Value field of Response multiple N ORDIALOG,ORP,ORZ S ORZ=ORY S ORP=$P($G(^ORD(101.41,D0,6,D1,0)),U,2) I ORP S ORDIALOG(ORP,0)=$P($G(^ORD(101.41,ORP,1)),U,1,2),ORDIALOG(ORP,1)=ORY,ORZ=$$EXT^ORCD(ORP,1) Q ORZ ; AOPAR ; -- List of add order menus assigned to users N BY,DHD,DIC,FLDS,FR,TO S DIC=8989.5 S FR="OR ADD ORDERS MENU,?",TO="OR ADD ORDERS MENU,?" S BY="@.02,@1;S2;""Add order menu: """ S DHD="CPRS Add order menu list" S FLDS="VALUE;N;""Menu"",ENTITY;""User/Location/etc."";C40" D EN1^DIP Q ; DISABLE ; -- Disable order dialogs N X,Y,DIC,DIR,ORDIS,ORI K ^TMP("ORDISABLE",$J) S DIC=101.41,DIC(0)="AEQM",DIC("A")="Select ORDER DIALOG: ",DIC("?")="Enter the name of an order dialog you wish to disable." S DIC("W")="I $L($P(^(0),U,3)) W !?3,"">> disabled: ""_$P(^(0),U,3)" F D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 S ^TMP("ORDISABLE",$J,+Y)="" S DIC("A")="ANOTHER ONE: " Q:'$O(^TMP("ORDISABLE",$J,0)) ;none selected W !!,"Enter a message to disable the dialog(s), or @ to enable again." S DIR(0)="FAO^1:40",DIR("A")="MESSAGE: " S DIR("?")="Enter up to 40 characters explaining why use of this dialog has been disabled that will display if the dialog is selected, or @ to enable the dialog again." D ^DIR G:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!(X="") DQ S ORDIS=X I '$$OK W !,"Nothing "_$S(ORDIS="@":"en",1:"dis")_"abled." H 1 G DQ S ORI=0 F S ORI=$O(^TMP("ORDISABLE",$J,ORI)) Q:ORI'>0 S $P(^ORD(101.41,ORI,0),U,3)=$S(ORDIS="@":"",1:ORDIS) W "." W !,"done." H 1 DQ K ^TMP("ORDISABLE",$J) Q