ORCMGMCK ;SLC/JFR - FIND GMRC QO'S WITH INACTIVE CODES ;6/4/03 11:33 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**181**;Dec 17, 1997 ; ; This routine invokes IA # 3990 ; Q FINDQOS ; find cons/proc quick orders with a default Prov. DX code N ORDLG,ORPDLG,ORDGC,ORDGP K ^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J) S ORDGC=$$FIND1^DIC(100.98,,"QX","CONSULTS") ;find disp. group ien S ORDGP=$$FIND1^DIC(100.98,,"QX","PROCEDURES") ;find disp. group ien S ORPDLG=$$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX CODE") S ORDLG=0 F S ORDLG=$O(^ORD(101.41,ORDLG)) Q:'ORDLG I $P(^(ORDLG,0),U,4)="Q" D . N ORQDG,ORCODEF,ORPRMPT,ORAPIVAL,ACTDT . S ORQDG=$P(^ORD(101.41,ORDLG,0),U,5) . I ORQDG'=ORDGC&(ORQDG'=ORDGP) Q ;not in CONS or PROC display group . S ORPRMPT=$O(^ORD(101.41,ORDLG,6,"D",ORPDLG,0)) . I 'ORPRMPT Q ;no PD prompt . S ORCODEF=$G(^ORD(101.41,ORDLG,6,ORPRMPT,1)) . I '$L(ORPRMPT) Q ; no default CODE stored. . I '$$STATCHK^ICDAPIU(ORCODEF,DT) D Q .. S ^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I",ORDLG)=$P(^ORD(101.41,ORDLG,0),U)_U_ORCODEF . S ORAPIVAL=$$HIST^ICDAPIU(ORCODEF,.ORAPIVAL) . S ACTDT=$O(ORAPIVAL(DT)) . I ACTDT,'$G(ORAPIVAL(ACTDT)) D ; future inactivation .. S ^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F",ORDLG)=$P(^ORD(101.41,ORDLG,0),U)_U_ORCODEF_U_$$FMTE^XLFDT(ACTDT) Q ; CSVPEP ; protocol event point called upon CSV install ; Called by Protocol - ?? ; N LN,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMY D FINDQOS K ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J) S LN=1 I $D(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I")) D . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="The following Consult or Procedure quick orders were found that currently",LN=LN+1 . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="have a provisional diagnosis code that is inactive. These should be edited",LN=LN+1 . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="as soon as possible to reduce interruption of ordering these quick orders.",LN=LN+1 . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)=" ",LN=LN+1 . S IREC=0 . F S IREC=$O(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I",IREC)) Q:'IREC D .. S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="Quick order name: "_$P(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I",IREC),U)_" IEN: "_IREC,LN=LN+1 .. S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="Provisional Diagnosis code: "_$P(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I",IREC),U,2),LN=LN+1 .. S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)=" ",LN=LN+1 . Q ; I $D(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F")) D . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="The following Consult or Procedure quick orders were found to have a",LN=LN+1 . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="provisional diagnosis code that will become inactive in the future.",LN=LN+1 . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="These should be edited as soon as possible after the inactivation date to",LN=LN+1 . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="reduce interruption in ordering these quick orders.",LN=LN+1 . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)=" ",LN=LN+1 . S FREC=0 . F S FREC=$O(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F",FREC)) Q:'FREC D .. S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="Quick order name: "_$P(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F",FREC),U)_" IEN: "_FREC,LN=LN+1 .. S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="Provisional Diagnosis code: "_$P(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F",FREC),U,2)_" Inactivation Date: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(^(FREC),U,3),2) .. S LN=LN+1 . Q I '$D(^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J)) D . S ^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J,LN)="There were no problem quick orders found." . S LN=LN+1 S XMY("G.ORCM CSV EVENT")="" S XMSUB="DX Code check of Consult/Procedure QO's" S XMDUZ="Code Set Version Install" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""ORCMMSG"",$J," D ^XMD K ^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J),^TMP("ORCMMSG",$J) Q ; CSVOPT ; report of CSV affected quick orders from option ORCM ... N %ZIS,POP S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS Q:POP I $D(IO("Q")) D D ^%ZISC,HOME^%ZIS Q . N ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTSK . S ZTDESC="Review of OR Quick orders for CSV" . S ZTRTN="QUEUE^ORCMGMCK",ZTIO=ION,ZTDTH=$H . D ^%ZTLOAD . I '$G(ZTSK) W !,"Unable to task report" . Q ; QUEUE ; entry point for tasked report I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" N PG U IO D FINDQOS ;will return ^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J) with list of quick orders S PG=1 D PAGE(.PG) I $D(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I")) D . N IREC . W !,"The following Consult or Procedure quick orders were found that currently" . W !,"have a provisional diagnosis code that is inactive. These should be edited" . W !,"as soon as possible to reduce interruption of ordering these quick orders.",! . S IREC=0 . F S IREC=$O(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I",IREC)) Q:'IREC!(PG<1) D .. I IOSL-$Y<4 D PAGE(.PG) Q:'PG .. W !,"Quick order name: ",$P(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I",IREC),U)," IEN: ",IREC .. W !,"Provisional Diagnosis code: ",$P(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"I",IREC),U,2) .. W !," " . Q ; I $D(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F")) D . I IOSL=$Y<8 D PAGE(.PG) Q:'PG . W !,"The following Consult or Procedure quick orders were found to have a" . W !,"provisional diagnosis code that will become inactive in the future." . W !,"These should be edited as soon as possible after the inactivation date to" . W !,"reduce interruption in ordering these quick orders." . W !," " . N FREC . S FREC=0 . F S FREC=$O(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F",FREC)) Q:'FREC!(PG<1) D .. I IOSL-$Y<4 D PAGE(.PG) Q:'PG .. W !,"Quick order name: ",$P(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F",FREC),U)," IEN: ",FREC .. W !,"Provisional Diagnosis code: ",$P(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J,"F",FREC),U,2)," Inactivation Date: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(^(FREC),U,3),2) . Q I '$D(^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J)) D . W !,"There were no problem quick orders found.",! . I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D .. N DIR,DTOUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y .. S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR . Q D:$E(IOST,1,2)'="C-" ^%ZISC D HOME^%ZIS K ^TMP("ORCMGMCK",$J) Q ; PAGE(NUM) ;print header and raise page number I NUM'=1,$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D Q:'NUM . N DIR,DTOUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y . S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR . I $D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) S NUM=0 W @IOF W "Code Set Version review of Consult/Procedure Quick Orders" W ?70,"Page: ",NUM W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",78) S NUM=NUM+1 Q