ORQORB ; slc/CLA - Functions which return OE/RR Notification information ;12/15/97 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**6,173,190,215**;Dec 17, 1997 Q LIST(Y) ;return list of notifications from Notification File [#100.9] ; RETURN IEN^NAME^URGENCY N I,J,V S I=1 S J=0 F S J=$O(^ORD(100.9,"B",J)) Q:J="" S V=0,V=$O(^ORD(100.9,"B",J,V)) S Y(I)=V_"^"_J_"^"_^ORD(100.9,V,3),I=I+1 Q LISTON(Y,USER) ;return notifications the user has turned On or OFF ; RETURN NOTIF IEN^NOTIF NAME^ON/OFF FLAG N I,J,V,Z,FLAG S I=1,FLAG="" S J=0 F S J=$O(^ORD(100.9,"B",J)) Q:J="" S V=0,V=$O(^ORD(100.9,"B",J,V)) D .S Z=0,Z=$O(^ORD(100.9,"E",V,USER,Z)) .I Z>0 S FLAG="ON" .E S FLAG="OFF" .S Y(I)=V_"^"_J_"^"_FLAG,I=I+1 Q URGENCY(ORY,ORN) ;return urgency for the notification passed N ORSRV S ORSRV=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,5)) I +ORSRV>0 S ORSRV=$P(ORSRV,U) S ORY=$$GET^XPAR("USR^SRV.`"_$G(ORSRV)_"^DIV^SYS^PKG","ORB URGENCY",ORN,"I") Q URGLIST(ORY) ;return list of notification urgencies N ORSRV,ORN,ORU S ORN=0 F S ORN=$O(^ORD(100.9,ORN)) Q:+$G(ORN)<1 D .S ORSRV=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,5)) I +ORSRV>0 S ORSRV=$P(ORSRV,U) .S ORU=$$GET^XPAR("USR^SRV.`"_$G(ORSRV)_"^DIV^SYS^PKG","ORB URGENCY",ORN,"I") .S ORY(ORN)=ORU Q SORT(ORY) ;return notification sort method for user/division/system/pkg S ORY=$$GET^XPAR("USR^DIV^SYS^PKG","ORB SORT METHOD",1,"I") Q REMLIST(ORY) ;return list of notification remove without processing values N ORN,ORU S ORN=0 F S ORN=$O(^ORD(100.9,ORN)) Q:+$G(ORN)<1 D .S ORU=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","ORB REMOVE",ORN,"I") .S ORY(ORN)=ORU Q REMNONOR(ORY) ;return list of non-or alerts that can be removed without processing N ORD,ORA D GETLST^XPAR(.ORD,"ALL","ORB REMOVE NON-OR","I") Q:+$G(ORD)<1 S ORA="" F S ORA=$O(ORD(ORA)) Q:ORA="" D .I ORD(ORA)=1 S ORY(ORA)="" Q