ORKUTL ; slc/CLA - Utility routine for order checking ;5/21/97 16:25 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**6**;Dec 17, 1997 ONOFF(ORK,ORKUSR,ORKPT) ;Extrinsic function to check param file determines if ; user ORKUSR should receive order check ORK for patient ORKPT. ;ORK order check ien from file 864.5 (req'd) ;ORKUSR user ien from file 200 (req'd) ;ORKPT patient ien from file 2 (not req'd) ; N NODE,ORKNAME,ORKUSRN,ORKUSRF,ORKPTN,ORKLOC,ORKLOCN,ORKLOCF N ORKSRV,ORKSRVN,ORKSRVF,ORKDIVF,ORKSYSF,ORKPKGF ; ;get order check name: S NODE=$G(^ORD(100.8,ORK,0)) S:$L($G(NODE)) ORKNAME=$P(NODE,U) ; ;get user name: S NODE=$G(^VA(200,ORKUSR,0)) S:$L($G(NODE)) ORKUSRN=$P(NODE,U) ; ;get patient name: S:$L($G(ORKPT)) NODE=$G(^DPT(ORKPT,0)) S:$L($G(NODE)) ORKPTN=$P(NODE,U) ; ;get patient's location (INPATIENT ONLY - outpt locations cannot be ;reliably determined, and many simultaneous outpt locations can occur): I +$G(ORKPT)>0 D .N DFN S DFN=ORKPT,VA200="" D OERR^VADPT .S ORKLOC=+$G(^DIC(42,+VAIN(4),44)) I +$G(ORKLOC)>0 D ..S ORKLOCN=$P(^SC(+ORKLOC,0),U) K VA200,VAIN ; ;get user's service/section: S ORKSRV=$G(^VA(200,ORKUSR,5)) I +ORKSRV>0 S ORKSRV=$P(ORKSRV,U) D .S NODE=$G(^DIC(49,ORKSRV,0)) S:$L($G(NODE)) ORKSRVN=$P(NODE,U) ; S ORK="`"_ORK ; ;get user's flag: S ORKUSRF=$$GET^XPAR("USR.`"_+$G(ORKUSR),"ORK PROCESSING FLAG",ORK,"B") Q:$L($G(ORKUSRF)) $S($P(ORKUSRF,U)="D":"OFF",1:"ON")_"^User value is "_$P(ORKUSRF,U,2) ; ;get patient location flag: I +$G(ORKLOC)>0 D .S ORKLOCF=$$GET^XPAR("LOC.`"_+$G(ORKLOC),"ORK PROCESSING FLAG",ORK,"B") Q:$L($G(ORKLOCF)) $S($P(ORKLOCF,U)="D":"OFF",1:"ON")_"^Pt's location "_ORKLOCN_" value is "_$P(ORKLOCF,U,2) ; ;get user's service flag: I +$G(ORKSRV)>0 D .S ORKSRVF=$$GET^XPAR("SRV.`"_+$G(ORKSRV),"ORK PROCESSING FLAG",ORK,"B") Q:$L($G(ORKSRVF)) $S($P(ORKSRVF,U)="D":"OFF",1:"ON")_"^User's service "_ORKSRVN_" value is "_$P(ORKSRVF,U,2) ; ;get user's division flag: S ORKDIVF=$$GET^XPAR("DIV","ORK PROCESSING FLAG",ORK,"B") Q:$L($G(ORKDIVF)) $S($P(ORKDIVF,U)="D":"OFF",1:"ON")_"^Division value is "_$P(ORKDIVF,U,2) ; ;get system flag: S ORKSYSF=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","ORK PROCESSING FLAG",ORK,"B") Q:$L($G(ORKSYSF)) $S($P(ORKSYSF,U)="D":"OFF",1:"ON")_"^System value is "_$P(ORKSYSF,U,2) ; ;get OE/RR package-exported flag: S ORKPKGF=$$GET^XPAR("PKG","ORK PROCESSING FLAG",ORK,"B") Q:$L($G(ORKPKGF)) $S($P(ORKPKGF,U)="D":"OFF",1:"ON")_"^OERR value is "_$P(ORKPKGF,U,2) ; Q "ON^No value found" USRCHKS(ORKUSR) ; generate a list of order checks indicating user's recip status I +$G(ORKUSR)<1 S ORKUSR=DUZ N ORY,ORYI,ORKY,ORKIEN,ORKNAM,NODE,ORX,DESC,HDR S ORYI=1 ; ;prompt for additional information: W !!,"Would you like help understanding the list of order checks" S %=2 D YN^DICN I %=1 D HLPMSG K % ; ;see if order checking system is disabled: S ORX=$$GET^XPAR("DIV^SYS^PKG","ORK SYSTEM ENABLE/DISABLE",1,"I") I ORX="D" D .S ORY(ORYI)="Order Checking is disabled. No order checks will be processed or displayed." .S NODE=$G(^VA(200,ORKUSR,0)) S:$L($G(NODE)) HDR="Order Check List for "_$P(NODE,U) .S DESC="Order check possibilities for a user" .D OUTPUT(.ORY,DESC,HDR) Q:ORX="D" ; W !!,"This will take a moment or two, please stand by." ; S ORY(ORYI)="Order Check ON/OFF For This User and Why",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------",ORYI=ORYI+1 ; ;loop thru all order checks and determine recipient status: S ORKNAM="" F S ORKNAM=$O(^ORD(100.8,"B",ORKNAM)) Q:ORKNAM="" D .S ORKIEN=0,ORKIEN=$O(^ORD(100.8,"B",ORKNAM,ORKIEN)) I +$G(ORKIEN)>0 D ..S ORKY(ORKNAM)=ORKIEN ..S ORX=$$ONOFF(ORKIEN,ORKUSR,"") I $L($G(ORX)) D ...W "." ...S ORKNAM=$E(ORKNAM_" ",1,32) ...S ORY(ORYI)=ORKNAM_" "_$E($P(ORX,U)_" ",1,5)_$P(ORX,U,2),ORYI=ORYI+1 ; S ORYI=ORYI+1,ORY(ORYI)="",ORYI=ORYI+1,ORY(ORYI)="",ORYI=ORYI+1 S DESC="Order check possibilities for a user" S NODE=$G(^VA(200,ORKUSR,0)) S:$L($G(NODE)) HDR="Order Check List for "_$P(NODE,U) D OUTPUT(.ORY,DESC,HDR) Q HLPMSG ;display/print help message for a user's order checks N ORY,ORYI S ORYI=1 S ORY(ORYI)="The delivery of order checks is determined from values set for Users,",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="Inpatient Locations, Service/Sections, Hospital Divisions, Computer System and",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="OERR. Possible values include 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'. These values indicate",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="a User's, Location's, Service/Section's, Division's, System's and OERR's",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="desire for the order check to be 'Enabled' (displayed under most",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="circumstances) or 'Disabled' (normally not displayed.)",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="All values, except the OERR (Order Entry) value, can be set by IRM",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="or Clinical Coordinators. Individual users can set their 'Enabled/Disabled'",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="values for each specific order check via the 'Enable/Disable My Order Checks'",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="option under the Personal Preferences and Order Check Management for Users.",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="'ON' indicates the user will receive the order check under normal conditions.",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="'OFF' indicates the user normally will not receive the order check.",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="Order check recipient determination can also be influenced by patient",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="location (inpatients only.) This list does not consider patient location",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="when calculating the ON/OFF value for an order check because a patient is",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="not known when the option is selected.",ORYI=ORYI+1 S ORY(ORYI)="",ORYI=ORYI+1,ORY(ORYI)="",ORYI=ORYI+1 S DESC="Help Message - order check possibilities for a user" S HDR="Order Check List Help Message" D OUTPUT(.ORY,DESC,HDR) Q OUTPUT(ORY,ORKDESC,ORKHDR) ;prompt for device and send report N POP,ORBHDR N ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTDESC ;prompt for device: S %ZIS="Q" ;prompt for Queueing D ^%ZIS Q:$G(POP)>0 I $D(IO("Q")) D ;queue the report .S ZTRTN="PRINT^ORB3U1" .S ORBHDR=ORKHDR .S ZTSAVE("ORY(")="",ZTSAVE("ORBHDR")="" .S ZTDESC=ORKDESC .D ^%ZTLOAD .I $D(ZTSK)[0 W !!?5,"Report canceled!" .E W !!?5,"Report queued." .D HOME^%ZIS K %ZIS I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") Q PRINT ;print body of List User's Order checks Report N END,PAGE,I,X S (END,PAGE,I)=0 U IO D @("HDR"_(2-($E(IOST,1,2)="C-"))) F S I=$O(ORY(I)) Q:I=""!(END=1) D .D HDR:$Y+5>IOSL .Q:END=1 .W !,ORY(I) I END=1 W !!," - Report Interrupted -",! E W " - End of Report -",! I ($E(IOST,1,2)="C-") W !,"Press RETURN to continue: " R X:DTIME D ^%ZISC D:$G(ZTSK) KILL^%ZTLOAD Q HDR ;print header of report I PAGE,($E(IOST,1,2)="C-") D .W !,"Press RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: " .R X:DTIME S END='$T!(X="^") Q:END=1 HDR1 W:'($E(IOST,1,2)='"C-"&'PAGE) @IOF HDR2 S PAGE=PAGE+1 W ?20,ORKHDR W ?(IOM-10),"Page: ",$J(PAGE,3),!! Q