OREV4 ;SLC/DAN Event delayed orders cont ;10/25/02 13:54 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**141**;Dec 17, 1997 ;DBIA reference section ;10006 - DIC ;10018 - DIE ;10013 - DIK ;10103 - XLFDT ;2056 - DIQ ;2263 - XPAR ; N Y,DIC,ZTSAVE,IEN S DIC="^ORE(100.2,",DIC(0)="AEMQ" D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 ;Quit if no selection made S IEN=+Y W ! S ZTSAVE("IEN")="",ZTSAVE("DIC")="",ZTSAVE("IO*")="" D QUE^ORUTL1("DQI^OREV4","Patient event inquiry",.ZTSAVE) ;Get device to print on Q ; DQI ;Tasked entry point or continue if not queued U IO S DA=IEN D EN^DIQ Q ; CHKPRM ;Checks to see if event is defined in either the OREVNT DEFAULT ;or the OREVNT COMMON LIST parameter. If so, then it will be removed ;from the parameters as PARENT type events are not allowed in these ;parameters. This API is called when an event becomes a parent. N DIC,Y,X,PRMC,PRMD,PARAM,I,J S DIC=8989.51,DIC(0)="MX",X="OREVNT COMMON LIST" D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 ;Parameter doesn't exist S PRMC=+Y S X="OREVNT DEFAULT" D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 ;Parameter doesn't exist S PRMD=+Y F PARAM=PRMC,PRMD D .K ORLST .D ENVAL^XPAR(.ORLST,PRMC) ;get list of values .Q:ORLST=0 ;No values .S I="" F S I=$O(ORLST(I)) Q:I="" D ..S J="" F S J=$O(ORLST(I,J)) Q:J="" D ...I ORLST(I,J)=DA D EN^XPAR(I,PARAM,J,"@") ;delete event from parameter Q ; DELAYED(DFN) ;Display list of delayed events for a patient, identified by DFN N EVT,IFN,DISP I '$D(^ORE(100.2,"AE",DFN)) Q ;Quit if no delayed orders exist for the patient S EVT=0,DISP=0 F S EVT=$O(^ORE(100.2,"AE",DFN,EVT)) Q:'+EVT D .S IFN=$O(^ORE(100.2,"AE",DFN,EVT,0)) .Q:$$LAPSED^OREVNTX(IFN) ;quit if event has lapsed .W:'DISP !!,"Delayed orders exist for this patient!",$C(7) S DISP=1 .W !,"EVENT: ",$P($G(^ORD(100.5,+$P(^ORE(100.2,IFN,0),U,2),0)),U,8),", created on ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(^ORE(100.2,IFN,0),U,5),1) Q ; PARENTOK() ;This function determines if the event can be a parent ;if an event has future delayed orders tied to it then it can't be ;a parent N OK,SUB,RIEN,PIEN S OK=1 S SUB="^ORE(100.2,""AE"")" F S SUB=$Q(@SUB) Q:SUB'["AE"!('OK) D .S RIEN=$P(SUB,",",4) ;Release event ID .S PIEN=$P(SUB,",",5) ;Patient event ID .Q:$$LAPSED^OREVNTX(PIEN) ;quit if event has lapsed .I RIEN=DA W !!,"You may not make ",$P($G(^ORD(100.5,DA,0)),U)," a parent",!,"at this time because there are unprocessed delayed orders assigned to it." H 3 S OK=0 Q OK ; ACTSURG(ORTYPE,DA) ;Function returns 1 if an active surgery event already exists N ACT,DIV,I S ACT=0 I ORTYPE="E" D .S DIV=$P($G(^ORD(100.5,DA,0)),U,3) .S I=0 F S I=$O(^ORD(100.5,"ADT","O",I)) Q:'+I I DA'=I I DIV=$P($G(^ORD(100.5,I,0)),U,3)&('$G(^ORD(100.5,I,1))) S ACT=1 .Q I ORTYPE="A" D .S DIV=$P($G(^ORD(100.6,DA,0)),U,3) .S I=0 F S I=$O(^ORD(100.6,"AE",DIV,"O",I)) Q:'+I I I'=DA S ACT=1 .Q Q ACT ; FROMTO(MUL,SUB1,SUB2) ;Check FROM - TO entries in file 100.6 N DA,DIK,LOC0,X,Y,DEL,ERR I MUL="S" D Q .I '$D(^ORD(100.6,SUB1,4,SUB2,1,"B")) D ;Check for TO entries in specialties multiple ..W !!,"ERROR - Missing TO entry - ",$P($G(^DIC(45.7,$P(^ORD(100.6,SUB1,4,SUB2,0),U),0)),U)," DELETED.",! ..S DA(1)=SUB1,DA=SUB2,DIK="^ORD(100.6,"_DA(1)_",4," D ^DIK ; I MUL="L" D .S LOC0=^ORD(100.6,SUB1,5,SUB2,0) .I +$P(LOC0,U,2)=0&($P(LOC0,U,3)="") S DEL=1,ERR=1 .I +$P(LOC0,U,4)=0&($P(LOC0,U,5)="") S DEL=1,ERR=1 .I $G(ERR) W !!,"ERROR - Missing FROM or TO location - '",$P(LOC0,U),"' DELETED.",! Q .I $P(LOC0,U,2) D CLEAR(SUB1,SUB2,2) ;If user selects "all" clear "from" field .I $P(LOC0,U,4) D CLEAR(SUB1,SUB2,4) ;If user selects "all" clear "to" field .I $P(LOC0,U,2)&($P(LOC0,U,4)) W !!,"WARNING - You've defined a 'FROM ALL' locations to 'TO ALL' locations entry",!,"and it will supercede all other entries.",! Q .I $O(^ORD(100.6,SUB1,5,"ADC",$S($P(LOC0,U,2)=1:"ALL",1:$P(LOC0,U,3)),$S($P(LOC0,U,4)=1:"ALL",1:$P(LOC0,U,5)),SUB2)) S DEL=1,ERR=1 .I $O(^ORD(100.6,SUB1,5,"ADC",$S($P(LOC0,U,2)=1:"ALL",1:$P(LOC0,U,3)),$S($P(LOC0,U,4)=1:"ALL",1:$P(LOC0,U,5)),SUB2),-1) S DEL=1,ERR=1 .I $G(ERR) W !!,"ERROR - Duplicate entry exists - '",$P(LOC0,U),"' DELETED.",! I $G(DEL) S DIK="^ORD(100.6,"_SUB1_",5,",DA=SUB2,DA(1)=SUB1 D ^DIK Q ; CLEAR(TENT,MENT,FIELD) ;Clear selected fields N DA,DIE,Y,X,FILE S FILE(100.62,MENT_","_TENT_",",FIELD)="@" D FILE^DIE("","FILE") Q