ORKREC ; SLC/AEB - Recipient Options - Order Checking Parameters Management ;9/22/97 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,85**;Dec 17, 1997 ; PFLAG ; N ORKT,ORKPAR,PIEN,ORKEDIT,ORKLST,ORKIEN,ORKV S ORKT="Enable/Disable an Order Check for Yourself",PIEN=0 D TITLE(ORKT) S PIEN=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","ORK PROCESSING FLAG",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" S ORKPAR=PIEN ; ;get a list of order checks that cannot be edited by end user: S ORKIEN=0 F S ORKIEN=$O(^ORD(100.8,ORKIEN)) Q:+$G(ORKIEN)<1 D .S ORKV=$$GET^XPAR("ALL","ORK EDITABLE BY USER",ORKIEN,"I") .S:$L(ORKV) ORKEDIT(ORKIEN)=ORKV ; D PROC Q USRCHKS ; List order checks a user could receive D USRCHKS^ORKUTL(DUZ) Q PROC ; Process Parameter Settings W !,$$DASH($S($D(IOM):IOM-1,1:78)) N ENT S ENT=DUZ_";VA(200," ;Entity is the recipient/user D EDIT^XPAREDIT(ENT,ORKPAR) Q TITLE(ORKT) ; ; Center and write title - Parameter to be set S IOP=0 D ^%ZIS K IOP W @IOF W !,?(80-$L(ORKT)-1/2),ORKT Q ; DASH(N) ;extrinsic function returns N dashes N X S $P(X,"-",N+1)="" Q X