ORMTIME ; SLC/RJS - PROCESS TIME BASED EVENT ;9/29/99 09:35 [2/1/00 9:30am] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**40,253**;Dec 17, 1997 ; EN ; Main entry tag. ; N OCXPSDT,OCXZTSK,OCXERR,OCXORMTR,OCXSTDT,OCXLOCK,OCXPAR K ^TMP("OCXORMTIME",$J) S OCXLOCK=0 S OCXORMTR="ORMTIME: Startup" S OCXSTDT=$$EDATE($$IDATE("NOW")) S ^TMP("OCXORMTIME",$J,"STATUS")="ORMTIME: Attempting to lock ^OR(100,""AE"") at "_OCXSTDT_"." L +^OR(100,"AE"):10 I D .S OCXLOCK=1 .D SCAN .L -^OR(100,"AE") .K ^TMP("OCXORMTIME") .S OCXPAR=$$IDATE2("NOW") .D PUT^XPAR("SYS","ORM ORMTIME LAST RUN",1,OCXPAR,.OCXERR) S:'OCXLOCK ^TMP("OCXORMTIME",$J,"STATUS")="ORMTIME: Unable to lock ^OR(100,""AE"") at "_OCXSTDT_" attempt." Q ; SCAN ; Call ORMTIM01 for order checking, etc. ORMTIM02 for misc time based tasks ; D SCAN^ORMTIM01 D MISC^ORMTIM02 Q ; EDATE(Y) X ^DD("DD") S:(Y["@") Y=$P(Y,"@",1)_" at "_$P(Y,"@",2) Q Y ; IDATE(X) N %DT,Y S %DT="F" D ^%DT Q Y ; IDATE2(X) N %DT,Y S %DT="TF" D ^%DT Q Y ; REQUEUE(ORMQT) ; Code formerly queued ORMTIME tasks in Taskman. ; ; (This tag kept for compatibility with outside calls.) ; Q ; STATUS ; Check status of last ORMTIME run. ; N ORMLAST ; ; Get date/time of last ORMTIME run: S ORMLAST=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","ORM ORMTIME LAST RUN",1,"I") S ORMLAST=$$EDATE(ORMLAST) ; Convert to external format for display. ; ; Present information to user: W ! W !," ORMTIME last ran "_ORMLAST_"." W ! ; Q ; BULL ; Send a bulletin if ORMTIME's last run is greater than 24 hours. ; N DIC,ORMMSG,X,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ,Y,ORMLAST ; ; Don't send bulletin if ORMTIME STATUS mail group does not exist: S DIC=3.8,DIC(0)="",X="ORMTIME STATUS" D ^DIC Q:(+Y<0) ; S ORMLAST=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","ORM ORMTIME LAST RUN",1,"I") I $$FMDIFF^XLFDT($$IDATE2("NOW"),ORMLAST,2)>86400 D .S XMY("G.ORMTIME STATUS")="" .S XMSUB=" ORMTIME Warning" .S ORMMSG(1,0)=" " .S ORMMSG(2,0)=" The ORMTIME process last ran more than 24 hours ago. " .S ORMMSG(3,0)=" " .S ORMMSG(4,0)=" The ORMTIME background job handles activating and expiring orders," .S ORMMSG(5,0)=" some time based notifications, as well as purging of temporary CPRS" .S ORMMSG(6,0)=" data. It is important that it runs regularly." .S ORMMSG(7,0)=" " .S ORMMSG(8,0)=" Assure that the scheduled option, ORMTIME RUN, is correctly implemented." .S ORMMSG(9,0)=" " .S XMTEXT="ORMMSG(" .D ^XMD Q ;