ORLP2 ; SLC/Staff - Remove Autolinks from Team List ; [1/2/01 11:43am] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**47,98**;Dec 17, 1997 ;from option ORLP REMOVE AUTOLINKS - remove autolinks from team lists N %X,%Y,ACT,ALINK,CNT,DA,DIC,DIE,DIK,DIR,DLAYGO,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,FILE,K,LINK,LIST,LNAME,LNK,LST,ORLPT,ORSTOP,ORUS,REF,TEAM,USER,VP,Y D CLEAR^ORLP W @IOF W !,"A team list is a list containing patients related to several providers.",!,"These providers are the list's users. You may select one of these lists" W !,"and remove one or more autolinks. Removal of autolinks will stop the",!,"automatic addition or deletion of patients with ADT movements associated",!,"with the deleted autolink." W !!,"Patients that were placed on the list using the deleted autolink will be",!,"removed from the list if they were not placed on the list by another Autolink.",!! D ASKLIST I $D(DTOUT)!($G(ORSTOP)) D END Q D ASKLINK(LIST) I $D(DTOUT)!($G(ORSTOP)) D END Q D END Q ; ASKLIST ;ask for team list N DIC,DA,DIE S DIC="^OR(100.21,",DIC(0)="AEFMQ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2)[""A""",DIC("A")="Enter team list name: " D GETDEF^ORLPL ;get list default, if one exists D ^DIC I Y'>0 S ORSTOP=1 Q S LIST=Y,^TMP("ORLP",$J,"TLIST")=+Y I '$O(^OR(100.21,+LIST,2,0)) W !,"No Autolinks established for this team",! S ORSTOP=1 Q I $O(^OR(100.21,+Y,10,0)) D . F D Q:% .. S ORSTOP=0 W !,"List ",$P(Y,"^",2)," already contains patients and/or users.",!,"Do you want to remove some of them" S %=1 D YN^DICN I %=1 L +^OR(100.21,+LIST) Q .. I '% W !,"Answer 'YES' to delete existing 'Autolinks' and the associated patients,",!,"'NO' to return to the menus.",! .. S ORSTOP=%'=1 Q ; ASKLINK(LIST) ;ask for autolinks I +$G(LIST)'>0 Q S ORUS="^OR(100.21,+LIST,2,",ORUS(0)="40MN",ORUS("T")="W @IOF,?31,""TEAM AUTOLINK LIST"",!",ORUS("A")="Enter Autolink(s) to REMOVE from list: " D ^ORUS S %X="Y(",%Y="ALINK(" D %XY^%RCR I '$O(ALINK(0)) Q K ^TMP("ORLP",$J,"LINK"),^TMP("ORLP",$J,"UNLINK") ; ; Build ^TMP global of all patients that would be on list because ; of the deleted autolinks and delete autolinks S LNK=0 F S LNK=$O(ALINK(LNK)) Q:'LNK D . I $P(^OR(100.21,+LIST,0),U,2)["A",'$O(^OR(100.21,+LIST,2,0)) Q . S VP=$G(^OR(100.21,+LIST,2,+ALINK(LNK),0)),VP(1)="^"_$P($P(VP,";",2),U),VP(2)=+VP,LNAME=$P(ALINK(LNK),U,3) D PTS(.VP,"UNLINK") . S DA=+ALINK(LNK),DA(1)=+LIST,DIE="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",2,",DR=".01///@" D ^DIE W !," Autolink "_$P(ALINK(LNK),U,3)_" deleted!" ; ; Build ^TMP global of all patients that would be on list because ; of remaining autolinks. S DA(1)=+LIST,DIC="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",2,",DIC(0)="NZ" S LST=0 F S LST=$O(^OR(100.21,+LIST,2,LST)) Q:'LST S X="`"_LST D ^DIC S VP=Y(0),VP(1)="^"_$P($P(VP,";",2),U),VP(2)=+VP,LNAME=Y(0,0) D PTS(.VP,"LINK") K DIC ; if the patient is on list because of remaining autolink leave them ; there otherwise delete them S CNT=0,K="" F S K=$O(^TMP("ORLP",$J,"UNLINK",K)) Q:K="" D . I '$D(^TMP("ORLP",$J,"LINK",K)) S DA=$O(^OR(100.21,+LIST,10,"B",K,0)) I DA S DA(1)=+LIST,DIK="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",10," D ^DIK K DIK S CNT=CNT+1 W !," "_CNT_" patient(s) removed from list.",! Q ; PTS(VP,ACT) ; ; set or kill entries out of temp global ; set for patients found to be on a deleted link ; kill for patients to be on another autolink. ; ("Clinic" addition to $SELECT function added by PKS-6/99:) I ACT="UNLINK" W !,"[ADT movements linked to "_$S(VP["DIC(42":"Ward Location ",VP["DG(405":"Room Bed ",VP["VA(200":"Provider ",VP["SC(":"Clinic ",1:"Treating Speciality ")_LNAME_" will now be discontinued.]" I VP(1)="^DIC(42," D LOOPTS("CN",LNAME,ACT) Q I VP(1)="^DG(405.4," D LOOPTS("RM",LNAME,ACT) Q I VP(1)="^VA(200," D Q . I $P(VP,U,2)="B" D LOOPTS("APR",+VP,ACT),LOOPTS("AAP",+VP,ACT) Q . I $P(VP,U,2)="P" D LOOPTS("APR",+VP,ACT) Q . I $P(VP,U,2)="A" D LOOPTS("AAP",+VP,ACT) Q I VP(1)="^DIC(45.7," D LOOPTS("ATR",+VP,ACT) Q ; Next line added by PKS on 6/99: I VP(1)="^SC(" D LOOPCL("SC",+VP,ACT) Q Q ; LOOPTS(REF,DEX,ACT) ; S ORLPT=0 F S ORLPT=$O(^DPT(REF,DEX,ORLPT)) Q:'ORLPT S X=ORLPT_";DPT(" S ^TMP("ORLP",$J,ACT,X)="" Q ; LOOPCL(REF,CLINIC,ACT) ; slc/PKS - 6/99 ; ; Add CLINIC linked patients to ^TMP list of all Autolink patients, ; so they can be evaluated for deletion if not duplicated ; by another Autolink. ; ; Variables used: ; ; REF = Passed as "SC" for code clarity but not used herein. ; CLINIC = Clinic to search. ; ACT = Action to take ("LINK" or "UNLINK"). ; ORLIST = Array, returned by call to PTCL^SCAPMC. ; ORERR = Array for errors, returned by call to PTCL^SCAPMC. ; RESULT = Holds result of PTCL^SCAPMC call (1=OK, 0=error). ; RCD = Holder for each record in ^TMP of PTCL^SCAPMC. ; PATIENT = Patient IEN. ; X = Temp value holder variable. ; N ORLIST,ORERR,RESULT,RCD,PATIENT,X ; ; Process the Autolink entries: K ^TMP("SC TMP LIST") ; Clean up potential leftover data. S RESULT=$$PTCL^SCAPMC(CLINIC,,.ORLIST,.ORERR) I RESULT=0 W !,"Processing ERROR - patients NOT deleted for this autolink." Q ; Abort if there's a problem. ; Clinic patients should now be in ^TMP("SC TMP LIST",$J file. ; ; Write patients to the new, second ^TMP file for further processing. S RCD=0 ; Initialize. F S RCD=$O(^TMP("SC TMP LIST",$J,RCD)) Q:'RCD D ; Read each record from first ^TMP file. .S PATIENT=$P(^TMP("SC TMP LIST",$J,RCD),"^") ; Patient IEN. .S X=PATIENT_";DPT(" ; Add to patient string. .S ^TMP("ORLP",$J,ACT,X)="" ; Write to second ^TMP file. .Q ; Loop for each record in ^TMP file written to new ^TMP file. ; K ^TMP("SC TMP LIST",$J) ; Clean up first ^TMP file entries. ; Q ; REN ; SLC/PKS - 7/99 ; ; Allow users to rename a Team List. ; Shows as a selection on menu of ORLP TEAM MENU option, ; Called by option ORLP TEAM RENAME shown on that menu. ; ; Variables used: ; ; DIC = Fileman call. ; Y = DIC output variable containing existing Team List name. ; DIE = Fileman call. ; DR = DIE input variable. ; ORTEAM = Selected team. ; ORNEW = New name to use in renaming of Team List. ; N DIC,DIR,DIE,DR,ORTEAM,ORNEW ; ; Allow selection of a Team List to rename: S DIC="^OR(100.21," S DIC(0)="AEFQ" S DIC("A")="Enter team list name: " D ^DIC ; Call Fileman function for lookup of Team List name. I ($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) Q ; Punt if there's a problem. I '(Y>0) Q ; Punt if no entry selected. S ORTEAM=$P(Y,"^") ; Assign IEN of list selected by user. K DIC ; ; Call Fileman's DIR to get formatted user input: ; S DIR(0)="FA^3:30^KILL:(X?.N)!'(X'?1P.E) X" S DIR("A")="Enter new team list name: " S DIR("?")="Name must be from 3-30 characters and not begin with punctuation or consist wholly of numbers" S DIR("??")=DIR("?") D ^DIR I ($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) Q ; Punt if there's a problem. I Y=-1 K DIR Q ; Punt if no input is made. S ORNEW=X K DIR ; L +^OR(100.21,ORTEAM):3 ; Lock the file at the Team List level. I ('$TEST) W !,"Another user is editing this entry." QUIT ; Punt if there's a file locking conflict. ; ; Call Fileman function to implement renaming: S DIE="^OR(100.21," S DA=ORTEAM S DR=".01///^S X=ORNEW" D ^DIE ; Writes to first field of .01 record. S DR=".1///^SET X=ORNEW" D ^DIE ; Writes to third field of .01 record. ; L -^OR(100.12,ORTEAM) ; Unlock file. K DIE Q ; END ; I '$G(LIST) Q L -^OR(100.21,+LIST) Q ;