ORQQCN3 ; slc/REV - RPCs for Consults/Medicine Resulting ;01:56 PM 12 May 2000 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**85**;Dec 17, 1997 ; GETMED(ORY,GMRCO) ; Return available med results for proc request Q:+$G(GMRCO)=0 D GETMED^GMRCGUIU(GMRCO,.ORY) Q MEDCOMP(ORY,GMRCO,GMRCRSLT,GMRCAD,GMRCORNP,ORALTO) ; Attach a medicine result to a consult ;GMRCO - Internal file number of consult from File 123 ;GMRCRSLT - pointer to medicine result ;GMRCAD - Date/Time Consult was resulted. ;GMRCORNP - Provider who attached the result to the consult ;ORALTO - array of alert recipient IENs Q:+$G(GMRCO)=0 N ORDUZ,X,I I $G(ORALTO)'="" D .F I=1:1 S X=$P(ORALTO,";",I) Q:X="" S ORDUZ(X)="" D MEDCOMP^GMRCMED(GMRCO,GMRCRSLT,GMRCAD,GMRCORNP,.ORDUZ) Q GETRES(ORY,GMRCO) ; return array of associated med results Q:+$G(GMRCO)=0 D GETRES^GMRCGUIU(GMRCO,.ORY) Q REMOVE(ORY,GMRCO,GMRCRSLT,GMRCAD,GMRCORNP) ; Remove a medicine result from a consult ;GMRCO - Internal file number of consult from File 123 ;GMRCRSLT - pointer to medicine result ;GMRCAD - Date/Time medicine result was removed ;GMRCORNP - Provider who removed the result from the consult Q:+$G(GMRCO)=0 D REMOVE^GMRCDIS(GMRCO,GMRCRSLT,GMRCAD,GMRCORNP) Q DISPMED(ORY,GMRCRES) ; Detailed display of a med result Q:+$G(GMRCRES)=0 D DISPMED^GMRCGUIU(GMRCRES,.ORY) Q