ORKMGR ; SLC/AEB,CLA - Manager Options - Order Checking Parameters ;9/22/97 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,85,105**;Dec 17, 1997 ; PFLAG ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Enable/Disable an Order Check",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK PROCESSING FLAG",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; CLINDL ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Set Clinical Danger Level for an Order Check",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK CLINICAL DANGER LEVEL",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; CTLIMH ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="CT Scanner Height Limit",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK CT LIMIT HT",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; CTLIMW ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="CAT Scanner Weight Limit",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK CT LIMIT WT",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; MRLIMH ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="MRI Scanner Height Limit",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK MRI LIMIT HT",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; MRLIMW ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="MRI Scanner Weight Limit",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK MRI LIMIT WT",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; DUPOR ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Orderable Item Duplicate Order Range",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK DUP ORDER RANGE OI",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; DUPLR ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Lab Duplicate Order Range",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK DUP ORDER RANGE LAB",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; DUPRA ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Imaging Duplicate Order Range",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK DUP ORDER RANGE RADIOLOGY",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; SYSEN ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Enable or Disable Order Checking System",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK SYSTEM ENABLE/DISABLE",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; DEBUG ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Enable or Disable Logging Debug Messages",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK DEBUG ENABLE/DISABLE",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; POLYRX ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Set Number of Meds for Polypharmacy",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK POLYPHARMACY",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; GLUCREAT ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Set Creatinine Search Range for Glucophage-Lab Results Order Check",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK GLUCOPHAGE CREATININE",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; EDITUSER ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Set One or More Order Checks to be Uneditable By End Users",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK EDITABLE BY USER",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; CMCREAT ; N ORKT,PAR,PIEN S ORKT="Set Creatinine Search Range for Biochem Abnormality for Contrast Media Order Chk",PIEN=0 S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK CONTRAST MEDIA CREATININE",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S PAR=PIEN D TITLE(ORKT) D PROC(PAR) Q ; TITLE(ORKT) ; ; Center and write title - Parameter to be set S IOP=0 D ^%ZIS K IOP W @IOF W !,?(80-$L(ORKT)-1/2),ORKT Q PROC(PAR) ; Process Parameter Settings D EDITPAR^XPAREDIT(PAR) Q USRCHKS ; List order checks a user could receive N ORKUSR ; Get user DUZ number K DIC,Y S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="AEQ",DIC("A")="Enter user's name: ",DIC("B")=DUZ D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S ORKUSR=$S(Y'<1:$P(Y,"^"),1:DUZ) K DIC,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT D USRCHKS^ORKUTL(ORKUSR) Q