ORQPT2 ; HIRMFO/DAD-Patient Look-Up Security Check and Notification ;1/31/97 07:57 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;;Dec 17, 1997 ; EN1(ORDFN) ; ; Sensitive Patient record check ; Input ; ORDFN = Pointer to the Patient file (#2) ; Output ; 0 - Patient record IS NOT sensitive ; 1 - Patient record IS sensitive ; Q ''$$GET1^DIQ(38.1,+$G(ORDFN),2,"I") ; EN2(ORDFN) ; ; Update DG Security Log file (#38.1) and sends ; the 'Restricted Patient Accessed' bulletin to the ; mailgroup specified in the 'Sensitive Rec Accessed ; Group' field (43,509) ; Input ; ORDFN = Pointer to the Patient file (#2) ; Output ; None ; I $S($G(ORDFN)'>0:1,$G(DUZ)'>0:1,1:'$$EN1(ORDFN)) Q ; N DFN,DG1,DGA1,DGT,DGXFR0 N ORINPT,ORINVNOW,ORMAILGR,ORNOW,OROPT N X,XQOPT ; D OP^XQCHK S OROPT=$S(+XQOPT<0:"^UNKNOWN",1:$P(XQOPT,U)_U_$P(XQOPT,U,2)) S ORNOW=$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12) S DFN=ORDFN,DGT=ORNOW D EN^DGPMSTAT S ORINPT=$S(DG1:"y",1:"n") S ORMAILGR=$$GET1^DIQ(43,1,509) ; I ORINPT="n",'$D(^XUSEC("DG SENSITIVITY",DUZ)),ORMAILGR]"" D . N ORTEXT,XMCHAN,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ . S XMSUB="RESTRICTED PATIENT RECORD ACCESSED" . S XMY("G."_ORMAILGR)="" . S XMTEXT="ORTEXT(" . S XMDUZ=DUZ . S XMCHAN=1 . S ORTEXT(1)="The following sensitive patient record has been accessed:" . S ORTEXT(2)="" . S ORTEXT(3)=" Patient Name: "_$$GET1^DIQ(2,ORDFN,.01) . S ORTEXT(4)=" Soc Sec Num : "_$$GET1^DIQ(2,ORDFN,.09) . S ORTEXT(5)=" Option Used : "_$P(OROPT,U,2) . D ^XMD . Q ; F L +^DGSL(38.1,ORDFN):1 Q:$T ; I '$D(^DGSL(38.1,ORDFN)) D . N ORFDA,ORIEN,ORMSG . S ORFDA(38.1,"+1,",.01)=ORDFN . S ORIEN(1)=ORDFN . D UPDATE^DIE("","ORFDA","ORIEN","ORMSG") . Q F S ORINVNOW=9999999.9999-ORNOW Q:'$D(^DGSL(38.1,ORDFN,"D",ORINVNOW)) S ORNOW=ORNOW+.00001 N ORFDA,ORIEN,ORMSG S ORFDA(38.11,"+1,"_ORDFN_",",.01)=ORNOW S ORFDA(38.11,"+1,"_ORDFN_",",2)=DUZ S ORFDA(38.11,"+1,"_ORDFN_",",3)=$P(OROPT,U,2) S ORFDA(38.11,"+1,"_ORDFN_",",4)=ORINPT S ORIEN(1)=ORINVNOW D UPDATE^DIE("","ORFDA","ORIEN","ORMSG") ; L -^DGSL(38.1,ORDFN) ; S X="MPRCHK" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I $T D EN^MPRCHK(ORDFN) ; Q ; CWAD(DFN) ; ; Crisis notes, clinical Warnings, Allergies, advance Directives ; Input: ; DFN = A Patient file (#2) IEN ; Output: ; A string of 0-4 nonrepeating characters consisting ; of the letters C,W,A,D. The string will be returned ; with the letters in the order shown. ; I $G(DFN)'>0 Q "" N ACRN,CTR,ORLST,MSG D ENCOVER^TIUPP3(DFN) ; ORLST initialized with lower case 'cwad' to generate ; correct ordering of letters. Lower case letter indicates ; that the patient does not have that item. Upper case ; indicates that the patient has the item. S ORLST="cwad" S CTR=0 F S CTR=$O(^TMP("TIUPPCV",$J,CTR)) Q:(CTR'>0)!(ORLST?4U) D . S ACRN=$P($G(^TMP("TIUPPCV",$J,CTR)),U,2) . ; If patient has item, convert item to uppercase . I "^C^W^A^D^"[(U_ACRN_U) S ORLST=$TR(ORLST,$C($A(ACRN)+32),ACRN) . Q K ^TMP("TIUPPCV",$J) ; Remove any remaining lower case items S ORLST=$TR(ORLST,"cwad") Q ORLST