ORCMENU2 ;SLC/MKB-Review New Orders ;4/5/01 21:32 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**7,48,72,108**;Dec 17, 1997 EN ; -- main entry point I '$$MORE W !!,"You have no new or unsigned orders for this patient." S VALMBCK="" H 1 Q EN1 ; -- enter here from ORCHART when exiting chart N ORTAB K OREBLD D EN^VALM("OR NEW ORDERS") Q ; EX ; -- main exit point I $G(OREBUILD)!$G(OREBLD) F TAB="ORDERS","COVER","MEDS","LABS","XRAYS","CONSULTS" D:TAB=$G(ORTAB) TAB^ORCHART(TAB,1) I TAB'=$G(ORTAB),$D(^TMP("OR",$J,TAB,0)) S $P(^(0),U)="" S:$D(^TMP("OR",$J,"CURRENT","MENU")) XQORM("HIJACK")=^("MENU") K OREBUILD,OREBLD Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array I $G(ORRV),'$$MORE S VALMBCK="Q" Q W !,"Searching the patient's chart ..." D CLEAN^VALM10 S ORTAB="NEW" D EN^ORCHTAB S VALMCNT=+$G(^TMP("OR",$J,"NEW",0)),VALM("TITLE")=$G(^("TITLE")) M ^TMP("VALM VIDEO",$J,VALMEVL)=^TMP("OR",$J,ORTAB,"VIDEO") S VALMBG=1,VALMBCK="R" Q ; PHDR ; -- protocol menu header code S VALMSG=$$MSG^ORCHART D SHOW^VALM S:$G(OREBUILD) OREBLD=1 K ORNMBR,OREBUILD S XQORM("#")=$O(^ORD(101,"B","ORC NEW ACTIONS",0))_"^1:"_+$P($G(^TMP("OR",$J,"NEW",0)),U,2) I XQORM("B")="Quit",$P($G(^TMP("OR",$J,"NEW",0)),U,2) S XQORM("B")=$S('$$GET^XPAR("ALL","ORPF NEW ORDERS DEFAULT"):"Sign All Orders",1:"Sign & Release") S XQORM("KEY","DC")=$O(^ORD(101,"B","ORC DISCONTINUE ORDERS",0))_"^1" S XQORM("KEY","ED")=$O(^ORD(101,"B","ORC CHANGE ORDERS",0))_"^1" S XQORM("KEY","DT")=$O(^ORD(101,"B","ORC DETAILED DISPLAY",0))_"^1" S XQORM("KEY","$")=$O(^ORD(101,"B","ORC SIGN ORDERS",0))_"^1" S XQORM("KEY","SIGN")=XQORM("KEY","$") Q ; HELP ; -- help code N X W !!,"Enter the display numbers of the items you wish to act on; a menu of" W !,"available actions will then be presented for selection." W !,"Press to continue ..." R X:DTIME S VALMBCK="" Q ; EXIT ; -- exit code K ^TMP("OR",$J,"NEW") Q ; NOTIF ; -- Trigger notification for new orders left unsigned Q:'$O(^TMP("ORNEW",$J,0)) N ORIFN,ORDA,ORA0,ORERR S ORIFN=0 F S ORIFN=$O(^TMP("ORNEW",$J,ORIFN)) Q:ORIFN'>0 S ORDA=0 D . F S ORDA=$O(^TMP("ORNEW",$J,ORIFN,ORDA)) Q:ORDA'>0 D .. S ORA0=$G(^OR(100,+ORIFN,8,+ORDA,0)) .. I ORDA,$P(ORA0,U,4)=2 S ORNP=$P(ORA0,U,3) D NOTIF^ORCSIGN .. I ORDA,$P(ORA0,U,4)=3,$$VALID^ORCACT0(ORIFN_";"_ORDA,"ES",.ORERR) D EN^ORCSEND(ORIFN_";"_ORDA,,3,1,,,.ORERR) ;release if ES not req'd .. D UNLK1^ORX2(+ORIFN) Q ; SIGNALL ; -- sign all new orders N ORNMBR,ORMAX,I,LNG S ORMAX=+$P($G(^TMP("OR",$J,"NEW",0)),U,2),ORNMBR="" F I=1:1:ORMAX S LNG=$L(ORNMBR)+$L(I)+1 S:LNG'>255 ORNMBR=ORNMBR_I_"," I LNG>255 W !,"Range too large; only items #1-"_(I-1)_" will be signed." Q D EN^ORCSIGN I '$$MORE S VALMBCK="Q" Q D EX^ORCACT Q ; MORE() ; -- More orders to process? I $O(^TMP("ORNEW",$J,0)) Q 1 N Y S Y=0 I $D(^XUSEC("ORES",DUZ)) D . N IDX,IFN,ACT,ROOT,ENT,PAR . S ENT="ALL"_$S($G(^VA(200,DUZ,5)):"^SRV.`"_+^(5),1:"") . S PAR=$$GET^XPAR(ENT,"OR UNSIGNED ORDERS ON EXIT") Q:PAR'>0 . I PAR=2,$O(^OR(100,"AS",ORVP,0)) S Y=1 Q . S IDX=$NA(@"^OR(100,""AS"",ORVP)"),ROOT=$TR(IDX,")",",") . F S IDX=$Q(@IDX) Q:$E(IDX,1,$L(ROOT))'=ROOT S IFN=+$P(IDX,",",5),ACT=+$P(IDX,",",6) I PAR=1,$P($G(^OR(100,IFN,8,ACT,0)),U,3)=DUZ S Y=1 Q Q Y